After a few days, Lin Feng returned to Zhi'an city.

After getting off the plane, I took a taxi directly and rushed back to jin'ou community. At the same time, Lin Feng also began to tell the capital to ask the dragon group to find a better residence for himself.

If it's just a house with ordinary needs, Lin Feng can entrust some other real estate agents to find it. But now, Lin Feng wants a house that can set up a defense array and ensure the personal safety of his parents to the greatest extent. That's not easy to find.

Moreover, in this land of land and gold in the capital, some places are really not what you can buy with money.

"What's going on? Lin Feng, what happened? Are you in such a hurry to transfer your parents to Beijing? Isn't the problem of the great saint Gang solved safely? "

Elder Wang Tao had some doubts. He felt a trace of anxiety from Lin Feng's tone.

"Yes! Elder Wang, I can't tell you something on the phone. I'll communicate with you slowly when I go back. It's mainly the teaching on the other side, which makes me a little uncertain. However, the problem should not be big. In short, you should first help me find a house according to the requirements I gave you! "

Because Lin Feng doesn't know much about the situation on the other side of the sect, he doesn't dare to make a conclusion. Of course, it's just to avoid causing panic in the dragon group. You know, if even the elders of the dragon group start to worry and fear, I'm afraid the whole Chinese country will enter the state of first-class alert.

Just like the last time the elder was invaded by insects, if Lin Feng hadn't saved him, I'm afraid the whole Chinese country would be on first-class alert.

"Hello! Mom, where are you now? I'm home. "

Back in jin'ou community, Lin Feng found that there was no one at home, not even rhubarb. As soon as I called, I knew that my parents were still busy in hero restaurant!

"Little rabbit, why are you back? Don't you have classes at school? Don't think you have money now, just flying back and forth... "Although Lin mother said so, she was still very happy that Lin Feng came back.

"Mom! Don't I feel that you always miss me? So I'll come back and see you... "

Lin Feng was relieved to know that there was nothing wrong with his parents. From this, it seems that the people of the other side religion should not know his true identity, or they might kidnap his parents at the first time.

"OK! Mom and Dad, I'll wait at home for you to come back from work. I have something important to tell you. "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng called Li Yutong, who was still at the tianmufeng construction site, and talked to her about the current situation in detail.

"Is the red master of the other side sect so powerful? Lin Feng, we have to pay more attention and be careful. You're right. Uncles and aunts are ordinary people, and the goal is also very obvious. Once those who teach on the other side know your true identity, they will certainly try to kidnap their uncles and aunts to threaten you. "

Li Yutong's opinion has always been the most important to Lin Feng. So when she thought so, Lin Feng no longer doubted his practice.

"Sister Tong Tong, do you want to come back to the capital? Let the people below do the things on Tianmu peak! Anyway, there are basically no obstacles and dangers... "Lin Feng asked again.

"Me? I still won't go back to the capital. I can't get used to staying in the capital. " Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong hesitated, and then said a little evasively.

"Sister Tong Tong, aren't you kidding? You grew up in the capital. Why can't you get used to it? Shouldn't it be, or is it about your parents? Need me to come forward... "

As soon as Lin Feng said this, Li Yutong immediately interrupted, "no... no need. Lin Feng, I'll handle my affairs myself. Please believe me. You don't need to worry, okay? "

"Then... OK! Sister Tongtong, in short, if you need anything, you must inform me at the first time. "

After hanging up with Li Yutong, in fact, Lin Feng was still worried. He decided to go to the Li family in person after returning to the capital. After all, anyway, he is also the son-in-law of the Li family. Sister Tongtong will be her own woman sooner or later. In any case, sister Tongtong can't suffer losses in the family.

After dealing with these things, Lin Feng called the school again and asked Wang Yajun for a leave. Classes will be normal these days, but Lin Feng is estimated to be unable to go back for the time being.

"What? Lin Feng, are you really not coming to school, or... Afraid to see me? What, don't you want to be responsible? Hee hee! "

On the phone, Wang Yajun mumbled and joked deliberately.

"Miss Wang, how could I be irresponsible! Don't worry! I, Lin Feng, stand tall and resolute. All the women I've been to will be responsible to the end! Hey, hey! " Lin Feng also said playfully.

"Go... Lin Feng, to be honest, are Qin Yanran and Xiao nishang cheated by you like this?" Wang Yajun asked with jealousy.

"Can I refuse to answer this question?" Lin Feng smiled.

"No!" Wang Yajun said.

"All right! It seems that Mr. Wang, are you jealous? But how can this be said to be 'cheating'! I am sincere to each of you. "

Lin Feng said with a smile. In fact, to his surprise, Wang Yajun accepted the fact that he had other women so easily. But it's normal to think about it. After all, Wang Yajun grew up in the Wang family. He was influenced by it since childhood. He also knows that all the big families are polygamous.

Apart from one main room, Wang Yajun's father has five or six aunts and wives. Therefore, when Wang Yajun knew that Lin Feng was a cultivator, he tacitly accepted such a fact.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly! How could I eat Miss Wang so soon! However, Mr. Wang is a cold body, which really surprised me... "

After everything was handled, Lin Feng had nothing to do for the time being, so he came out of jin'ou community and strolled around. After all, he may rarely come back to Zhi'an city in the future.

But Lin Feng just left the community and had not taken a few steps. Suddenly, a warm call came from behind: "Xiao Lin! oh dear! Kobayashi! Long time no see. Why haven't you come home for so long? Is work really that busy? "

Looking for the sound, Lin Feng turned around and saw that it was Li Huizhu, the mother of nurse sister Liu yanru.

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