"Hey... Smelly boy, don't think about our little Kim. Xiao Jin is still in her infancy and is growing up, although her birth is much more noble than those messy insects. However, you may not be able to do those poisonous insects now... "

Luo Qingqing pouted for fear that Lin Feng would abduct Xiao Jin. She waved to Xiao Jin and said, "Xiao Jin, come back quickly. Don't be cheated by your uncle."

"Hello! Sister Qingqing, how can I blame my uncle? " Lin Feng disagreed.

"Hee hee! I'm Xiao Jin's mother. Don't you blame your uncle? " Luo Qingqing said with a smile.

"What about mom? If you were Xiao Jin's mother, I should be my father's! "

Lin Feng said, so he came forward impolitely and hugged Luo Qingqing's waist.

"Dead! Didn't you just hug the little nurse's small waist like this? What do you want me to do? Don't you have a little nurse enough? " Luo Qingqing glanced at Lin Feng.

"Hey, hey! Sister Qing, don't be so stingy! Come on, is there any way you can help me find out the base camp of the other side? " Lin Feng asked again.

"No, Lin Feng, think about it. How long have I been in contact with Xiuzhen. Moreover, I have to go to work. Where do I get so much time to practice? All my understanding of these is from the spirit insect formula. I just read it to you and provide you with some information. "

Luo Qingqing said very easily, smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "Therefore, the important task of cutting demons and removing demons should be handed over to you!"

"Sister Qingqing, what you just said is bullshit. You didn't say anything."

Lin Feng sighed and said helplessly, "so in case of retaliation by the people on the other side of the Strait, I still want you and your parents to move to the capital. I can rest assured only if I live under my nose."

"Whatever you want, I'm the same everywhere. It's my uncle and aunt. I don't think they can be persuaded by you so easily. After all, the two old people have lived in Zhi'an city for decades. In the new environment, it is estimated that it will not be as easy as we young people to get used to... "Luo Qingqing added.

"It's all right. After arriving in the capital, many branches of hero restaurant will open. At that time, their parents will be busy. They don't think they are not used to leaving their hometown."

Lin Feng smiled and said. Just at this time, he heard the sound of a minivan outside. It was dad who drove back.

Although Lin Feng's Maybach sports car stayed at home for his father, Lin Fu, who has always been simple, still felt that it was more practical to drive a bun. After all, there are only a few people in the sports car, and it takes tens of thousands of people to repair it, which makes Lin Fu even more reluctant to open it.

Anyway, after Lin Feng went to college, the Maybach sports car was basically thrown into the garage to eat ash!

"Mom and Dad! Why do you leave work so late today? "

Walking out of the door, Lin Feng welcomed his parents home. Rhubarb heard that Lin Feng was back. He ran down from the van for the first time and jumped into Lin Feng's arms. He almost knocked Lin Feng down. His scarlet tongue licked Lin Feng's face all the time. The dog's face was full of joy, injustice and miss, The narrowed dog eyes seemed to say to Lin Feng, "master, you finally came back to see me. I thought you had a dog outside!"

"Rhubarb, would you be a little reserved? Stand up! Get down, reach out... Go back to the house! "

After driving rhubarb back to the house, Lin Feng saw his parents coming with a smile.

"Xiao Feng, didn't you just go home a few days ago? What's the important thing? Did you come back specially? Don't you have classes in college? " Although Lin's mother wished her son Lin Feng could go home every day, she still had to worry about his studies a little.

"There's nothing wrong with the school. It's just the beginning of school. Mom, I came home this time to... Take you and dad to live in the capital. "

When they got to the house, the family sat down and ate the delicious food packaged by the hero restaurant. Lin Feng also said bluntly.

"What? To live in Beijing? Xiao Feng, why do you suddenly have such an idea? Dad and your mother live very well here. They don't know each other well when they go to the capital. They don't even know many people. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Fu opposed it first.

"Yes! Xiao Feng, it would be nice if you said you would pick up your parents to travel to the capital. But if you want to live in the capital, you can't stand it! My old sisters are all in Zhi'an city. Without them, who am I going to dance square dance with? " Lin's mother also refused.

"Mom, there are more aunts dancing square dance in the capital. I believe in your strength. When you go to the capital, you can definitely lead the coquettish of the whole square dance in the capital."

Lin Feng smiled and advised his father, "Dad! Don't you have many comrades in arms in the capital? When you get to the capital, you can contact and walk around more! Besides, I will definitely make new friends at that time, and... Hero restaurant is estimated to open ten branches in the capital. In addition to my uncle and uncle, I need your two elders to check! I don't trust others! "

Hero restaurant is a good excuse. Now it is not only a restaurant food brand founded by Lin Feng on a whim, but also the painstaking crystallization of Lin father and Lin mother. Lin Mu's wish to establish a well-known restaurant for many years has come true. Now her wish is to further open the hero restaurant all over the country, preferably all over the world.

Therefore, when Lin Feng said this, Lin's mother was moved: "yes! Lao Lin, think about it. We plan to open the hero restaurant all over the world like KFC. Where can we stay in Zhi'an all the time! My son still sees far... Sooner or later, he will go to big cities to develop. It's better to go early than late... "

"This... Seems to be the truth." Lin Fu also loosened, so that things would be easier to do. Lin Feng quickly said a few good words for the emperor. Finally, Lin Fu and Lin Mu completely agreed to move to the capital.

After dinner, Lin Feng, who finished his parents' work, returned to his room. When he just wanted to lie down and have a good rest, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be some drastic changes in Shenshui space, causing strong spatial fluctuations.

"What's going on? Such a signal has never been released before in Shenshui space... "

Lin Feng immediately explored his spiritual consciousness into the divine water space. In the divine water sea, it was calm and there was no movement at all. However, when his spiritual consciousness focused on the dead water, he widened his eyes. The huge corpse he had collected into the divine water space accidentally floated to the dead water area, Now I'm crazy absorbing dead water

PS: the sixth watch! ok I still owe two more. I can't pay it off at one time today. Brother Huo should pay it in installments tomorrow! You are not afraid that if I write too much in one breath, I will be a eunuch if I die suddenly. There are two more, you... Who, help me remember, I'm not very good at math, and I'll return it tomorrow.)

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