The huge corpse in the space of Tianmu peak, Lin Feng has forgotten to take care of it since he put it into his divine water space.

All along, this huge King's body has not made any noise. However, I don't know what happened today. The king's corpse was attracted from this half of Shenshui space to the other half of dead water.

When the dead body surface of the king's corpse came into contact with the huge stagnant water, the whole divine water space was suddenly shaken. The huge King's body seemed to come alive. Wherever there were holes in the body, it burst out a huge attraction and absorbed the huge amount of dead water into the body.

"Dead water? King's body? This... What's going on? Is this guy alive or not? Why do you suddenly like my backwater like Mengmeng? "

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was really shocked. After all, for this king's body, Lin Feng always felt that he had no life at all, just a simple body. But now the original King's corpse, which didn't move at all, would take the initiative to absorb these dead breath.

This makes Lin Feng have to doubt whether the huge King's body has been activated by death? If so, he will have to be fully prepared.

Although Lin Feng is very confident about the strength of the divine water space, the king's body looks terrible. If it is really pierced by the resurrected King's body, Lin Feng will have to cry to death.

Whew, whew

The dead water was swept up by strong suction, and several tornadoes were formed over the whole dead water sea, which stunned Lin Feng.

Fortunately, the whole backwater space is under his control. Lin Feng can feel any change clearly. However, he did not dare to act rashly for the time being, for fear that he would annoy the big guy. He could only observe and watch the change quietly.

An hour passed, two hours passed

Lin Feng doesn't know how long it will take. The huge King's body seems to be a bottomless hole, constantly sucking up the dead water ocean, but his body doesn't see any expansion. Lin Feng doesn't doubt that as long as he is given enough time, the dead water in the whole divine water space will be completely absorbed by him.

This can't help but remind Lin Feng of an ancient legend, that is the legend of Kuafu chasing the sun. I heard that Kuafu, like the king's corpse, was the body of a giant. In order to catch up with the sun in the sky, he kept running on the earth. Finally, he was thirsty and drank up the water of the whole Yellow River.

Today's scene is so similar.

"At the beginning, the reason why my divine water space turned on the function of dead water was because I put several corpses in. The dead spirit carried on the corpse inspired the function of the 24 Sea God beads and divided the Shenshui space into two. Like tai chi, half is Shenshui and the other half is this dead water. "

Looking at the huge King's corpse in front of him, Lin Feng began to think, "the last time a treasure hunting mouse like Mengmeng grew and evolved by absorbing the dead gas. When I met the dead water, it was like a delicious tonic. So it seems that the stagnant water is also a great tonic for the king's corpse! "

In the space of the mass grave, the corpses continuously transported from other distant planes through the transmission array are all to provide the king's corpse with death. Lin Feng was more certain that the king's corpse, which had not been completely refined, was instinctively raising and refining the corpse with the help of the dead water in his space.

"If you only raise corpses, there should be no problem. Corpses are just actively absorbing by virtue of their instinct for stagnant water."

When Lin Feng was a little wider, suddenly a black light flashed through the whole Shenshui space.


Lin Feng was stunned. For a moment and a half, he was really startled by this black light. When he fixed his eyes and locked a black figure with spiritual knowledge, he was surprised again.

"Is it a bug? The insect that I caught from Song Changlao? After I threw it into whose space it was, I stopped caring about it. I didn't expect this little guy to live so natural and unrestrained in my divine water space, and even... He has evolved a lot? "

After carefully checking the state of swallowing insects, Lin Feng found that it was only as big as his thumb, but now it is as big as the back of his hand, and the breath on his body is obviously strong. I don't know how many times.

Since Lin Feng threw it into the sacred water space, the insect devouring insects seemed to enter a huge treasure house. Whether it was the sacred water or the dead water, it was a great tonic for it.

Moreover, divine water and stagnant water, one Yin and one Yang, die all their lives. For swallowing poisonous insects, they are the best nutrients between heaven and earth. He kept absorbing divine water and stagnant water, swallowing the shell of Gu insects. He didn't know how many times he molted, and finally grew as big as a fist.

The speed is very fast. In this divine water space, swallowing insects fly like a dark shadow, which is impossible to prevent.

It was originally in a deep sleep, but later it seemed to be awakened by the noise made by the huge King's body, so it immediately woke up and ran to watch the excitement.


Around the king's corpse, the swallowing insect looked up and down. It seemed to be considering whether it could get into the king's corpse and eat all its internal organs.

Looking at a position on a king's body, the insect that devoured insects suddenly vibrated its wings and rushed hard towards the body of the king's body.


The sharp teeth of swallowing insects stabbed into the body of the king's corpse, but they only stabbed half of it and couldn't move.

The king corpse felt the sense of crisis brought by swallowing insects, and even slapped it hard towards the position where the swallowing insects were.


The insect swallowing insects were also severely frightened, and quickly flashed out. Farther away, they stared at the king's corpse covetously. They didn't seem to give up, waiting for the opportunity to plunge into the king's corpse again.


The king's corpse burst out a huge roar. While absorbing the stagnant water, he slapped the insect.

Swallowing the poisonous insects was tireless. While avoiding the king's body, they launched an attack again. In this way, they fought in Lin Feng's divine water space, and did not pay attention to the owner of Lin Feng's space at all.

However, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing at this scene. It was like he was angry and slapped after being bitten by mosquitoes in the past summer.

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