Because this is in the divine water space, Lin Feng is the master of the world. As long as the spiritual knowledge communicates with each other, he can master everything that happens here.

At first, he was worried that the fight between the two guys would pierce the whole space. But now it seems that the strength between the two guys seems that no one can do anything.

Swallowing poisonous insects is very clever and has intelligence, so it can easily avoid the pursuit of opening the king's body. Although the king's corpse is relatively stupid and will only blindly chase after the buttocks that devour insects, his strength is very great, and more importantly, he has rough skin and thick flesh.

Even if he stood there and swallowed the insects, he couldn't really get into his body to eat his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

So, the end result is that these two guys are so deadlocked here. The dominant power of everything is on the insect that devours insects. It wants to tease the king's corpse, so it approaches the past, and the king's corpse will come up in a rage.

If it was tired, it immediately flew away. After escaping from the sensing range of the king's corpse, the king's corpse was like a headless fly, and there was no trace of it at all.

However, Lin Feng noticed that in the whole process, the king's body did not stop absorbing the dead water in the divine water space.

A large amount of stagnant water was absorbed into the body by the king's body, and his breath became stronger and stronger, and there was an almost perfect breath.

"That day, the nine Yin place in the middle of laofeng was used to raise the corpse. It is estimated that it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to feed the king's corpse. But now, under the action of my stagnant water, has the king's body been ripened so soon? "

Feeling that the breath on Wang's body was stronger and stronger, and his vitality was more and more vigorous, Lin Feng really couldn't help sighing. When things reach their extremes, they will turn back. What they say is true. Countless dead king corpses have gathered, but they have given birth to vitality.

In this world, everything, Yin, Yang, true or false, maybe everything is vain.

Life is death, death is life. The king's corpse itself is a corpse that has been dead for many years. After constantly gathering dead breath, it came back to life.

"Miao Miao... Although I knew there was a method of raising corpses before, I couldn't imagine it at all. The ultimate goal of raising corpses is to let the corpses come alive. When the dead spirit reaches the extreme, it can become the most powerful vitality and make the dead things come alive. "

This opportunity to observe the process of raising corpses is not so easy to encounter. Lin Feng was lucky to meet it, and his understanding of the law of life and death was deeper. Although he is just a cultivator practicing the Ninth level of Qi, he can't use the power of law at all.

However, feeling this kind of thing is accumulated. The more you reach the later level of cultivation, the dependence on simple power is very low. On the contrary, how much you understand various laws of heaven and earth determines how strong your strength is.

"However, no matter how vigorous its vitality is, it is just a living dead man. Although the vitality of the body has been completely restored, there is no soul. He can only act by virtue of his strong instinctive power... "

Once the spiritual consciousness was swept away, Lin Feng could easily invade the body of the huge King corpse in this divine water space, and did not find any spiritual consciousness and spiritual fluctuation.

This is equivalent to that the king's corpse is just an empty shell, an empty shell waiting to be parasitized. Lin Feng wondered who had such a big hand to raise such a king's corpse, which even took hundreds of years and thousands of years. What powerful forces and practitioners were involved behind it?

At the thought of this, Lin Feng was afraid. He thought of the explosion in the place where the corpses were kept and those transmission arrays. All this, can't have no reason, perhaps, the corpse raising place in the land of nine Yin, has been watched by someone all the time?

"As a last resort, I can't let the smell of this king's body leak out. It is stored in my divine water space. In this way, even if there is a photo of the former owner of the king's body, it can't be found at all. "

Lin Feng knew that those who could use the king's corpse to refine the reincarnation host would never be good people, and they must be ruthless people.

Therefore, with the lessons of the other side teaching this time, Lin Feng should be more cautious and make perfect preparations.


It seemed that the insect was tired after fighting with the king's corpse for so long, and could not make any breakthrough progress, so he simply misfired and went into the Shenshui ocean again. All his tentacles tightened together, just like a small black ball, sank into the Shenshui ocean and bathed in so many Shenshui.

"Ah! This little thing can be enjoyed. Quite spiritual! Why doesn't it look like the common poisonous insects sister Qingqing said? By the way, take this insect devouring insects to sister Qingqing and see if she has any way to use it for herself... "

Seeing that the turbulence in Shenshui space had subsided, Lin Feng also safely pulled out the spiritual knowledge from it, and then went to Luo Qingqing's room on the third floor to ask her about the insect.

At this moment, in a mysterious island overseas, a beam of golden light burst out from the central part of the island and shot into the sky.

However, this golden light did not last long, and it was eliminated again. The whole process lasted very short. Even if the people standing nearby did not stare carefully, they might have missed such a scene.

"Red! What's going on? Can you say that even your flower poison incarnation failed? "

Li Yuancheng, the great leader in white, looked for the golden light and rushed over quickly, but he only saw Yu Qingqing, the great leader in red who vomited several mouthfuls of dirty blood in front of the altar.

From Yu Qingqing's expression and state, she was seriously injured, and it was obvious that the golden light just burst out from the altar was forcibly urged by Yu Qingqing. Seeing this situation, Li Yuancheng, the leader of the Great Church in white, expected that Yu Qingqing might also suffer a great loss in Lin Feng's hands.

"Damn it! White clothes, the boy called Da Sheng, has a lot of treasures. My peony incarnation itself has carried many severe flower poisons, but this time he used a more toxic liquid to destroy all my incarnations. Baihua Gu was also seriously injured. I just forcibly visited the altar on the other side and reluctantly saved it after inspiring the holy power above... "

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