"Borrow money? Sister Tong Tong, you don't know my Swiss bank account. You can use it directly. What else do we say? "

Hearing Li Yutong's request to borrow money, Lin Feng also gave a dry smile, and then added, "mine is yours, sister Tongtong. When did you become so separated from me?"


Li Yutong bit his lips and said with some embarrassment, "this time it's for my family. The amount is not small, 10 billion."

Although Li Yutong knows that Lin Feng has a lot of money in his account, this is 10 billion yuan, not a small amount.

"Ten billion is ten billion, sister Tong, just use it. Are you going back to Beijing to deal with your family? Do you need me to come forward? "

If something happens to someone else's home, Lin Feng will come forward at the first time. However, Li Yutong is an exception. Starting from knowing Li Yutong, Lin Feng knows that sister Tongtong's heart is still very sensitive and delicate, but her external performance is particularly strong.

Sister Tongtong has her own self-esteem. She doesn't want Lin Feng to participate in some things. She wants to solve them by her own ability. Lin Feng will fully respect her and let her solve them by herself first.

Moreover, Lin Feng also knows that sister Tongtong has her own bottom line and persistence, and her high EQ and IQ also know what is "within her ability".

From this moment, when Li Yutong came to borrow money, Lin Feng knew that if she really couldn't solve it, she would still ask for help. But now, Li Yutong still wants to solve it by his own ability.

"No! Lin Feng, trust me, okay? I can solve it myself. "

Biting his teeth, Li Yutong said softly.

However, what Li Yutong is sad about is not the bad handling of this matter, but his father. Why is he still stubborn?

In fact, her greatest wish is not to be rich, but that her family can be like ordinary people. Her father is kind and loving to her mother. She can make noise for trivial things every day, but it is warm enough. Although the family is not rich in material and economic conditions, her father has to work hard to make money, and her mother has to save money, The family is full of warmth and warmth.

Unfortunately, such a simple life has become a luxury for her.

"Good! Sister Tongtong, I believe you. But when you are in trouble, remember to tell me. "

Lin Feng thought for a while and added, "yes! Sister Tongtong, tomorrow morning, our family will move to the capital. We have found a house. You are in the capital anyway. Do you want to come together? "

"Tomorrow morning? Let's forget it! Lin Feng, I have something to do tomorrow... "

If it were any other time, Li Yutong would surely pass even if he was not in the capital. However, at noon tomorrow, she has promised to go to Wansheng imperial court to make a final deal with her third uncle. Naturally, she can't separate to wish the Linfeng family move to their new house.

After hanging up with Lin Feng, Li Yutong's original cold heart actually had a trace of warmth. Anyway, there is Lin Feng behind him. Parents can not give their own kind of family and family warmth, but Lin Feng gave it in place in every word he said.

On the other hand, in the No. 1 villa of Wansheng imperial court, Li Xiangui, who was still directing the workers to newly decorate the villa, smiled and sent out the photos of Li Yutong just secretly taken in his mobile phone after receiving Li Yutong's phone.

Just a moment after the photo was sent out, his cell phone rang.

"Hello! Brother Wang, what's up? Is my niece more beautiful than those first-line female stars? " After receiving the call, Li Xiangui said proudly.

"That's great! Even compared with Su Zixuan, the eldest miss of the Su family, but... Brother Li, you really think it over and plan to present all your nieces? " On the other side of the phone, it was one of the children in charge of this matter of the Wang family. Elder Wang managed everything every day. Naturally, the specific details were sent to the children of the family.

Therefore, the specific communication with Li Xiangui is not Wang Changlao himself, but Wang Zhongjun, a nephew of his family.

"Don't worry, since I've sent you photos to have a look. Naturally, I have this plan, but brother Wang, the big man you said, is he good at it? I've heard that some big people really have quirks. They don't like women, but like men. If this great man is also a hobby, won't I flatter the horse's legs? " Li Xiangui flattered happily.

"Ha ha! If it were someone else, I might not know. But this big man should be good at this. I tell you secretly that I heard the wind in the family. It seems that there is a young lady in our Wang family with this big man. Otherwise, why do you think our old man is so interested?

I tell you, it's never wrong to get on this line. In the future, the aristocratic family of this great man and our Wang family will be connected into one. At that time, it will be the most powerful aristocratic family consortium in the whole Chinese country. "

Wang Zhongjun and Li Xiangui have also known each other for many years. Li Xiangui spent a lot of money to get on with him. He always thought he had a good position in the Wang family, so he believed what he said.

"OK! Brother Wang, I'm relieved to have you say that. At noon tomorrow, although you bring big people, I'll tidy up the villa. What leather sofas and high-end furniture are also new to ensure his satisfaction. "

After such a communication with Wang Zhongjun, Li Xiangui's heart became more bottomed out. At the same time, he has already made a comprehensive plan in his heart. On the surface, he wants to cheat Li Yutong to trade the 10 billion yuan in the villa the next day, so as to completely solve the gratitude and resentment with his father.

But in fact, Li Xiangui has another kind of mind and conspiracy. Li Yutong really doesn't want to commit himself to making a deal, but as long as she comes, Li Xiangui feels that he has 10000 ways to make Li Yutong obey. Let's not say anything else. At that time, just put a bag of overpowering medicine in the water that Li Yutong drinks. Are you afraid that Li Yutong will fall down and let others do whatever they want?

After staying dormant in the Li family for so many years, Huang Chui finally killed his two brothers. Of course, Li Xiangui has some means. This time, he has made up his mind to catch up with this big man and flatter such a top aristocratic family. Can't the Li family prosper together in the future?

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