"What? Law? Uncle Kang, don't be kidding! The law can't even be understood by the practitioners who survive the robbery, let alone us? "

Hearing the word "rule", the white leader also blew his hair immediately. After all, it was too ethereal.

"Yes! Law! Law! How can we be able to understand the laws that make up the space between heaven and earth? It is said that... Even many immortals with advanced cultivation in the fairy world can't understand the law! "

With bright eyes, Kang Changlao stared at the three big characters on the stone wall, sighed and said, "how energetic our ancestors were! One person created Baiyu sect, making Baiyu sect the largest sect. They fought all over the world and were invincible before they rose. I think... At that time, he may have understood the law... "

"This... The power of the law! Did our ancestors really do it? "

Bai zhangmen was stunned.

"Yes! I also saw it by chance from the classics! Yes, our ancestor understood the law of sword during the period of robbery, but he couldn't teach it to any of his disciples. Because the mystery of the law can't be said at all, let alone written. No paper or jade slips can bear the weight of the law... "

After a bitter smile, elder Kang pointed to the three characters and said, "so, in the end, the ancestor used the stupidest way. That is to hide the mystery of the law of the sword in these three big characters. However, in this way, it is even more difficult to understand... No one has succeeded in tens of thousands of years. "

"No wonder! No wonder... I've heard that the elders of other sects often sneak to understand our three big characters during the period of robbery and Mahayana. The skills of their sect are all top-level cultivation skills, so only the rules will be attractive to them... "Leader Bai also suddenly realized.

"After understanding the power of the law, mortals can even kill our cultivators with one move. Cultivators can kill immortals with one move. It's unreasonable! This is the power of the law, even a trace... "

Say it!

Kang Changlao turned away and said, "let's go! Three days is too short for him to understand anyway. "

"Yes! This is the truth, this is the law! "

The headmaster Bai Pao also reluctantly glanced at the three big characters on the stone wall and secretly vowed to be diligent and understand them more in the future.


At this time, Lin Feng, who was in seclusion, stared at the three big characters and didn't close his eyes day and night.

He didn't even blink. He had entered a state of wandering.

The sword!

Murderous sword!

Bloody sword!

Using a sword is killing!

Kill life, destroy life!


In front of Lin Feng's eyes, a murderous sword roared past.

Come on!

It's too fast!

The world's martial arts, only fast not broken!

Lin Feng kept his eyes fixed, but there was still a flying sword in front of him. His eyes could not even stay on any flying sword.

Because these flying swords are too fast.

"What's going on? Where did these flying swords come from? "

Lin Feng doesn't know what state he is now. He only knows that everything in front of him is what he wants. The truth hidden behind the three big words seems to be revealed immediately.


Flying sword!


Fly the sword!

Come and go!

as one falls!

spring, summer, autumn and winter!

The tide rises and falls!

Between heaven and earth, everything is regular!

All creatures in the world have their own life cycles!

The sword!

It's killing!

Cut off other life cycles!

Such a sword!

It's the devil's sword!


It's also a killing sword


Thinking of this, Lin Feng's thoughts stopped.

The sword?

If you don't kill!

Is it also called a sword?

If you're not happy!

Is it also called a sword?

What the hell is going on?

Why is there such a reflection in your mind when staring at these three big words?

Don't you kill?

Then wait for someone else to kill yourself?

If the sword is not contaminated with the enemy's blood, isn't it... Waiting for your own blood to be contaminated?

Ha ha ha

Lin Feng laughed loudly. The world is too stupid!

Dead friends don't die, poor friends!

The way of heaven seems to be the same. It doesn't pay attention to human feelings at all.

Survival is the only thing!

survival of the fittest in natural selection!

What's wrong with that?

Sword, invented, is a weapon!

A killing weapon!

Isn't that so?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng hesitated again.

No... not so!

The sword is not just a killing sword.

The sword is still... Right!

The sword can also be... Gentleman's sword!


Sword is a gentleman among weapons.


Don't kill!

The purpose of drawing the sword is to kill the enemy!

However, the ultimate purpose of drawing the sword is to... Stop drawing the sword!


Finally, at this moment, all Lin Feng's thoughts came together again when they spread out.


Don't kill!

Sword of murder!

Gentleman's sword!





Everything, everything!

The law of the sword!

It's not how many enemies you kill!

But lies in the gentleman's way of sword!

The strong with a sharp sword should not bully the weak.

You shouldn't kill the enemy!

What we should do is to defend, guard and put an end to everything that needs to draw a sword.



Lin Fengwu!

Among the three big characters, Lin Feng saw it!

A shadow!

Yes, like countless Baiyu sect disciples, it's a figure.

This figure is Taoist Baiyu, the founder of Baiyu sect.

However, Lin Feng found that he was different from all the disciples of Baiyu sect. What they saw, including the most talented Kang Changlao, was the figure of Taoist Baiyu pulling out his sword and using his sword moves.

What Lin Feng saw was the scene of the sword.

Take the sword!

Seal the sword!

Gentleman's sword!

It's just accessories.

The true mystery of the sword!

That is, don't draw the sword!

That is, don't kill!

The sword of a gentleman is the law of the sword

Bit by bit!

Lin Feng's mind has begun to understand.

The display and understanding of the sword formula in these three characters slowly turned into a set of supreme sword formula and began to condense in Lin Feng's mind

However, it was almost the time agreed on the third day. The disciples of Baiyu sect had already gathered together to see if Lin Feng could really understand the supreme sword formula of their sect in three days.


Kang Changlao, leader Bai and other supreme elders and elders all flew down one after another. Xiao nishang, Zixia fairy and Hongxia have been guarding Lin Feng's closed secret room.

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