The voice of secretary Wang from the other end of the phone was like a heavy hammer, which hit Liu Fu's heart. His whole person was a little unstable.

"Yo... Uncle, you have to be steady! What's up? Isn't the stock still rising just now? Why did you fall again? Tut tut... What I just said is right! The money in this stock is empty. It doesn't mean you'll lose your money this time? I think you'd better not pick up yanru and their mother and daughter to the capital. Who knows whether to follow you to enjoy happiness or pay off debts? "

Seeing Liu Demin's face, Lin Feng did not forget to mend his knife and said a slip of sarcastic remarks.

"You... You crow mouth!"

When Liu Demin heard what Lin Feng said, he really wanted to tear Lin Feng apart. What Lin Feng said just now has come true. The crow mouth effect of Lin Feng can't be too accurate.

Even Liu yanru, who has been listening to the outside, is stunned, but she always feels that this doesn't seem to be a coincidence! After all, Liu Demin just finished talking about his company. He just showed Lin Feng the stock and boasted. As a result, his company's stock fell by the limit in less than ten minutes, and so many materials broke out, which suddenly pushed the company with a market value of more than 2 billion to the forefront of the storm.

"Oh! Uncle, you really flatter me by saying so. How do I know I'm so accurate! "

Seeing that Liu Demin's lungs were about to explode, Lin Feng was not so happy. Who let the heartless man get rid of him? Such people are scum among men and scum among human beings.

Abandoning his wife and daughter and becoming a redundant son-in-law for a rich woman can do such soft things. What dignity can such a man have?

Even though he is the biological father of nurse sister Liu yanru, Lin Feng still doesn't hide his contempt for Liu Demin.

"Mr. Liu, where are you now? Hurry back to the company! I don't know why the news on the Internet can't be controlled at all. My contact deleted the post, but it can't be deleted at all! It blossoms everywhere, and now it has been on the home page of major news... "

Only ten minutes later, Secretary Wang had completely lost control of the situation. It was the result of the fall of the wall and the push of the public. It was not just the negative materials that had just burst out, but more insiders began to disclose the information on the Internet, making Wanhong real estate famous on the Internet, and there were voices of condemnation everywhere.

Hearing the news, Liu Demin nearly fainted and his blood pressure rose immediately. This situation can no longer be stopped. When the market opens tomorrow, the stock is expected to fall thousands of miles again.

Moreover, Liu Demin himself knows very well that the negative news on the Internet is basically true. These not only affect the company's share price, but also directly lead to the company's investigation and his personal investigation.

Bribery, false trading and some insider trading, no matter which one, as long as the final evidence is solid, it can lead to the bankruptcy of the whole Wanhong real estate.

At this time, Liu Demin had not responded, and his mobile phone rang again. It was a call from the Ye family.

"Liu Demin, what the fuck are you doing? If I hadn't seen my sister's instructions before her death, I wouldn't have given you so many shares and let you sit as the chairman. What the hell is going on now? You've done so many dirty things, don't you even wipe your ass? Now the shit has been shaken out. What should I do? "

At the other end of the phone, it is also a core second-generation child of Ye's group, and it is also the brother of the rich woman Liu Demin is close to.

"Brother-in-law, i... I don't know what's going on? Don't worry, i... I'll fly back to the capital right away and deal with these things right away. certain! The impact must be minimized... I'll go back right away... "

Receiving a call from Ye's family is a headache for Liu Demin. He knows that this time the matter is really not small enough to determine the life and death of the whole company.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Demin was out of his mind and had no other thoughts at all. Without saying a word, he walked quickly outside. He had to hurry back to the capital and find a way to eliminate all public opinion and problems.

"Hello! Uncle, why did you leave? Didn't you agree to come in and eat dumplings? "

Seeing Liu Demin's hurried voice, Lin Feng smiled, picked up the Beijing roast duck he threw on the ground and shouted behind him, "uncle, are you sure you don't want to take your roast duck away?"

Liu Demin did not respond. After leaving the door, he immediately took a car and rushed to the airport.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Lin Feng couldn't help but praise Zhang Miaoyi's ability in his heart. In the shopping mall, Zhang Miaoyi is still a genius. If Lin Feng gets it, he can only take the most direct and rough method. Where can he be like Zhang Miaoyi? He simply kills people without blinking. In a few minutes, he manipulates everything, so that a large company that has been booming in normal operation can face a life and death crisis in an instant.

Dong Dong Dong

When Liu Demin left, Lin Feng knocked on Liu yanru's door and shouted, "yanru, the man is gone. Now... Can I come in? hey! If you don't come in again, the roast duck will be cold. "


Although Liu yanru didn't answer, she opened the door.

"Lin Feng, you asked someone to do the business of his company?" As soon as Lin Feng entered the door, Liu yanru said the question in her heart.

"How can I be so capable! Sister nurse! God has eyes. It's time to do evil. Good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil. It's not that the time has not come. He just arrived at the right time. Listen to those scandals that burst out, there will always be a day when things will break out, right? "

Zhang Miaoyi has sent all the transaction scandals and means of Wanhong real estate collected to Lin Feng's mobile phone. After browsing it in a hurry, Lin Feng knows more clearly what kind of goods Liu Demin is.

"Come on... Lin Feng, the dumplings are ready. Come and eat them! I'm sorry to show you our family's jokes today. "

Seeing that her former husband left in a hurry, Liu's mother inevitably had some loss in her heart. Although there was no news for so many years, the two places were separated, but in her heart, it was always his man.

But fortunately, although Liu Demin has left, Lin Feng, the prospective son-in-law, is still there. Liu's mother still hasn't forgotten her mission today. She should try her best to get her daughter and Lin Feng together and eliminate the contradiction and estrangement between them as much as possible.

Although Lin Feng's body is not as famous and decent as Liu Demin just wore, and Liu's mother doesn't think Lin Feng's family is a rich family, since Lin Feng came home and cured her eyes, she thinks Lin Feng, a young man, is "reliable".

As a mother, who doesn't want his daughter to marry a reliable man? Even if this man has no money, status or appearance, as long as he is a reliable person and gives him time, he will always bring his daughter a happy life.

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