"Did you catch this man?"

Ding Yun took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down and asked.

"No, uncle, he brought it to the door himself. He stripped himself off, tied himself to the post, and then began to scold for some reason..."

Looking at Ding Yun with an obvious look of disbelief, Ding Qianshan smiled bitterly: "although this matter is a little absurd, the fact is this. Everyone can prove this."

Ding Yun heard the speech and glanced at the elders.

Those elders spoke one after another and said, "yes, supreme elder, the sect leader is right. It's really absurd."

"I doubt that this man should have been hit and crazy, so he made such a strange move."

The elders finally let Ding Yun believe what you said.

"It's no use keeping a madman. Kill him."

Ding Yun pondered a little and said faintly.

"The old man is so decisive."

As soon as Lin Feng took a smoke from the corner of his mouth, he began to doubt whether he had gone too far?

If he just wants to kill people, he can kill the friar in black with a knife. Why bother to go to the base camp of Dinghai Gang?

"Uncle, is this... Something wrong? He is situ Shaofeng's personal guard. If we make an article on it, it will have a great impact on the reputation of Weihai gang."

Ding Qianshan hesitated and said.

"Impact? What impact can it have? My nephew, do you think we can really affect the Weihai gang by catching a madman? Although there are many mortals in Xihua City, mortals are also intelligent. Since they are crazy, even eating shit won't surprise people. "

Ding Qianshan was stunned when he heard the speech and thought carefully... It seems that this is really the case.

Even if the people of Weihai Gang know it, they will only take the reason that he is crazy and has nothing to do with us. In this way, they make an article about madmen. They look a little silly.

"Then kill him?"

Ding Qianshan made up his mind.

"Don't kill me! I'm not crazy! I'm normal. I'm the pro Wei chaisan of our young master situ. There's nothing wrong with my mind. "

People always panic in the face of death, let alone monks who have lived for thousands of years.

It's not easy to practice for thousands of years. No one is willing to give up his life.

Hearing that the people of Dinghai Gang secretly killed him, the friar in black immediately panicked and quickly explained.


With these words, Chai San suddenly felt that everyone's eyes focused on him again, and he was also aware of the bad.

"Since you are not crazy, that is to say, before you abused my Dinghai gang and my words were intentional?"

Ding Yun narrowed his eyes with a chill in his eyes.


Chai San is stupid. He doesn't know what to do now.

Admit that you are crazy, and your life will be lost. If you don't admit that you are crazy... It seems that your life can't be saved.

Chai San's forehead had climbed out of fine beads of sweat, and he scolded Lin Feng thousands of times.

In his opinion, what happened today is absolutely inseparable from Lin Feng, even what he did.

Thinking of this, Chai San seemed to grasp the straw and suddenly raised his head: "elder Ding, sect leader Ding and all Taoist friends here, this thing is definitely fueled by someone behind the scenes. I dare to come to your sect with the momentum of demons. It's not my intention!"

"You mean someone used you?"

Ding Yun frowned and asked faintly.

"Yes, absolutely. I was chasing someone before..."

Chaisan spits and spits out everything he knows.

In the Dinghai Gang's base camp, there was a complete silence. Everyone kept quiet and listened to the story.

"You mean, you chased a friar in the early days of God transformation, but he was abused. Then the man took you into the headquarters of our Dinghai Gang, tied you to this post, and forced you to yell in a strange way. Am I right?"

Ding Yun's face was expressionless after listening.

The expressions of Ding Qianshan and other elders were similar to those of Ding Yun.

However, many Dinghai gang members below looked different, but some couldn't help laughing and covered their mouths.

"This... Yes, that's it."

Chai San said weakly.


Ding Yun answered. The next moment, his voice suddenly increased by eight Baidu. He even couldn't help shouting: "ignorant child, do you think we are all fools?"

The roaring voice rushed to the Xiaohan and spoke out the aspirations of all Dinghai gang members at the same time.

"Who is in charge of the headquarters guard? Come here!"

Before chaisan could argue, Ding Qianshan glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

In the crowd, dozens of friars came out one after another. The weakest of these friars were Yuanying's peak. There were many in the stronger period of transforming God and the middle period of transforming God.

"Guild leader."

These people stood up and saluted one after another.

"I ask you how you found him coming in."

Ding Qianshan asked.

"It's like this. He flew in alone. The speed he showed was too fast, at least as fast as the monks in the later stage of transforming God, so his subordinates failed to intercept him."

One of the monks in the middle of the incarnation stood up and said.

"Are you sure there's no one else?"

"My subordinates swear by heart demons. I really don't see anyone else."

In addition to the friar, others also said they didn't see the second person.

"Elders and uncles, have you ever explored around with spiritual knowledge?"

Ding Qianshan asked again.

However, Ding Yun directly stretched out his hand to stop the people from talking and said faintly: "don't ask, I had explored it when I left the customs. There is no strange smell within ten miles of our headquarters, so..."

Ding Yun turned his eyes to Chai San with a frightened face and said word by word: "everything you said before is making up stories and lying."

"The supreme elder really knows everything!"

"Yes, the story is really wonderful, but there is no logic. The friars in the later stage of incarnation will be defeated by the friars in the early stage of incarnation. It's really funny."

"The most ridiculous thing is that he actually said that someone took him and tied him here under our eyes. With all due respect, this person can say such words, which obviously treats all of us as fools."

"Those who can escape the spiritual exploration of the supreme elder and the sect leader should at least have later cultivation accomplishments? These remarks are full of loopholes. I don't know how he brazenly made them up. "

"Hey, take off your pants. What's his face to him?"

Fifth, from today on, renewal will be awesome! Brother Huo began to pay off his debts. Let's work harder! More subscription support!]

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