Ding Qianshan was still thinking about how to make good use of it a second ago. If it works properly, it will greatly weaken the arrogance of Weihai gang.

Dinghai gang has been silent for too long. This opportunity is too rare for them. We must seize it!

But in the next second, after hearing the black Friar's scolding, a smile just brewing on Ding Qianshan's face solidified instantly.

"What bullshit Dinghai Gang is also worthy of our Weihai gang and become one of the three major gangs? In my opinion, it's just a lost dog. It doesn't have much ability. At most, it usually flirts on the territory of our Weihai Gang, gets caught and beaten, and kneels down like a third grandson to beg for mercy. What's the matter? "

The monk in black swore incessantly, as if these words had been prepared for a long time, and were released at this moment.

Lin Feng, who was sitting at the top of the column, also looked stunned. Isn't it a true word sign? Used to be used on ordinary people, it seems that the effect is not so good.

Lin Feng doesn't know that according to normal conditions, the damage caused by the mantra to the friars in black will be very limited. After all, the spiritual knowledge of the friars in black is not weak. The friars in God can make a good response to these small tricks.

It's just that the resentment between the two gangs is too deep.

After the big loss of strength, Dinghai Gang on the weak side knew that many things were more effective.

Therefore, from time to time, they will go to the territory of Weihai Gang to do something. After that, they will pat their hips and leave immediately.

The division of many forces in Xihua city is complex. Although the Weihai gang has the strongest strength, if you want to destroy one of them, you still have to weigh it more.

They are now the overlord of Xihua city. Yes, but as the overlord, they also have the pain of overlord. All levels of Weihai Gang need to beware of attacks or conspiracies from other gangs.

Among the forces against Weihai Gang, Dinghai Gang is the most popular. Almost every member of Weihai Gang hates Dinghai gang.

Maybe the monk in black has wanted to say these words for a long time, but he has been holding them in his heart for some reasons.

Lin Feng's mantra became the best catalyst in the world, allowing the friar in black to pour out everything he wanted to say.

The friar in black scolded for a long time. The talents of Dinghai Gang reacted and ran away one by one.

"The dog son of Weihai Gang dares to go to Grandpa's territory and shout. Hasn't he died?"

"Shit, don't stop me. I'll go up and explode his bird. I really think I can demonstrate when I run here naked? What! "

"Guild leader, you must cut this guy to death one by one. It's too rampant!"

Many guild members were filled with righteous indignation, and their fierce eyes wanted to devour the friar in black alive.

The same is true of the elders of Dinghai gang. They are old people of Dinghai gang and have experienced the catastrophe a hundred years ago, so they hate Weihai Gang even more.

"Guild leader, it's up to you to decide how to decide this matter. We all believe that help can explain to those brothers who died!"

A big and thick looking Huashen peak cultivation elder bowed and said.

The other elders responded one after another.


The sound of earth shaking and mountains shaking came and attracted the attention of all Dinghai gang members.

Soon they looked down on a seemingly insignificant mansion surrounded by many Dharma arrays.

"This is... A monk in the middle of the fit. Unexpectedly, there is another monk in the middle of the fit in addition to the leader of the Dinghai gang."

Lin Feng's mind moved, and his spiritual knowledge swept through the mansion. Those so-called large arrays seemed to exist in vain in front of Lin Feng.

Before long, there was a figure standing quietly in the void.

This man looks white and old. He is obviously an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

"Supreme elder!"

The elders of Weihai gang were surprised at first and then saluted together.

The rest of the gang came back to their senses at this time and knelt down to salute one after another.

"Uncle, didn't you make a breakthrough this time?"

Ding Qianshan stepped forward and asked.

This old man is Ding Qianshan's uncle and the last Dinghai sect leader, Ding Yun.

However, after the catastrophe a hundred years ago, Ding Yun chose to retire on his own initiative and claimed to break through to the later stage of the integration.

However, more than 100 years later, Ding Yun still failed to make a breakthrough.

"Don't worry, nephew. I've successfully touched the bottleneck this time. I'll break through it next time. By that time, Weihai Gang once took our things and wanted to return them hundreds of times!"

Ding Yun said decisively.

"Congratulations to uncle for finding a breakthrough."

Ding Qianshan was overjoyed.

In the past, Ding Yun only shook his head every time he left the customs. This is the first time Ding Yun has found a breakthrough method and let them see hope.

People always have a hope, don't they? After such a long period of development, Dinghai Gang is slightly inferior to Weihai gang in terms of top combat power. If Ding Yun can break through, Dinghai Gang doesn't need to be afraid of Weihai Gang any more.

For a while, hold a group to celebrate.

But just then, an untimely voice remembered.

"Hahaha, Ding Yun, former leader of Dinghai sect? Last time, our guild leader mentioned you, saying that you are an old turtle. You are still alive, and the more you live, the more you go back. You haven't even broken through a small realm in a hundred years. You even set your lifelong goal at the later stage of integration. We are shy of being with such short-sighted people! "

The voice is too abrupt and the wife is too harsh.

It is like a basin of cold water, which extinguishes the confidence of Dinghai gang members who have just ignited hope.

"Who? Who is it! "

Ding Yun was also scolded and confused. His original good mood disappeared and was replaced by mania and rage.

"It's your grandpa. Why, I'm not convinced? Hehe, our old sect leader is already preparing to go through the robbery, and you? Look, that's what you're pursuing, something old and immortal. "

With these words, the friar in black stopped suddenly and was at a loss instead.

"I... where is this?"

The monk in black regained his consciousness. He felt his lower body chilly. When he looked down, he saw a frightening scene.

At this time, he was tied to the post naked, and the people watching him were already a sea of people.

The ubiquitous Dinghai sect logo deeply stimulated the black Friar's brain.

The mantra effect ends.

The black friar who scolded happily soon recalled what he had just done.

Felt the murderous spirit around him, and the monk in black was not good.

He knows that he is completely famous among the Dinghai Gang, and I'm afraid the whole Xihua city will know his existence soon.

[Fourth change]

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