"Doudao third uncle? Dad, don't you know you're wrong? "

In the car, hearing his father's remarks, Li Yutong couldn't help frowning.

All along, Li Yutong doesn't like this state of the aristocratic family very much, so she really doesn't want her father to intervene in the struggle of the aristocratic family again.

However, when father Li heard this, he snorted coldly, "am I wrong? What's wrong with me? Yutong, I was fooled by your third uncle. In fact, I should have killed it together with your third uncle so that I wouldn't be caught by him. "

"Lao Li, don't say a word! The third is so clever that you can't fight him. " Mother Li sighed and said.

"I really couldn't fight him before, but now, isn't our daughter back? Yutong, as long as you help dad, dad will have a chance to make a comeback. At that time, dad will only have a daughter like you. Don't you own all the property of the Li family? "

Seeing that Li Yutong seems not interested in helping himself compete for the control of the Li family, Li's father tells him again.

"Money and power! Dad! Are we really short of that money? Just like mom said, can't you live your life safely? "

Originally, Li Yutong thought that after this setback, his father should wake up and recognize the intriguing struggle in the aristocratic family, so that he can live a peaceful life with his mother for the rest of his life.

However, what she didn't expect was that her father even intensified. This setback not only didn't completely knock him down, but made his hatred worse. The fire of revenge from those two eyes was burning.

"An Sheng's day? Yutong, you are so naive. Do you really think your third uncle will let us live freely after using us? And even so, what's the point of that man living? Although we Li family are not the top aristocratic families in Beijing, can you understand the feeling of wealth and power of manipulators, Yutong? Just help dad? Look at you... You have become so beautiful now. As long as you go to the big man, you will definitely take the bait... "

Speaking of this, father Li has clearly expressed his purpose, that is, to let his daughter go to the big man and help him achieve his purpose.

For such a request, even if the other party is her own father, Li Yutong is firmly unacceptable, and she originally disapproved of her father's involvement in the family struggle from the bottom of her heart.

"Dad! You're dead! I'm your daughter, but I'm not your tool for profit. "

With a sigh, Li Yutong still resolutely refused his father's request, held his mother's hand and said, "Mom! Don't worry, I will find a way to completely solve the crisis and contradiction between you and your third uncle, and I will ensure the safety of you and dad. But I won't let dad get involved in the family struggle any more. "

"Yutong, you are right. Mom thinks so too. She doesn't want anything else. She just wants to spend the rest of her life with your father. " Mother Li also nodded with tears in her eyes.

Soon, the car drove to the suburbs of the capital. It was also a high-end community in front of a single family villa.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it's a great thing to buy such a villa in the suburbs of Beijing. However, for Li Fu, this is nothing at all. This single family villa is just another place where he is under house arrest.

"Mom and Dad, you have a good rest here first! I'll find a way to solve the third uncle. "

After settling her parents here, Li Yutong immediately took a taxi and left here. On the way, she dialed her third uncle Li Xiangui.

"Third uncle, it's me, Yutong."

When the phone got through, Li Yutong said in a cold voice.

"Oh! How's my dear niece? Have you figured it out? In fact, the third uncle is also for you. As long as you marry that big man, you will live a carefree life in the future. "

As soon as he heard that the phone was called by Li Yutong, Li Xiangui immediately smiled politely.

"Uncle, I won't agree to this condition anyway. You can offer other terms, five billion. I'll give you five billion at a time. How about you let my parents go completely? "

Li Yutong called, not to promise Li Xiangui's conditions, but to talk to him about conditions.

"Hehe! Yutong, you have a big breath! Five billion in one opening? Originally, the second brother transferred so many family assets to your account? " Li Xiangui said insidiously.

"No! Third uncle, you don't care where my money comes from, but it's definitely not family money. Anyway, there are detailed accounts in the family. You can check them in your freshman year. My father didn't turn over any property of more than 10 million to me. "

Li Yutong said faintly, "you want to cling to big people, but it's also for the development of the family, and finally for money. If you are not satisfied with the five billion yuan, uncle, you can make a price. "

"Have fun! Yutong, in that case, third uncle, I don't want to embarrass you, 10 billion! At noon tomorrow, you come to Wansheng imperial court again and transfer 10 billion cash to me on the spot. I promise to completely let go of my second brother and destroy all his relevant evidence. How about? "

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Li Xiangui said falsely.

"Good! Then it's settled. Uncle, I'll come to Wansheng imperial court at noon tomorrow and transfer 10 billion to you on the spot. "

Li Yutong was relieved to see that Li Xiangui finally agreed. Although there are a lot of 10 billion yuan, it seems that the two lives used to buy her parents are a little expensive, but Li Yutong is different from Lin Feng. She grew up in this environment since childhood and is used to solving problems in such a transaction, rather than fighting, killing, threatening and luring like Lin Feng.

After hanging up, Li Yutong faced another problem. Although she had just agreed with Li Xiangui on the phone that the price was 10 billion, she did not have so many personal assets. The only reason why she dared to offer such a big price was Lin Feng, who had already become her man in her heart.

Picked up the mobile phone again, Li Yutong took a deep breath and dialed Lin Feng's mobile phone number.

"Hello! Sister Tong Tong, what's going on? I can't get through to you. Why aren't you at home? "

After receiving Li Yutong's call, Lin Feng immediately asked anxiously.

"Lin Feng, i... I have something to deal with, so I went out early." Li Yutong hesitated for a moment and then said, "and, Lin Feng, can you lend me some money?"

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