With the passage of time, there are more and more practitioners in this happy home.

Lin Feng came early. There were not many elegant seats upstairs. Most of them came from practitioners seeking pleasure.

However, as the time for the performance is getting closer and closer, more and more practitioners come to see the snake witch performance, and most of those with higher cultivation choose to sit in the elegant seats upstairs.

Lin Feng glanced around with his spiritual knowledge and found that there were almost 70 or 80 people sitting in the elegant seat upstairs. Most of them were above the period of transforming God, and even some. Even Lin Feng couldn't see the level of cultivation. He should have used a special method to hide the cultivation.

After Lin Feng reached the top, he didn't hide his cultivation. His cultivation now is the second floor of the period of transforming God. In fact, it's not very eye-catching among these people upstairs.

Soon, the flirtatious mediocre fat and vulgar powders below were removed one after another. In the whole pleasure seeking house, a pink light was lit, emitting an unspeakable fragrance.

This smell, even the practitioners with the highest accomplishments could not help but feel a little hot and dry. They hurried to use the vitality in the elixir field to suppress the most instinctive desire from the body.

"Is this... Incense made from the body fluids of sentient animals? Hum! Donghua, an old man, is really a good business! "

Sitting next to Lin Feng, an old man of Huashen period frowned and couldn't help cursing.

"The body fluid of the beast? This Taoist friend, don't know what this love beast is? "

Lin Feng, who has always been modest and studious, will not miss such a good opportunity to ask for advice. He bows his hands and asks the old man next to him.

"Taoist friend! You haven't left the east Yellow Kingdom, have you? This love beast is a unique monster on the yanxuan continent. This monster is very strange. As long as it is in heat, it emits a smell, which is enough to make all the monsters, birds, animals, insects and fish within a hundred miles follow in heat... Therefore, this monster is called love beast. "

The old man stroked his long white beard and said, "Donghua, an old thing, makes incense with the coagulated fat in the animal's body, and then ignites it at this time. Naturally, he wants to stimulate the desire in our body. If we compete with snake demons at that time, he will not want to shout higher prices..."

"So it is! So it seems that Donghua's wishful thinking is very slippery! "

Lin Feng also nodded, then arched his hand and asked, "I don't know what Taoist friends call me under Lin Dasheng?"

The more he stayed on the west coast, the more Lin Feng felt that he was unfamiliar with his life. There are many things I don't know about the humanities and truth cultivation common sense here. Not to mention that when we arrive at yanxuan continent, we are bound to encounter more new things.

Therefore, Lin Feng should try to keep a low profile, make more friends with experienced practitioners, and get more information from their mouth.

"Lin Daoyou, you're welcome! I happen to have a white beard. Taoist friends gave me face and gave me the Taoist name of the old ghost with white beard. It has been called for thousands of years, and I gradually recognized the name. "

The white beard old ghost touched his long beard and smiled very forthright.

"Meeting is fate! I'm a newcomer here, and I'd like to invite you to give me more advice later... "

After a short contact, Lin Feng found that the white beard old ghost was a good man, forthright and outspoken. They talked and waited for the beginning of the snake clan witch show.

After a while, the smell of incense was almost at its strongest. When the whole fun seeking residence was confused by smoke, master Donghua came on stage at this time, smiled and arched his hands around, saying: "thank you for giving me Donghua's face, but I Donghua promise you. The snake witch tonight will never let you down. All of them are the purest, purest and uneducated snake girls... "

After shouting several times, master donghuaxian patted his hands and walked in from both sides... No! It should be said that two rows of evil women with heads and snake bodies came in. Each of them danced on the stage wearing the traditional and natural green leaf clothes of the snake family.

"Look! Lin Daoyou, come out... Sure enough! This Donghua old thing really didn't brag this time. These snake clan demons at the bottom are all superior goods! "

Just now, the white bearded old ghost who talked solemnly with Lin Feng about his sea experience stared straight at the sight of the snake family demons coming out, and almost poked his head out of the attic above.

The other practitioners also have similar expressions and states. They have seen a lot of beautiful nuns. They basically don't feel so fresh and curious.

But this exotic style, the beautiful Snake Girl with head and snake body, coupled with the stimulation of love animal incense, made their blood boil one by one.

Melodious Pipa sound!

Floating clouds!

The seductive eyes and actions of the snake witch!

Dancing, it almost hooked the souls of all the practitioners present.

"It's really a snake with a head..."

Lin Feng was also stunned. It was the first time he saw the snake witch. His heart was full of shock.

In particular, the dancing music of these snake demons has a different jumping movement. The curved snake tail bounces up, which is more Soul-catching.

Let's take a look at the faces of these snake clan demons. Basically, all of them are at the level of beauty. Sharp chin, white face, big eyes, especially this pair of big eyes, are so charming that if you look at them, you seem to be completely lost in their beauty.

It's no wonder that so many practitioners flock to these snake monster girls every year and pay a lot of spirit stones to buy a snake monster girl back.

Slowly, the sound of the pipa slowly disappeared, and the clouds filled with it faded. The beautiful snake demons twisted their slim waist, showing their form of perfect integration of snakes and people. Their flirting appearance was enough to seduce any man in the world who was more innocent and less lustful.

Basically, after this dance music was finished, the practitioners present were fascinated. When they looked at these snake demons, they were full of desire, possession and conquest.

"No! I can't... even if I'm broke today, I'll take a snake witch back! "

"I didn't expect such a beautiful snake in the world. It's an eye opener! An eye opener... "

"I don't know if I have enough spirit stones today! How many spirit stones are worth it! "


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