Back in the dormitory, Lin Feng found that Li Kai and ye Baiwei were still playing games in the dormitory.

"Kaige and Viagra, can you two be a little promising and self-motivated! Is it really good to indulge in the game world all day? At least you two are also young and promising top students of Qingbei university? "

After glancing at the game played by Li Kai and ye Baiwei, it was CF, which was popular among thousands of primary school students. Lin Feng used to be obsessed with this kind of gunfight game, but later he killed the gun god zero of Bangzi country, and he thought it was meaningless. He hadn't played it for months.

"What is addictive game! Boss, this game is not just a game! CF is still a battlefield. It's cool to fight in it! It's just that there are too many hanging B and primary school students, which really lowers our IQ... "

Ye Baiwei stopped his actions with a smile, turned his head and said to Lin Feng.

"Yes! Boss, don't you play games? Actually! Look at the children of aristocratic families like Viagra. They are bored all day. They are waiting to take over the class of family business. Of course, they will indulge in the game. But I'm different! I still shoulder the important task of winning glory for the country! "

With that, Li Kai said with a proud smile, "I'm practicing hard now, but there will be a China South Korea PK competition in half a month! At that time, the top experts of China and South Korea will come to the ultimate PK competition. At that time, the bonus will also be very rich. The first prize will be one million! "

"Come on! Kaige, you have just reached the level of being invited. You are still thousands of miles away from the king of guns and the God of guns! " Ye Baiwei broke through the way.

"Fuck you! Viagra, I'm better than you! At least I basically abuse people in the game, and you are... Ha ha! Abused... "Li Kai quickly hit back.

"Wait, brother Kay. I'll study the videos of my idol man Jiang armor gun god, and I'll kill you directly."

With that, ye Baiwei withdrew from the game interface and opened a website, which played the game video of Lin Feng's last second killing of the gun god zero of the Bangzi country. The number of hits has broken one billion. It can be seen that almost all CF players have seen this video more than once.

"Man red armor? Viagra, is this your idol? "

Seeing the familiar picture, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Yes! Boss, if you don't play games, you may not know. The man's red armor gun god was really blown up. When a shouting gun god zero of Bangzi country came to our country to provoke, he was killed by man's red armor, and it was still live. I was lucky to see the live broadcast... From then on, he has become a loyal fan of man's red armor... "

When it comes to the man's red armor gun god, ye Baiwei's two eyes are small stars in worship. He is so foaming that he can't wait to repeat the wonderful picture at that time.

"Come on! Viagra, with your operating skills... If it hadn't been supported by a lot of RMB equipment, it would have been abused into a dog. You also know that in the duel between Xumei Jiangkai and zero, Xumei Jiangkai killed zero with the simplest small pistol. This shows that weapons and equipment are actually useless. The core is operation and Technology... You know? "

Li Kai is a senior hacker and an "anti RMB player". What he despises most is that ye Baiwei, a rich RMB player, always upgrades to the top equipment and uses the best golden gun. In his opinion, this is the biggest insult to CF, a purely operational gun game.

"Go... Brother Kay, a good horse needs a good saddle. You are reluctant to spend money in the game, and you say me? There is a kind of you, like a man's red armor, who will kill zero in the China South Korea PK war next month! " Ye Baiwei said with a smile.

"I don't have the ability! At that time, I'd better be careful, try to die less and help our Chinese team accumulate more total points! However, the strength of this competition is still quite different. After all, there are so many gun gods and gun kings in Bangzi country, but we don't even have a gun god... "Li Kai sighed.

"Why not? Isn't Xumei crimson armor the God of guns? And he's the ultimate gun god! "

Ye Baiwei was immediately unconvinced. How could he ignore his idol man Jiang kaigun God like this? This is the only gun god in China who convinced all Bangzi countries!

"Come on! Viagra, Xumei Jiangkai hasn't appeared for months. Some even said... Xumei Jiangkai may not be a person, but a gimmick made by CF Company. It's just a computer program. "

As a top hacker, Li Kai smiled and said, "technically, it's not easy to make such a gun god robot."

"How is that possible? Kego, don't talk nonsense. How many thousands of people are watching the live broadcast? How is it possible that Xumei Jiangkai is a robot? He is my idol. I don't care. I believe that he will play in the CF gun god PK match between China and South Korea next month. He must raise our national prestige! " Ye Baiwei shouted angrily.

"Wait... Viagra and Kaige, don't argue first. In other words, what's going on in this China South Korea PK game? What kind of the gun god man crimson armor you said will also participate? "

Originally, Lin Feng didn't care much about the two people talking about the game, but seeing that they suddenly talked about themselves, the man Jiang armor gun god, they had to ask.

"Boss, the China South Korea PK competition is CF an annual event for servers in China and South Korea! In October every year, the domestic CF Company will send invitations to the players who have performed well in the CF server this year. At that time, about 500 people will participate! Xumei Jiang armor gun god is so famous that he will definitely receive an invitation. It's not necessarily whether he can come to the competition... Who makes him haunt all the time! Even the people of CF company said that there was no further information about Xumei Jiangkai... "

Ye Baiwei said with some regret, "if I find him in reality, I will pay for it and let him teach me CF technology every day..."

"You local tyrant, do you think Xumei Jiangkai has this technology? He may be short of money? It's expensive to be a guide in any game guild... "Li Kai said contemptuously.

"Cut! How much can they give me? If you let me know who it is, I'll keep him for 100000 yuan a month. " Ye Baiwei argued with great wealth.

After Lin Feng heard ye Baiwei's words, he also had fun in his heart. Then he secretly climbed onto his bed, opened the laptop on the bed, and logged in to the CF game client he hadn't opened for a long time.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the CF game client and logged in to the trumpet of Xumei Jiangkai gun king, Lin Feng saw the invitation of the China South Korea gun god PK competition sent by the CF operation group of Tencent.

"Dear Xu Mei, red armored gun God:

CF operation team sincerely invites you to participate in the Online China South Korea CF Musketeer exchange competition held on October 14... "

Then below the invitation letter is a click option, with "confirm to participate" on the left and "no, thank you!" on the right.

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