Lin Feng's mind moved. When the rope was Sutton, it rolled up the fainted friar in black like a spirit snake, wrapped tightly in three or two circles.

"I remember there is an artifact called the fairy rope, um... This I refined is called... The dog rope."

He gave a name to the rope. Lin Feng nodded with great satisfaction, glanced at the friar in black's limbs and found that the blood had stopped. The cultivator's body was really good. The recovery ability of this small injury was very fast.

"Is there a disagreement between Weihai gang and Dinghai Gang? Then I'll help you. "

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng had grabbed the friar in black and quickly swept away in one direction.

Along the way, Lin Feng heard the location of the headquarters of Dinghai Gang, and immediately carried the friar in black with one hand and swaggered to the headquarters of Dinghai gang.

Seeing that he had entered the alert range of Dinghai sect headquarters, Lin Feng simply performed a hiding skill for himself, and then put the friar in black in a right position. From the perspective of outsiders, the friar in black was standing at this time.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng burst out at his strongest speed and grabbed the friar in black and flew away to the headquarters of Dinghai gang.


Members of the gatekeeper guild at the entrance of the headquarters

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