
Shut up!

When Lin Feng cut off all his contacts with the outside world, he wholeheartedly entered the situation of understanding these three big words.

"How did Taoist Bai Yu engrave these three words on the cliff?"

Sitting at the bottom and looking up at the sky, Lin Feng looked directly at the big words "white feather gate" again.

"Why do you leave these three words?"

"White feather gate?"

"What if it's another word?"

"No! Any word should be the same! "

"The mystery lies not in words!"

"The mystery lies only in the feeling hidden between the lines!"

"So... How does it feel?"


Lin Feng did not dare to look directly at these three words, because he had tasted the power before, and could only scan the past quietly from the side.

However, Rao was like this. As long as he saw the shape of those three words, he would feel a little trembling all over, and the power of divine spirit and consciousness would be greatly impacted.

"These three words are really famous!"

Calming down, Lin Feng no longer looked at these three words, but turned around and opened the jade slips.

"Good! Let's start with the understanding of elder Kang. The old man is also very interesting. He said it in such detail. He is really not afraid that I will learn the supreme sword formula of their white feather sect and become their leader instead. "

The spiritual knowledge entered the jade slips given by elder Kang, in which all the feelings he entered were presented in Lin Feng's mind one by one.

"When I was twenty-eight, I was promoted to the foundation period. For the first time, I looked up to the three big words left by my ancestors. The spirit has received a strong impact! It took half a year to recover the spirit... "

Seeing this first paragraph, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. It seems that old man Kang has suffered a lot in these three words.

Then look

"When I was 50, I was promoted to the golden elixir period, and then I dared to face the three big characters of my ancestors again. Although the spirit was hurt this time, it seems that we can see the figure of our ancestors dancing the sword. We created a move to destroy the divine sword. The golden elixir period is invincible at the same level... "

When reading this paragraph, Lin Feng was stunned: "isn't it? Isn't this old man Kang a liar? When he was in the golden age, he could see the sword move from these three big characters? He also created a sword formula to blow up the sky? Extinction sword? Sounds domineering! But you were in the golden age? "

Look down again!

"When I was a hundred years old, I was lucky to enter the yuan infant period. When I looked at the three big characters left by my ancestors again, I got nothing! It's a very plain three big characters, and there's no pressure of the spirit... "

"When I was 200 years old, Yuan Ying watched it again in the later stage. It was still the same!"

"When I was three hundred years old, I was promoted to God. I watched it again. It's still the same..."


No matter how many times later, Lin Feng can only see the content of "still so", which makes him feel very strange.

"Why do I still have the feeling that the spirit is collided when I look at the three big characters? But the old man has no feeling at all? "

With such doubts, Lin Feng continued to check other jade slips.

However, most of them are the same as those of elder Nakang. Most of the disciples have understood the contents of these three characters for many times, but they are either injured by the collision of the spirit, or they don't see anything.

Only a few people saw that someone seemed to be dancing a sword, and then realized some powerful tricks.


There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

Lin Feng spent a whole day to understand the understanding and experience of so many Baiyu sect disciples on these three characters.

However, the result made him feel very confused.

He had thought that everyone would have different experiences, but the results were just a few.

Moreover, Lin Feng can be sure that these people did not lie or hide anything from themselves, but were not afraid of what valuable experience they would get from their understanding.


Lin Feng, who was thinking deeply, was a little distressed, but he was not discouraged and did not give up at all.

This feeling is like solving a very difficult mathematical problem. I put a lot of formulas aside, but I don't seem to have a clue.

However, Lin Feng always believes that he can solve this problem.

"In that case, good! Then let me once again appreciate the truth and mystery of these three words! "

When the understanding of all people was integrated in his mind, Lin Feng took a deep breath and continued to look up at the three big characters.


At the same time, Lin Feng closed the door to practice enlightenment, but there was a lot of excitement in the Baiyu gate.

Because the hero fish soup made by Lin Feng has raised the strength of the whole white feather gate to a higher level. This is not the strength of someone, but the strength of the whole.

Therefore, the elders of Baiyu sect treated Xiao nishang and Zixia fairy who came with Lin Feng warmly.

Elder Kang, the supreme elder, and Bai Pao, the leader, have been laughing for two days. They have already cleared up their grievances with Lin Feng. After all, there is no hatred between them. They are all misunderstandings.

On the morning of the third day, the leader Bai Pao came to the front of the mountain, looked at Lin Feng who was still closed, smiled and asked Kang Changlao: "Uncle Kang, you say... Can this Taoist friend Lin really understand the supreme sword formula of our Baiyu sect in three days?"

"Impossible! No one can do it. Even our founder of kaipai said that if someone can understand the sword formula left by him, it will not happen overnight. It needs strong accumulation and years of hard research... "

Elder Kang smiled and shook his head.

"Good! In this way, he will return our white feather sword obediently. "

His face turned red, and the leader's white robe said with some embarrassment. After all, it's really not a glorious thing to be captured by a younger generation like Lin Feng.

"Yes! But then, don't embarrass him. Such a young man has great talent and unlimited future! "

After touching half of his long beard, elder Kang said faintly, "if we can win him to join our Baiyu sect, our Baiyu sect will not become the first of the top ten sects."

"Oh? Uncle Kang, do you really expect so much of him? "

"If one of the monks I have seen in my lifetime can understand the supreme sword formula left by my ancestors, then this person... Must be Lin Feng. It is said that this sword formula contains... The law of sword! White robe! That's the law! " Elder Kang said sonorously.

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