"What? Mahatma, you are a Mahatma! If even you lose, then... Aren't we really dead this time? "

When Yang Xiaofeng, who was a little more wooden, heard Lin Feng's words, he believed them and sighed with a decadent face.

However, Xiao ran saw that Lin Feng came in unharmed, smiled and arched his hands and said, "Da Sheng, don't be as knowledgeable as us. I know your martial arts are unparalleled and must have killed the flower demon. Are you here to get us out now? "

"Get you two out? ha-ha! When did I get on so well with you two? Why do you want to get you two out? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Da Sheng, I'm from the Xiao family in the capital and Xiaofeng is from the Yang family in the capital. If you save us, you'll have a good relationship with both of us! In the future, we will go to the capital. We Xiao's family and Yang's family will definitely support it. "

At this time, of course, Xiao Ran has a lot of cattle hide. First, he tries to save his life. Seeing Yang Xiaofeng standing there, he quickly pushed him and said, "Xiaofeng, what are you doing? Quickly join me in thanking the great saint for his help! "

"Yes... Thank you for your help!" Seeing this, Yang Xiaofeng quickly bowed his hands and thanked Xiao ran.

"You'll still think you're right! For the fun of you two, come with me! "

He shook his head. Lin Feng had a good impression on the two second ancestors, smiled and turned and walked out. Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng immediately followed behind. However, as soon as they came out of the dark room, they were startled when they saw the pitted and blackened look on each other's face.

"Ah! Xiao ran, your face... How can it really become ugly? " Yang Xiaofeng pointed to Xiao Ran's face and shouted.

"You too! Xiaofeng, your face is... I can't even see it! what the fuck! what? You mean... My face is the same as yours? "

Xiao ran originally wanted to laugh at Yang Xiaofeng, but from Yang Xiaofeng's expression, they should be reduced to the end of the world.

"Oh! My God! Is this still me? My face... And my body, I might as well die... "

Lin Feng took them away from another secret passage. On the way, he met a place with a mirror. Xiao ran finally saw his ghost appearance and immediately collapsed. Imagine a normal 16 or 17-year-old young man who suddenly sees his handsome face turn into a potholed and blackened ghost. It's good not to faint.

"It's over! It's over... Who else can recognize me like this? " Yang Xiaofeng also sat on the ground, touched his face and cried out.

Seeing the two people's touch, Lin Feng smiled and pointed back at them: "what's the matter with you two young masters? Tut tut tut... I didn't expect that you were too young to stand this blow? How can we become useful in the future? "

"This blow? Holy master! You speak lightly! Look at my ghost appearance now. It's not human at all. How can I pick up girls in the future? No... I don't even dare to see people now. Anyone who sees me like this will be scared away. "

Xiao Ran's whole face was like ashes, and he completely lost his love for life... No! It should be because of the loss of the capital to pick up girls and the love of life.

"Come on! What do you have to worry about for such a small matter! Come on... Let the great sage show you... "

Lin Feng, who had long known the situation on the second face, came forward with a smile. First, he squeezed the bleak face.

"Oh! Mahatma, what are you doing? Pain... "Xiao ran was caught off guard and screamed.

"Bear it! Didn't you say you didn't have the face to go out and meet people? Come on, great sage, I'll change your face... "

Lin Feng kneaded Xiao Ran's face with affectation, but slowly penetrated into his face with divine water.

"Don't be kidding. My face is ruined like this. It's estimated that I'll have to go to Bangzi country for several years to barely look like a person... Alas! "It hurts..." Xiao ran cried as he struggled.

However, Yang Xiaofeng, who was sitting on the ground, widened his eyes and couldn't say anything. He was shocked by the scene in front of him. Originally, with Lin Feng's hand constantly kneading on Xiao Ran's face, Xiao Ran's ghost face slowly began to recover its original appearance.

"Xiao ran, your face... OK! All right... My God! " Yang Xiaofeng pointed to Xiao Ran's face, which had almost completely recovered, and screamed.

"What's good? My face? How could it be? No matter how powerful the saint is... "

Xiao ran was already desperate for his face, but when he turned around and saw the mirror next to him, he was immediately startled and cried out, "ah! What's going on? My face, my face is really back? It's incredible. Great saint, great saint, you really can change your face? "

"I told you I don't believe it. Well, it's your turn next."

Yang Xiaofeng, next to Lin Feng's Gang, also cured the corrosion damage on his face with divine water, restored his original appearance, and even became more jade tree facing the wind.

"No more! Great saint, I'll be your attendant in the future. I'll go wherever you go. You're just... You're just hanging... "

Originally, Xiao ran, who had a sad and heavy heart, hugged Lin Feng's thigh. It was called floating, and his face also recovered. He was in a bad mood. Yang Xiaofeng, too, had no idea that he would encounter so many ups and downs in Luoshi.

Lin Feng was not interested in being their nanny for the two little attendants of the second ancestor. After taking them back to the capital on the nearest flight, he immediately called Xiao nishang and asked her to inform the Xiao family and the Yang family and take them home to discipline them. In addition, a special note emphasized that for Xiao ran of the Xiao family, Be sure to forcibly disinfect his feet with disinfectant every day.

Back in the capital, the problem of Luoshi Da Sheng gang was solved, but Lin Feng's sense of crisis did not know why and became more and more urgent. Instead of going back to the dragon group to report the situation, he took a flight directly back to his hometown Zhi'an city.

This time, no matter what, he had to find a way to get his parents to the capital first. It would be too dangerous to leave them alone in Zhi'an City, because now the enemy he meets is not an ordinary Jianghu warrior, but a super power religion lurking around the world, the terrible other side religion.

(third watch! It's three o'clock today, and the activity of 2000 will increase tomorrow.)

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