The next day, after another busy morning, Lin Feng helped his parents take care of the whole villa. After buying some necessary daily necessities in the nearby shopping mall, he pretended to be a friend and checked the car in. When his parents didn't pay attention, he got the maybah sports car out of Shenshui space.

"Dad! Mom! If there's nothing wrong at home, I'll go to school and have classes in the afternoon! "

He drove the sports car out of the garage and shouted into the villa.

"Xiao Feng, drive slowly. When you get to school, call your parents. " Lin mother confessed.

"I see, mom! I'm gone... "

Say it! Lin Feng stepped on the accelerator and drove the Maybach sports car towards Qingbei University.

At this time, in Qingbei University, freshmen have been in class for several days, and everything is in normal learning order. Qingbei university without Lin Feng is so normal and boring.

However, it was precisely because Lin Feng didn't show up for several days that everyone seemed to gradually forget that such a new student came.

However, whether others remember or not, two people are talking about Lin Feng every day.

"Nishang! What about? Did Lin Feng tell you whether to come to school today? Didn't he move out yesterday? "

In the dormitory of the girls' dormitory, during the lunch break at noon, Qin Yanran mumbled her small mouth and ran to Xiao nishang's dormitory to ask.

"He didn't tell me, but it's estimated that if he doesn't come back this afternoon, he should come back tomorrow." Xiao nishang pretended not to care about Lin Feng on the surface, but she was also looking forward to Lin Feng's coming back to school.

"This afternoon is a major course for our two classes. Microeconomics is a very important basic course. If you can, Lin Feng had better not be absent. It is said that our professional microeconomics is taught by the new beautiful writer Teacher Chang Yu... "

With that, Qin Yanran took out a signed book of "I'm really a big star" and said, "see? This is the last time Lin Feng and I came to Qingbei University. It happened that Mr. Chang Yu came back to sign for sale. I just asked for a signed copy. "

"Chang Yu?"

Hearing the name, Xiao nishang couldn't help smiling on her face. After months of memory digestion, she had already read all the memories of the old monster Chang Hong. There are some fragments about Chang Yu, or the Chang family in the whole capital.

She originally wanted to find a time to fake the appearance of the Chang family after its ancestors took it away, explore the reality of the Chang family, and even turn the strength of the whole Chang family into her own use, but she has not found a good opportunity to contact the Chang family.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that Chang Yu, the owner of the Chang family, sent him to the door. He was the teacher of his professional course.

"What's the matter? Nishang, have you ever heard of Teacher Chang? This "I'm a big star" is really hot! " Qin Yanran turned a few pages with a smile and said, "I've read some. It's very interesting. I hope teacher Chang can be so humorous and fun with novels in class..."

"Yan Ran, I'm very interested in this Teacher Chang."

Narrowed his eyes, Xiao nishang said with a smile.

At this time, the campus of Qingbei University caused another sensation. From the school gate, a new Maybach roadster worth nearly 20 million swished directly in.

"Sleeping trough! Whose car is this, so windy? I've seen this one in the auto magazine. Even the minimum configuration needs more than 10 million. This one is obviously a high configuration! At least 20 million... "

"Too rich? Is there such a super rich second generation in our school? Driving a 20 million sports car to school is really fucking high-profile! "

"With this car, I'm afraid I can't make so much money in my life?"

"Wait! Look, does the man on the sports car look familiar... Why can't I remember his name suddenly, that's the one hanging in the freshman, even the instructor... "

"It's Lin Feng! Lin Feng, the representative of that excellent freshman, seems to have no news for several days. How did he drive such a popular sports car as soon as he came back... "

"Yes, yes, yes! It's Lin Feng, tut tut! No wonder! It's not unusual for a guy who can leave with a fighter to drive a sports car of more than 20 million... "


Lin Feng did not hide, wearing sunglasses and driving a sports car directly from the gate to the downstairs of the boys' dormitory. Along the way, it aroused the amazement of countless students.

In Qingbei University, although there are many rich second-generation and aristocratic children studying, there are usually millions of luxury cars, and there are few more expensive ones. It's not that the children of aristocratic families can't afford such a luxury car, but their families generally don't allow them to show off in school. Usually, it's enough to give millions of cars.

Whose rich second generation, after going to Qingbei University, will drive a 20 million luxury car to the school like Lin Feng?

However, Lin Feng is neither the rich second generation nor the red third generation. He has become an elder of the dragon group of the Chinese nation step by step with his own efforts. Of course, he also has some other identities, such as the newly appointed director of Huaneng Group, the leader of Da Sheng Gang, and even the killer "lucky" who hasn't appeared for a long time.

Multiple identities and titles, but at Qingbei University, there is only one identity left for Lin Feng, who is a student of Qingbei University and the monitor of class 2 of economics.

"Wow! Boss, is your sports car too windy? I wanted to buy it last year, but it seems that there are only eight sets in China, which are robbed by the top tycoons. I started a little late. I can't buy it with money! "

Lin Feng had just parked his car downstairs. Murong Hui, who had just come from the canteen, rushed forward with bright eyes. He felt Lin Feng's Maybach sports car and asked, "can you let me drive? I've long wanted to try my hand. "

"Feel free, ah Hui. Here's the key. Who is in the dormitory... "

Fling the key at Murong Hui, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Just Kaige and Viagra. Boss, help me bring this takeout to them. I'll drive your car and go out for two rounds. Maybe I won't come back so soon."

After receiving the car key, muronghui couldn't wait to start the car. Swish, he drove for a ride.

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