"Uncle, what do you want to do? People don't talk in secret. Just say what you want! "

Li Yutong hated Li Xiangui's eyes. She knew that Li Xiangui had other ideas in his heart, so she asked directly.

"What I want is very simple. Yutong, the third uncle is just going to curry favor with a big man. It has greatly improved the status and business of our Li family. This villa is also given to him in order to have a relationship with that big man. "

Seeing that Li Yutong was so straightforward, Li Xiangui smiled and said, "you look so beautiful. I think that big man will like you too. Yutong, think about it. As long as you become the big man's woman, it will be very helpful to our whole Li family's status and future development. "

"What? Third, how can you think of my daughter? It was our husband and wife who did the wrong thing, which had nothing to do with our daughter. "

As soon as she heard the conditions put forward by Li Xiangui, Li's mother immediately rushed forward and pushed Li Yutong out, "Yutong, go! Go far, the farther the better. Don't go back to the tiger's den and wolf's nest in the capital. "

"Sister in law, I'm not hurting Yutong. Think about it. Even I have to be such a big man. If Yutong follows him, there must be no need to worry about his glory and wealth all his life. Just ask, which woman in the world is not to marry such a dragon among people? "

Li Xiangui is still persuading Li Yutong, "how about it? Yutong, think about it. If you like, I will immediately destroy all the evidence that your father killed your eldest brother. Even if it is the whole Li family's property, I can't return some shares to your father. "

"No! Yutong, you go! Don't believe his nonsense. Your third uncle always eats people and doesn't vomit bones. It's no good talking to him about terms. " Li's mother shouted with great strength, but Li's father suddenly had an idea in his heart. His focus was on the big man Li Xiangui just said.

"What kind of big man wants his third brother to send both houses and women? If this big man is really so powerful, then... Yutong has a much better future than those young men of aristocratic families. "

Li Fu immediately had the same idea, "no! I must find a way to let Yutong catch up with this big man, and I can't hook up through the means of my third brother. In this way, as long as the big man can be used by me, it is not easy to regain the control of the Li family? "

"Uncle, you're dead! You can put forward other conditions in terms of money, and I can meet you. But this one is absolutely impossible. "

Frowning, although Li Yutong has been used to the disgusting things of power and color trading in major families since he was a child, he still has an unspeakable disgust and disgust when such things fall on his head one day.

"Ha ha! Money? Yutong, do you think your third uncle is still short of money? Let me be honest with you! If we can catch up with this big man, our Li family's energy business can reach the core of the whole Republic, and even... Through this big man, we can control most of the energy industry chain of the Republic. At that time, let alone billions, I'm afraid it will be tens of billions of profits a year. "

Seeing that Li Yutong was so arrogant, Li Xiangui threatened, "in short, I'll put my words here today. The big man will come here to see the house tomorrow. If you want to save your parents' lives, come and see the big man with me. Otherwise, after tomorrow, I will submit the evidence of your father's murder... "

"Third, do you really want to do things so well?" Li Fu was also surprised when he heard the speech. Although it was an open and secret struggle within the family, after all, he really killed people. Although the aristocratic family had some privileges, he was the loser. Therefore, as long as Li Xiangui submitted the evidence of murder, Li Fu's crime could not escape.

"Second brother, who gave birth to such a beautiful daughter? Originally, I just wanted your villa. Unexpectedly, ha ha... I sent a 'Xi Shi' here. God really helped me! "

Li Xiangui said proudly. Then he saw that things were almost moved. He made an invitation gesture and said, "now, second brother and second sister-in-law, this villa doesn't belong to you two anymore. I've prepared a car for you outside. Please go to a new residence!"

"Yutong, you can think about what I said. After all, the third uncle won't hurt you. It's also for your own good, isn't it? " Li Xiangui stared at Li Yutong for a while and said.

"Yutong, let's go! Go far away, don't promise your third uncle's conditions... "

At this point, mother Li, who originally wanted to keep the villa, now just wanted to keep her daughter. Li's father frowned and had nothing to do in his heart, but he still hoped that his daughter could really get on with the big man.

"Dad! Mom! Let's leave here for a while. I'm sure we'll come back soon. "

Looking at the hateful face of the third uncle, Li Yutong pressed his inner anger. Although she is a cultivator and can slap her third uncle to death, she knows that no matter how China is a society ruled by law, even the top aristocratic family can't kill indiscriminately. She should pay attention to certain laws and regulations.

Besides, she is a cultivator and can escape the constraints and punishment of the law, but her parents are not. If she wants to survive in this society all the time, she must obey the rules of this society.

Therefore, Li Yutong knew that impulsive killing must be wrong, but for the time being, she couldn't think of any solution, so she had to leave the villa where she grew up with her parents first.

"Yutong! Listen to your mother and get off the bus in a minute. You'll go to the airport right away. The farther you go, the better. You know? "

On the leaving car, mother Li advised her daughter with great care. However, Li Fu was calm and scolded, "what are you going to do? What shall we do when our daughter is gone? The third may really submit the evidence of my murder to the police. "

"What can I do? Lao Li, do you have the heart to trade your daughter's happiness for your freedom? " Mother Li said helplessly.

"You can find other solutions, Yutong. Think about it. Anyway, you won't look at your parents like this, will you? It's better for you to listen to your third uncle, make this deal, follow him to make friends with the big man, and then... Dad will cooperate with you inside and outside, and you convince the big man to help dad make a comeback and beat your third uncle, how about? " Li Fu's mind immediately became active.

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