For practitioners, the worldly enjoyment of those beautiful women is quite boring.

On the contrary, there are many people who want to try this exotic charm. What's more, it is said that some of these snake clan demons contain more dragon blood, so there will be a lot of benefits to cultivate with them.

So when the show was over, everyone began to wait for the auction to begin.

There are more than 40 snake clan demons here, and only a few hundred practitioners are present, so there is a great chance to take a picture.

In fact, the price is not expensive. Because of the large number, the unit price of the auction generally can not go up. After all, there are more than 40 opportunities! Each snake demon girl is basically the same, and there is no essential difference. Unlike some magic weapons, they are unique.

Generally, the starting price of such an unofficial Snake Girl is generally 100000 lower grade spirit stones, that is, 1000 middle grade spirit stones, which is converted into only 10 upper grade spirit stones.

Even if the bidding is fierce, a snake witch will finally rise to the price of dozens of top-grade spirit stones at most. For these Xiuzhen old monsters in the period of Yuanying and even in the period of transforming God, they are nothing at all.

Which of them didn't go out with hundreds of top-grade spirit stones?

Everyone's wealth is at least thousands of spirit stones, so everyone is eager to try and wait for the East Huaxian master to announce the rules of the auction.

"Lin Daoyou! Tut tut... I wonder if you have ever tried to have sex with these snake clan demons before? "

At Lin Feng's side, the old ghost with white beard said with an obscene smile.

"I haven't tried... Why? White beard Taoist friend, do you know what it's like? "

Hearing the white beard old ghost's question, Lin Feng was a little funny in his heart. Did he say that the three iron men are also popular in the cultivation world?

"Of course I know! Over the years, I have raised many snake clan demons. It's a pity... I just died of old age 50 years ago. I've been with me for 500 years! "

Speaking of this, the old man with white beard even felt his beard with regret and said, "the snake tail is very soft and feels great! I was disillusioned with the world of mortals and didn't pursue sensual enjoyment at all, but I didn't expect... On the snake clan witch, I can often more than ten times a day... "

"Dozens of times a day? I really... Admire you! White beard Taoist friend, you are really old and strong! "

After listening to the boast of the white beard old ghost, Lin Feng was almost full of admiration. At the same time, he was more interested in these snake clan demons. For him, he couldn't give it a try!

But think about it, I still shook my head. I already have so many wives. I can't sorry them any more! You can't do such a thing

He shook his head. Although Lin Feng didn't intend to bid for these snake clan demons, it was very convenient for him to ask all kinds of news in this auction store.

It can be said that those who can come here have certain accomplishments and experience. Basically, most of them have been out of the sea and to other countries and continents. From their mouth, Lin Feng knew a lot about the distribution of forces in Shanghai all the way and some basic profiles on the yanxuan continent.

Being able to ask these questions, Lin Feng felt that it was a worthwhile trip.

However, other people on the scene did not come to listen to all kinds of gossip and news like Lin Feng. Their purpose here is very unified, that is, to bid for the snake clan witch to go back and enjoy.

However, the East China immortal has been selling off. When these snake demons have finished their performances, they have not started the auction.

Instead, he smiled and said to the distinguished guests upstairs, "you Taoist friends! Thank you for your support! Let's talk about it. What's the quality of this group of snake witch in my hand? Is it beautiful? "

"Beauty! Donghua, hurry up... I can't wait! What nonsense do you have? Can you wait? Let's start the auction first! "

"Yes! We made a special trip here. The auction starts quickly! I don't have time to listen to your nonsense... "

"My spirit stones are ready! Hurry up and start the auction! "


These practitioners, who have high accomplishments and are also anxious, began to urge Donghua immortal master one after another.

"Don't worry, Taoist friends! This time's snake clan witch auction is somewhat different from the previous one. "

The more worried the practitioners are, the more satisfied the master Donghua is. This is just what he wants. In this way, his snake witch can make a better price.

However, if we still auction one by one as before, we will certainly not get any high price.

Therefore, after planning for a period of time, master Donghua immortal began to announce with a smile: "Dear Taoist friends, this time there are 48 snake clan demons. They are the only group of chaste women in the whole snake clan, and they have not been broken so far. Therefore, I really don't have the heart to auction them separately, so I made up my mind and decided to auction the 48 snake witch women uniformly, starting with a price of $5 million for the inferior spirit stone... "


As soon as Donghua Laoxian said this, all the guests present shouted in an uproar.

"Donghua old ghost! Are you crazy about money? "

"Yes! Tied together for auction? Thanks to your imagination, who has nothing to buy so many snake clan demons back? "

"I just want one! Forty eight... Who will spend this unjust money? "

"Strong protest! Split the auction! "


In order to avoid the low price of a single bid, Donghua immortal tried to auction all snake demons together. For these practitioners, it is no different from great bad news. After all, either you take all the photos or you get nothing.

"This is a good means!"

Seeing Lin Feng here, he couldn't help shouting good at the skill of Donghua immortal.

Similar techniques often appear at the auction of the earth. For example, two as like as two peas, the price is one million, and the pair is two million. However, if one of them is smashed in a single game, the other will become the only one in the world, and its value will suddenly soar to $5 million.

Naturally, all the snake demons can't be killed, and then there is one left. Therefore, master Donghua adopted the method of binding auction, which makes those practitioners who want to participate in the auction scratching their ears and cheeks, either all or none.

Moreover, only in this way will the bidding price of the auction continue to soar.

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