After a pause, the fitting monk continued: "the atmosphere in the gang is restless now. Many monks volunteered to teach the miscellaneous fish of Dinghai gang. The situation is about to be overwhelmed."

"Find out who was caught?"

Situ Bo asked faintly.

"It's a monk in the little Lord's residence. His name is chaisan. His strength is about the seventh floor of Huashen. He always follows the little Lord."

"Huh? I remember I restrained the guild members. Before I left the pass, don't go to the territory of other forces to make trouble. Is it the Dinghai gang who ran to our territory? "

Situ Bo turned around.

If Lin Feng is here, he will certainly persuade situ Bo to do DNA with high technology to identify whether he and situ Shaofeng are his own father and son.

Situ Shaofeng's face is like a jade crown and looks like a powdered Xiaosheng.

On the other hand, situ Bo had a national face. His face was very dark, and a complex scar spread from the corner of one eye, nearly ten centimeters long.

The cold pupils were like wild animals. People stared at by situ Bo would feel uncomfortable all over.

"This... Tell the sect leader that I haven't found the specific details, but according to them, chaisan was caught in the nest of Dinghai gang and took the initiative to deliver it to the door."

The elder at the fitting stage was a little embarrassed. When he got the news, he first thought it must be false, but three people make a tiger. When everyone thought so, the false became true.

"Where is the little Lord?"

Situ Bo frowned and asked coldly.

"When the young Lord went out today, he seemed to say he was going to... Find a happy home."


A thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air and smashed several cases made of Starwood.

The elder at the fitting stage was startled and quickly bowed his head, afraid to say more.

"I have a talent, but I don't practice well. I've been in such a fashionable place all day. Go and send someone to call this villain back for me!"

Situ Bo almost growled.

"Yes, help you. Please calm down. I'll go right away."

The elder of the fit period hurriedly left until he left the attic. He was relieved and sighed in his heart: "the strength of the guild leader has become stronger again."

At the same time, fun seeking is in the middle.

Situ Shaofeng and East Huaxian sat on the ground with big eyes and small eyes.

Now they can basically conclude that the initiator of this incident is Lin Dasheng, who shouted to catch the thief. It must be that Lin Dasheng used some strange method to hide all the snake demons and dump 100 million spirit stones just to attract people's attention and cause chaos.

This sitting lasted four or five hours.

Seeing that it was getting dark, master Donghua Xian couldn't sit still: "young master situ, why haven't your men come back now? Won't they miss?"

Situ Shaofeng also frowned when he heard the speech. Calculating the time, it was really a little long.

However, out of his trust in his men, situ Shaofeng said calmly: "my men will never miss. They should think it's too eye-catching to start in the downtown during the day. Now it's evening. I believe there will be good news soon."

"I hope so."

Master Donghua is on pins and needles. Now he has received situ Shaofeng's money, but he can't deliver it. This feeling makes master Donghua very uncomfortable.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded from the outside, followed by a huge threat.

"Is this... LV Changlao?"

Situ Shaofeng felt the familiar breath and quickly stood up.

The moment he got up, a small old man appeared in the hall.

It was the friar who reported to situ Bo earlier.

"Elder LV, why are you here?"

Although situ Shaofeng is a young leader, he is very respectful to the fit elders in the gang.

"Shaofeng, where's Chai San? Did you send it? "

Luliang asked directly.

"Ah? Yes, I'll send him out to do something. "

Situ Shaofeng was stunned and said subconsciously.

"Oh! Shaofeng, you know you've made a big mistake! Chai San has been caught by Dinghai gang and marched around Xihua city. Now our Weihai gang has become the laughing stock of all Xihua city people and casual practitioners, and the sect leader is also angry. "

Luliang sighed again and again.

Situ Shaofeng was confused by this series of news, especially the last sentence of the sect leader was also angry, which made situ Shaofeng tremble. Situ Shaofeng was still very afraid of his father.

Think about the past, when he made mistakes, situ Bo would punish him. Now it's still frightening.

"No... no, LV Changlao, how could chaisan be caught?"

Situ Shaofeng was completely stupid. Theoretically, with Chai San's strength, he should be able to escape even if he met the match period. After all, the various forces in Xihua city are complex, and no one dare to rush into others' sphere of influence.

This is what situ Shaofeng doesn't understand.

"I heard that after he took off, he took the initiative to run to the base camp of Dinghai Gang, tied himself to the pillar of others' punishment hall, and scolded Dinghai gang up and down. Together with their supreme elder Ding Yun, he was scolded bloody."

Luliang said in silence that this was the detailed message sent by the chess pieces he had planted in the Dinghai gang. The message was more powerful than before and completely subverted his cognition.


Situ Shaofeng's brain has become a mess. After all, it can't be a normal person who can do this, but chaisan has been with him for hundreds of years and hasn't found any mental problems.

From what he knew about Lv Liang, Lv Liang would not make it up to deceive him.

"How is Chai San now?"

Situ Shaofeng asked.

"I don't know. It should be taken back to Dinghai gang. Ding Qianshan, the old man, chose the place of the parade, just bypassing our Weihai Gang, and those forces acquiesced in Ding Qianshan's move. Once we make a move, it means that we will offend one of them. Ding Qianshan is good at this move!"

Luliang sighed helplessly.

Situ Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

Chai San's behavior is too strange. He obviously asked him to chase Lin Dasheng and catch him alive. Now it's good. He didn't catch him, but he fell into Dinghai gang. It's really incredible.

One of his subordinates, situ Shaofeng, doesn't particularly care. What he really cares about is, where did Lin Dasheng go?

"Shaofeng, you'd better hurry back to the headquarters first. The guild leader sends a message and let me take you back."

Lu Liang's words made situ Shaofeng come back to his senses and nodded numbly, "OK."

However, when situ Shaofeng was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and looked at the immortal master Donghua and said faintly, "Donghua Taoist friend, before the snake family witch has chased back, return the spirit stones to me first."

[second change]

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