On the surface, Liu Demin came to atone for his sins and wanted to take Liu's mother and daughter back to the capital to live a good life, but in fact, he didn't think so.

Lin Feng saw this at a glance. It is estimated that Liu yanru also saw his intention, so she resolutely opposed going to the capital with him.

But Liu's mother has always had illusions about her dead husband. Some time ago, when Liu Demin returned to Zhi'an city to find their mother and daughter, Liu's mother was stunned and completely ecstatic.

Liu yanru, the sister nurse at that time, was also surprised by the sudden emergence of her father. However, after hearing Liu Demin's various ideas and how well he has been doing in the capital over the years, Liu yanru saw through his purpose of coming back to find his mother and daughter.

Therefore, a few days ago, when Liu's father once again asked to pick up their mother and daughter to the capital, Liu yanru simply kicked him out and didn't recognize his father at all, because he didn't deserve to be a father at all.

"Yanru, how can you do this? Just open the door! "

Inside the house, Liu's mother is still trying to persuade her daughter Liu yanru. After all, she is also a more traditional woman. She married once in her life and gave herself to the man wholeheartedly. Once upon a time, when the man died, her heart died. But now that the man came back, she rekindled her hope.

"Mom! Don't be cheated by him again. You've died for him once. Why are you so stubborn! More than ten years ago, he would pretend to be dead and flee to the capital to stay with the rich woman. How can you accept him so calmly now? I'm not sure when he abandoned our mother and daughter again... "

Liu yanru has inquired about it. Her father pretended to be killed in a car accident because he owed a gambling debt more than ten years ago. Then she ran to the capital and was maintained by a widowed rich woman. Finally, relying on the rich woman and the family behind him, she has run a listed real estate company until now. It is said that her assets have reached hundreds of millions.

Two years ago, the rich woman died of illness, and most of the company's equity fell into his hands. He thought of Liu yanru's mother and daughter in Zhi'an city. He sent someone to investigate and found that his daughter was so beautiful that she thought carefully. In the name of taking her mother and daughter back to the capital to live a good life, he married some big families with her daughter Liu yanru, It's convenient for him to find a backer.

However, his mind was immediately exposed within a few days of his return. Liu yanru had already seen his hateful face and decisively drove him out of his house.

But Liu Demin didn't give up, because he had a trump card in hand, that was Liu yanru's mother. After all, the two have been husband and wife for many years. After a long separation and reunion, Liu's mother actually thought he was coming to atone for his sins and really took them to the capital to enjoy their happiness.

Moreover, Liu Demin also made up a special reason for dog blood, that is, after his car accident, although he didn't die, his brain was stimulated and lost his memory. He even forgot who he was, so he didn't come back to find their mother and daughter.

It was only in recent months that I slowly recovered my memory. When I thought of Zhi'an city and my wife and daughter, I immediately came back.

After hearing these so-called "secrets" and "explanations", Liu's mother was moved, but Liu yanru didn't eat it at all.

"Huizhu! You quickly persuade yanru that I really want to be good for your mother and daughter. Anyway, I'm also yanru's father. Will I hurt you? "

Standing outside the door, father Liu said with a look of awe inspiring righteousness. Even Lin Feng couldn't see it anymore. He pulled him out and shouted, "come on! You don't deserve to be a father at all. Yanru doesn't want to see you. Get out of here... "

"How do you talk? Smelly boy, do you know who I am? I'm the chairman of Wanhong real estate. I'm yanru's father. What are you? If you want to pursue yanru of our family, come here with 20 million bride price first. "

Being scolded by Lin Feng, Liu Demin immediately became angry, shook off Lin Feng's hand and put on the authority of his chairman.

"Wanhong real estate? ha-ha! You're not leaving, are you? I naturally have a way to let you go... "

Hearing that Liu Demin reported the name of the company, Lin Feng smiled, then immediately walked aside with the phone and called Zhang Miaoyi in the dormitory.

"Hello! Boss, why do you call me when you have time? " Zhang Miaoyi was a little surprised when he received a call from Lin Feng.

"Miao Yi, help me check the situation of a company." Lin Feng said bluntly.

"Yes! No problem. You can tell me the name of the company or the legal representative... "It's completely routine for Zhang Miaoyi.

"Wan Hong real estate, and then check whether their chairman is Liu Demin." Lin Feng said directly.

Zhang Miaoyi happened to be in front of the computer. With the click of the mouse, he found all kinds of assets, smiled and said, "I found it! Boss, Wan Hong real estate, a listed company of a shares, is a small real estate enterprise. The overall market value is about 2 billion yuan. Liu Demin is the second largest shareholder and chairman of the company, accounting for a little more than 19% of the shares. His worth should not exceed 500 million...... "

"Only 500 million! Then help me check whether he has any other companies and assets, and then look at other conditions of this company. " Lin Feng sneered.


Zhang Miaoyi crackled on the keyboard and said, "no! It is not worth mentioning the real estate company and some small companies supporting the company. This Wanhong real estate should be a company owned by Lao Ye's family on the side of the real estate! As I said just now, Liu Demin is the second largest shareholder, and the first largest shareholder is the family shares of the Ye family.

by the way! Yes, it turns out that Liu Demin is the redundant son-in-law of the Ye family! Later, I don't know how. It seems that I used some means. My wife died and he took part of the shares of the company. "

"Ye's redundant son-in-law? ha-ha! How great I think he is! So he's a soft rice eater? Miao Yi, I'll give you a task now. How long will it take to make the company's shares fall by the limit by all means you can use? "

Squinting at Liu Demin, who was still arrogant at the door of the Liu family, Lin Feng said faintly.

PS: according to a book friend, the activity is over 3000, so I'm going to write eight watch today! I hate readers who are good at mathematics. Everyone comes out to mix. What can they do if they are so good? Emma! Don't hit me, now go to the codeword, this is the first watch, and there is seven today! I spelled it too!)

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