Liu's mother is a widow. Liu yanru lost her father since childhood. Lin Feng heard it from Hong Fangfang and later confirmed it in Liu yanru's mouth.

But what's going on now?

How suddenly ran out of a middle-aged man, claiming to be Liu yanru's father. Moreover, looking at Liu yanru's performance, it seems that the middle-aged man is really her father who has been "dead" for many years.

"Yanru, you... Just let your father in! He didn't mean to leave our mother and daughter! Can you listen to your father? "

Liu's mother, who was making dumplings, hurried over and begged her daughter.

"Say it well? What can I say to you? When he abandoned his wife and daughter, no matter what compelling reasons, he didn't even hear from him after so many years. ha-ha! Now you want to take us to the capital? Where have you been for so many years? Do you know how our mother and daughter came over all these years? "

For her mother's intercession, Liu yanru, who has always been obedient to her, was more excited. Tears turned in her eyes, "Mom! Your eyes were blind because of him at the beginning. When our mother and daughter were in the most difficult time, all their possessions were only ten yuan. Where was he when they lived by picking up rotten vegetable leaves in the vegetable market every day? "

"Yanru! What do you say? I... aren't we here now? "

Wiped tears, although Lin's mother said something she didn't care about on the surface, she was still reminded of that difficult and sad day by Liu yanru's words.

Bang Bang

Outside the door, father Liu knocked: "yanru, dad knows that your mother and daughter have suffered these years. So, I'm not here to make atonement now? Didn't I come to pick you up to live a good life in the capital? Dad has a big villa and a big company in the capital. I will never let you and your mother live a hard life in the future. I can buy you a lot of famous brand clothes, bags, and even sports cars... "

"I don't want it! Now our mother and daughter are living very well. We don't want your big villa, famous brand and sports car. You're not my father. People like you don't deserve to be Liu yanru's father. "

Liu yanru's two lines of clear tears flowed down directly and shouted at Liu Fu outside the door a little hysterically.

This voice, this expression and this action made Lin Feng feel distressed when he saw it.

Indeed, at that time, orphans like Liu yanru and Liu's mother, and Liu's mother was blind and couldn't go out to work, almost all the hardships of life fell on Liu yanru's shoulders.

Although Liu yanru, the nurse sister, seems very cheerful when she laughs and scolds, Lin Feng knows that there has always been such a stem in her heart. She has been a child without a father since childhood. She has tasted the hardships of life and the warmth of people's lovers. At the same time, there is a wound in her heart that will never heal.

Before, she thought her father died unfortunately and didn't blame him in her heart, but now, the man who once abandoned his wife with "death" ran back. This makes Liu yanru's heart can't accept it anyway. She would rather he died than he is this hateful and disgusting face.

"Yanru, don't do this. Let your father come in first? Aren't there still guests here? Don't let Xiao Lin see jokes... "

After wiping her tears, Liu's mother had to move Lin Feng out, hoping that Liu yanru would let Liu's father into the house for Lin Feng's sake.

However, at the mention of Lin Feng, Liu yanru unconsciously linked him with his father who had disappeared for more than ten years.

"Heartless man! They are ungrateful men. Men don't have any good things. Go out... You go out too. Our family doesn't need you, not one! Not one... "

As a result, Liu yanru, who was very sad, not only didn't let Liu's father into the house, but pulled Lin Feng and pushed him out.

"Hey... Yanru, i... who am I provoking? How did you push me out? "

Inexplicably misunderstood, Lin Feng was also depressed, but he also understood Liu yanru's mood at the moment. So he didn't resist, but was "pushed" out of the door by Liu yanru.

"Young man, you... You are..."

Outside the gate, father Liu looked up and down at Lin Feng who was pushed out of the house, and then asked slightly arrogantly, "are you yanru's boyfriend in our family? Yanru is so beautiful. Why did she find a boyfriend like you? You don't deserve our yanru. "

"Uncle! Come on, yanru doesn't want to recognize your father at all! So yanru is not from your family. Besides, I don't know if I deserve yanru. First of all, you don't deserve to stand here, and you're not qualified to say such words. "

Although Lin Feng doesn't know much about Liu Fu, it can be seen from Liu yanru's description alone. This kind of man who has been abandoned by his wife and daughter has no sense of responsibility. He lives a luxurious life in the capital, but his wife and daughter suffer a lot here and others' eyes.

Therefore, Lin Feng is on Liu yanru's side. He can't forgive such people. Moreover, there is nothing to forgive. As Liu yanru said, you didn't want our mother and daughter in those years, and now we don't recognize you, that's all.

"Young man, do you know who you're talking to? I am yanru's biological father, your future father-in-law... Ha ha! But I guess you won't have this chance. With the beauty of yanru in our family, as long as I take her to the capital, many childe brothers of rich families are eager to be my Liu Demin's son-in-law! "

With an arrogant face, Liu Fu proudly showed off to Lin Feng. He is wearing a famous suit, shoes are tens of thousands of leather shoes, with hundreds of thousands of jiangshidanton watches in his hand, and an old heavy and thick gold chain around his neck, which is completely a style of successful people.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, came back in a hurry and looked dusty. He was wearing very ordinary clothes, no watch, no gold chain, platinum ring or anything. He was not very popular at all except his temperament.

It's no wonder that Liu Fugen despised Lin Feng. At the same time, he despised his daughter Liu yanru in the house because he saw Lin Feng. He directly knocked on the door and shouted: "yanru, what young talents can there be in a small place like Zhi'an city! Don't be a boyfriend like this. When you go to the capital with Dad, dad will introduce you to all the sons of the consortium family... "

(can't hold it! For the time being, I still owe you four more! It must be back tomorrow!!!)

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