"I think so. I'm so small. It's good to show my meaning. Alas, the world is going down and the heart is not old."

"In other words, has any Taoist friend heard of the means that can force people to scold?"

"Well... Anyway, I have practiced for thousands of years and have never heard of it, but there is a means to make the population speak the truth. That means is called the mantra. It is said that the mantra was lost as early as ten thousand years ago."

"Tut Tut, this man is full of lies. Let's leave the rest aside. It's just that he's really given the mantra and his body is not under his control. In that case, doesn't it mean that he scolds us Dinghai gang and the supreme elder from his heart? If so, this man should be killed! "

You and I have pushed Chai San to the forefront of the storm.

"You... You, I have sworn with my heart. Why don't you believe me?"

Extremely depressed, Chai San spits blood at his mouth and wails.

"Now that you are a mortal, what's the use of making an oath of demons? You have no chance to find a breakthrough in this life. How can you make us believe it? "

Ding Qianshan sneered again and again, then waved his big hand: "come on, put this man down from above, waste his accomplishments, lock his limbs and take him out for a walk."

"Yes, sect leader!"

Several nuns in charge of the punishment hall answered respectfully and quickly swept to chaisan.

However, these friars did not notice at all. Just above their heads, Lin Feng was nodding with a smile.

"The people who threatened me before don't exist now. This time, it's just interest."

Lin Feng whispered, and then his body flickered and disappeared from the stone pillar.

If situ Shaofeng didn't send someone to kill him, Lin Feng would not provoke a strong enemy for no reason.

After all, no matter how to say, it is still unknown when he will be able to go to sea on other people's territory. Although Lin Feng is not afraid of things, he is also unwilling to make trouble.

However, since someone wanted to ride on his head, Lin Feng certainly didn't want to.

Lin Feng, who left the headquarters of Dinghai Gang, didn't return to the inn immediately. Instead, he planned to wait and see. During the period of transforming God, friars were stripped off and paraded. This kind of excitement is rare.

Soon, a carriage, surrounded by a group of monks of Dinghai Gang, began to walk towards the street.

Chai San's face is as gray as death. Now he has begun to regret that Wei Mao had to admit that he was not crazy. It's better to die early and surpass life than to be pulled out and walk the street in such a shameful attitude.

He knew very well that he not only lost his life in the street, but also lost his life afterwards. The Dinghai gang would never allow him to live.

Unless... Weihai Gang sends someone to save him!

Thinking of this, a glimmer of light flashed in chaisan's eyes, as if it ignited the hope of life.

Soon, however, this glimmer of hope turned into despair.

At the back of the convoy, not only Ding Qianshan followed, but also Ding Yun hid in the dark to prevent someone from coming to rescue.

Moreover, the parade was not limited to the sphere of influence of the Dinghai Gang, but marched area by area, except for the area where the Weihai gang was located.

Where the motorcade said, countless people and passing monks stopped to point out.

"I'll go. Is that man really a god turning friar? Why did your pants get ripped off? It's really fresh. "

"Eh... It's so small. It's strange where the friar is and how he offended the Dinghai gang."

"Your eyes are attracted by that little thing. Don't you see the faction logo on his dress? The strong man in the later stage of God transformation is obviously from Weihai gang. "

"My God, the Dinghai Gang is so brave that even the people of the Weihai Gang dare to tie them up and treat them like this. Tut Tut, in the later stage of turning God, is this enough for the post of old Zhang in the Weihai Gang?"

"Who says no, but even if the Weihai Gang knows, it can't help it. Now it's within the sphere of influence of the Feng family. If the Weihai Gang comes here with great fanfare, it will offend the Feng family before it clashes with the Dinghai gang. Here, you see, the Feng family's master has arrived."

A lot of people pointed and talked.

Just as the carriage drove into a very prosperous street, several breaking wind came from a distance, followed by several quite powerful momentum, and soon these people fell in front of the carriage.

"Sect leader Ding, what do you mean?"

Feng Xian, the master of the Feng family, frowned and said.

At ordinary times, they have no contact with Dinghai gang. They belong to well water and do not violate the river. Just now, they heard the report that Dinghai Gang took a Guangpeng man to their Feng family's chassis for a street tour, and several elders and leaders of Dinghai gang were there.

The three major guilds, even the weakest Dinghai Gang, are better than any of the nine families. After all, the guilds have less requirements, so they absorb quite a lot of monks.

The top fighting forces of Dinghai gang are all here. Of course, Feng Xian doesn't dare to neglect it.

"Brother Feng doesn't need to be alarmed. I'm just passing by. As for the reason... It's also to let our friars and ordinary people in Xihua City recognize this disgusting god turning friar. He broke into our Dinghai Gang naked in broad daylight and scolded our gang. As the guild leader, of course, he should be severely punished. Brother Feng, rest assured. I swear by my demons, Really just passing by. "

Ding Qianshan arched his hand and said with a smile.

Feng Xiandeng was relieved to hear Ding Qianshan swear like this. Ding Qianshan's talent is there, and he still has a good chance to break through to the later stage of the fit, so his oath is also credible.

Following Ding Qianshan's eyes, he glanced at the people in the prison car. When he saw the eye-catching Weihai Gang identity logo on Chai San, Feng Xian moved in his heart, said hello and chose to retreat.

As the head of the family, Feng Xian can see that the Dinghai Gang is going to give eye medicine to Weihai Gang!

As one of the twelve major forces in Xihua City, Feng Xian can't wait for the two gangs to pinch and bite each other. One less opponent means that their territory can be expanded by one point.

The news that Chai San was pulled out of the street soon spread all over Xihua city.

This naturally includes the headquarters of Weihai gang.

In a magnificent attic, with the sound of rapid footsteps, the atmosphere in the attic suddenly became dignified.

"Guild leader, it's bad."

An elder said in a deep voice.

"What's up?"

A few days ago at the edge of the attic, a majestic figure didn't look back, he said faintly.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a faint flash of thunder on this person. Every surge of thunder will send out a rather terrible momentum.

"In the guild, a monk in the later stage of turning God was caught by Dinghai gang. At this time, he was being stripped off for the parade. So far, almost the whole city has known it."

[first change]

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