"Wanhong real estate? Boss, are you testing my ability? For such a real estate enterprise with a valuation of no more than 10 billion, let alone the limit, it's a matter of minutes for me to kill them! "

Zhang Miaoyi has never been a boaster, but his excellent ability makes his words seem to be bragging.

However, after hearing this, Lin Feng smiled and said, "then you start! It's an assessment of your ability. "

"No problem, boss. Give me two minutes."

This is not too easy for Zhang Miaoyi. If it is some other entity industry companies, it may not be so easy. But the bubble in the real estate industry is very high, and when he checked the information just now, he found that there was no problem in the accounts of Wan Hong property.

After all, the accounts of these enterprises with family shares are not clear, and even many power and money transactions are openly reflected in the accounts.

"OK! Then I'll leave it to you. I'll wait and see the results... "

After hanging up with Zhang Miaoyi, Lin Feng went to the door of Liu's house again. He did nothing and stared at Liu Demin.

"Smelly boy, what do you always watch me do? It's you who should go. I warn you, don't think about our yanru again in the future. Do you know how much our stock is now? Do you know what I'm worth now? Don't let a toad eat swan meat... "

Like Liu Demin, who has no culture and started from some luck and soft food, his favorite and frequent thing is to show off his wealth. In particular, he now wants Lin Feng, yanru's "boyfriend", to retreat, so he took out his mobile phone, opened the stock market, entered his company's stock code, and said in front of Lin Feng.

"See? The current share price of our company is 100 yuan and 80 cents per share, and the whole market value is 2 billion! Have you ever seen so much money in your life? "

Liu Demin said this to Lin Feng on the one hand, but to Liu yanru and Liu's mother in the house in disguise on the other. He just wanted the mother and daughter to know how much money he had now and let them quickly open the door and greet each other with a smile.

However, when Liu yanru heard this, she couldn't help laughing when she was angry. Her best father showed off her wealth in front of Lin Feng.

What's this called!

Lin Feng doesn't know how many times more money he has!

He would show off his wealth in front of Lin Feng and ask Lin Feng to retreat in the face of difficulties?

This made Liu yanru, who was still angry and sad, couldn't help laughing.

"Two billion! Tut tut... Uncle, you really have a lot of money! Rich man! I don't know how many shares you have in this company? "

Seeing the share price and the market value of the whole company on the mobile phone screen, Lin Feng pretended to be surprised, and then asked with envy.

"I don't have many shares! That's about 20 percent. It's easy to take a $4.5 billion light. Not to mention anything else, yanru will have to endure hardships all her life. She may be reluctant to buy a famous brand clothes. But when she came back to Beijing with me, she had endless money if she didn't work all her life. The rich children I introduced to her are no less valuable than me... "

Seeing that Lin Feng finally envied and respected himself, Liu Demin especially enjoyed this feeling, so he blew up, "if you are willing to leave yanru and successfully help me persuade her to go back to the capital with me, I will give you 100000 yuan, how about it?"

"One hundred thousand dollars! Uncle, you are really rich! Give me $100000! But how can I hear people say that no matter how much money there is in the stock market, maybe one day, the stock will suddenly fall, 100 million will become 10 million, and then become a million... Finally, it may even go bankrupt and have no money... "

Lin Feng smiled and said while looking at the time. It's almost two minutes since he hung up Zhang Miaoyi's phone.

"Hehe! At first glance, you just haven't seen the world. The stock market will indeed be turbulent, but my company has a deep background and strong capital. Even if the company in the whole stock market is half down, my company can still be safe and sound. "

Liu Demin continued to blow the cow, while Lin Feng looked at his watch. When the second was about to two minutes, Liu Demin's mobile phone suddenly vibrated and rang.

"Hello! What's going on? Didn't I say don't call me if you're okay these days? Haven't you explained everything about the company? "

Liu Demin, who was bragging, was interrupted by the phone and looked very unhappy, but it was his assistant secretary Wang who called to help him deal with the company's affairs.

"Mr. Liu, look at the stock of our company!" Secretary Wang said eagerly on the other end of the phone.

"Stock? I just saw it. The stock price is very normal! Very stable! Is there anything wrong? "

With that, Liu Demin turned on the voice of his mobile phone. While talking with his secretary, he opened the page where he had just read the stock.

"Up! Soaring! President Liu, ha ha! I don't know why, our company's stock has just been pressed down by a large order, and now it is soaring! It has risen to 105 yuan... "Secretary Wang smiled happily on the other end of the phone and told Liu Demin the good news at the first time.

"Oh? Really! ha-ha! How old is it! Why did the market value of the company rise by 5 percent? Doesn't that mean that the iron limit will rise today! If this trend continues, wouldn't the market value of the company double after several days of trading? "

Seeing the strong rise of the company's share price, Liu Demin was also happy, and his proud expression on his face became more brilliant. Seeing the stock price being pulled higher and higher, he saw that it was about to rise the limit, which just strengthened the capital that Liu Demin boasted in front of Lin Feng and Liu's mother and daughter, so he deliberately released the external sound of his mobile phone.

However, before he was satisfied, Secretary Wang on the other side of the mobile phone immediately shouted, "no! Mr. Liu, after that big order raised our share price, when we were about to hit the limit board, we suddenly withdrew the order, and sold a lot... Our share price immediately fell, and now it is about to fall below the limit... "

"What? Who makes such a joke on us? To drive up our share price, we need hundreds of millions of funds to play! "

Liu Demin was stunned when he heard the speech, and his face showed a little embarrassment. These words were heard by Lin Feng and Liu's mother and daughter. It's not easy to pretend. However, this is not a big deal for him. Anyway, even if the limit is only 10%, it should rise again tomorrow, as long as it is not a continuous limit.

But he comforted himself in his heart, and Secretary Wang at the other end of the phone shouted again, "it's over! It's over... Mr. Liu, come back quickly! I don't know who blew out the inside story of the land our company had just bid for. In addition, in the first half of the year, the quality violation project was also exploded... Now our stock has fallen all the way to the limit. If we don't eliminate these negative reports and get through the above relationship, I'm afraid it will fall continuously in the next few days... "

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