"Aunt Li? What a coincidence! "

Recognizing Li Huizhu, Lin Feng's mind showed the voice and smile of nurse sister Liu yanru. The nurse's clothes and temperament can not be played by Miss Wang, who has never been a nurse.

"Yes! Xiao Lin, come on... Go home and sit down. Yanru will be off work in a minute. "

Liu's mother called Lin Feng a passion, mainly because she hadn't seen Lin Feng for several months. Since Lin Feng cured his eyes, he hasn't sat at home.

"Ah? Aunt Li, this... "Lin Feng hesitated. After all, frankly speaking, he had nothing to do with the nurse sister Liu yanru, but at that time, in order to hide Li Huizhu, Liu yanru pulled him to be a" boyfriend "for a while.

Lin Feng is not an amorous person, but it is undeniable that he is an amorous person.

"What are you afraid of? Come on, come on... Just in time, my aunt made dumplings today. Look... I bought so many leeks and made them sink. "

Whether Lin Feng wanted it or not, Liu's mother enthusiastically pulled Lin Feng home.

Next door, Hong Fangfang's mother also saw Lin Feng. Because Lin Feng was also her life-saving benefactor, she immediately came forward and warmly said, "Xiao Lin, what brings you today? Didn't you go to college in Beijing with our family Fangfang? You are our little hero in Zhi'an City, and your aunt's life-saving benefactor! "

Hong's mother later heard about Lin Feng's identity from Hong Fangfang, but Liu's mother didn't know at all. After all, she was blind before and didn't like watching the news. Although she knew that there was a famous little hero Lin Feng in Zhi'an City, she never thought that this person would be his daughter's boyfriend Lin Feng.

As soon as she heard Hong's mother's words, Liu's mother also immediately understood. She suddenly clicked in her heart. Since Lin Feng was just going to college, she was several years younger than her daughter!

However, Liu's mother thought about it. When a woman is a junior, she holds a golden brick. Now there is an age gap between husband and wife in society. What is this age gap? Moreover, she looked at Lin Feng's eyes everywhere. She was simply her ideal son-in-law.

Therefore, everything else seems to be no problem. Liu's mother still warmly welcomed Lin Feng in and said a word to Lin Feng.

Through the dialogue with Liu's mother, Lin Feng really learned that Liu yanru, a nurse sister, has been lonely since childhood. It's not easy to be born in such a single parent family. However, it's a good thing now, but Lin Feng from Liu's mother's words, how can she really treat herself as a prospective son-in-law?

After a while, when it was time to get off work, Liu yanru ran back happily and shouted in the yard, "Mom! My favorite dumpling, are you ready? "

"Ah! Kobayashi, look... Yanru is back. "

Liu Mumei smiled and shouted at Liu yanru, who came in from the door, "dead girl, why are you so wild? It's not like a girl at all. Xiao Lin is a guest today. "

"Ah? Lin... Lin Feng, why are you here? "

As soon as she entered the door, she suddenly saw that Lin Feng also turned her head and looked at herself. Liu yanru seemed to have a piece of solid ice hidden in her heart, which was melted by Lin Feng's eyes.

Why is he here?

Didn't he go to college?

He is now a college student of Qingbei University!

He is now a rich man with a fortune of 10 billion!

How could he still appear in his slum?

Didn't he come to him for months?

Haven't you met him by chance for months, no matter what?


He suddenly appeared again today?

Why on earth is this?

A moment!

A look!

Liu yanru's eyes felt sour. Those dusty memories rushed up in an instant. The first time I saw Lin Feng in the hospital, he was just a hairy child, but now he looks handsome. Oh, is he a big man?

Several times, I clearly hated this cynical smelly boy, but I happened to meet him. But why, later, when I wanted to see him, I never... Met him again?

She listened to the news about him!

She listened to the talk and worship of him in the streets and corners!

She was proud and happy for him.

She locked all his news on TV and even saved the video on her computer.

She cares about everything.

However, everything seems to have nothing to do with her anymore.

That person has gone away, just like two intersecting straight lines, only for a moment, and then more far away

Some people say that the most terrible feeling is that two people's lives are like parallel lines. They can only look up to each other at such a close distance, but they can never have so much intersection with each other.

However, Liu yanru deeply felt that in fact, the most terrible and sad feelings are the two intersecting straight lines. Originally irrelevant two straight lines, because the intersection point has an intersection, and it is forced to pass through each other's body. How torn is it.

But after that!

all over the country!

There will never be intersection again. Even looking back at each other has become extravagant hope.

Once, Liu yanru thought that she and Lin Feng should be like two intersecting lines. After a short intersection, they will never intersect again.

She has also been giving herself psychological hints, saying Lin Feng's achievements, looking up at Lin Feng's worth and looking at herself. She is just a small nurse who can live. How many times did you meet by chance and say less than a thousand words? no Maybe less than 500 sentences.

Such an intersection, maybe even fate can't talk about it?

Liu yanru often sneers at herself when she is crying late at night.

It's self mockery!

It's comfort!

It's inferiority!

Or give up in desperation?

Whatever it is, everything seems to be less important to her. She is learning to forget and learn to freeze her heart like an ice cube, because in this way, her heart will no longer bleed because she thinks of him.

But just when she felt that she could forget him, there was no sign or expectation. Was it a dream? Or are you hallucinating? Did he really show up?

It was such a moment of eye contact that Liu yanru's heart had changed.

(the busy work is almost finished! Work harder tonight and pay back the owed updates! But it will still work late... Let's get up and watch it tomorrow morning!)

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