"What are you talking about?"

Master Donghua was stunned.

Situ Shaofeng frowned and said in some displeasure, "it's basically confirmed now that those snake demons were taken away by the boy named Lin Dasheng. The responsibility for the loss of goods should be on you. Since I can't get the goods, you should return the spirit stone to me."

"Li is such a reason, but it's not such a thing! Master situ, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge. You can see how much I lost today... "

Master Donghua was in a hurry. However, half of what he said, he was coldly interrupted by situ Shaofeng: "how much you lost is none of my business? I'll ask you, Lingshi, give it or not. "


Donghua immortal Master Yu Sai, he is now regretful.

He lost nearly 100 million spirit stones for nothing when he lost the snake clan witch. In addition, the spirit stones compensated before are enough to make him lose his fortune.

Looking at situ Shaofeng, it's obvious that he doesn't intend to compensate him.

Master Donghua became more and more angry. However, the strength of the other side was there. If he only faced the two men of situ Shaofeng, he could easily get away even if he was defeated, but now there is a fit monk. It's not so easy to get away.

"Shaofeng, what's going on?"

Lu Liang frowned and asked.

"I'm here to buy a group of snake clan demons. Now I give him the money, but I can't see the goods."

Situ Shaofeng was concise and clear, but what he said made master Donghua very cold, but he was unable to refute.

After all, things are indeed what situ Shaofeng said, but situ Shaofeng omitted all the details.

"That's nothing to say to him."

Lv Liang looked cold, and the momentum of the fit period pressed fiercely against the East Huaxian teacher: "if you know the truth, give me the spirit stone. I'm in a bad mood now. Don't force me to do it."

"OK, I'll pay!"

Master donghuaxian gritted his teeth. He knew that if he didn't leave the spirit stone today, it would be difficult to get out of this gate.

After fighting between heaven and man, master Donghua chose to compromise.

After situ Shaofeng and others left, master Donghua fell powerlessly to the ground. At present, there are few resources in his storage bag. He is even reluctant to maintain a happy home, find sources of goods and auction.

As he said at the auction before, this is the last group of snake demons. Originally, he planned to leave with rich cultivation resources after finishing this vote. The resources on his body are enough for him to cultivate for a long time. As long as he breaks through the fit period, will there be a lot of resources?

But now it's better to lose his wife and lose his soldiers, which made the East Huaxian master feel confused about his future.

I don't know how long later, master Donghua slowly got up from the ground and looked at the direction of Weihai gang. He looked very cold: "situ Shaofeng, don't blame me for your unkindness."

At this moment, master Donghua had hated situ Shaofeng. Of course, he hated Lin Feng most.

But in this vast Xihua City, how difficult is it to find a person?

Lin Feng repressed his breath to the period of Yuanying again, and returned to the Inn room leisurely.

After exploring nobody with spiritual knowledge, Lin Feng thought and got the snake Saint out of Shenshui space.

The sudden change of the environment surprised the snake saint, but she was relieved after seeing Lin Feng.

"The strong man with dragon blood, thank you for your help."

The snake Saint respectfully said that with this bow, there was not much cloth on the upper body, revealing a large area of snow-white, and even made Lin Feng lose consciousness for a moment.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's women are gorgeous. For the snake saint, Lin Feng is just stunned because he sees a new race.

"Well, what's your name?"

Lin Feng looked up and down at the snake saint in front of him. His sight stayed on the tail of the snake for a long time. I don't know why. Lin Feng suddenly appeared in his mind what the old white beard ghost said before. He couldn't help but wonder, this lower body is a tail, and how should it be combined?

Lin Feng was startled by his idea, calmed down and asked with a light cough.

The snake Saint hesitated for a moment and just replied, "just call me Qianqian."

"Qian Qian..."

Lin Feng silently read a sentence, but he didn't mean to find out the bottom, but asked his doubts: "by the way, why do you say I'm a strong man with dragon blood? I haven't got any inheritance about the dragon family since I was a child. "

"A strong man with dragon blood..."

"No, my name is Lin Feng. It sounds awkward. Just call me my name or brother Lin."

Lin Feng waved his hand again and again.

"OK, then Qianqian will call you brother Lin."

Qianqian smiled playfully, combined with the facial features that were particularly prominent, but gave Lin Feng a different kind of flattery, and his heart was inexplicably hot.

People are more angry than people.

Lin Feng still remembered that there was a very famous cosmetic man on earth, who also made himself into a sharp chin and big eyes. He was called a snake spirit man. However, how he looked at it was disgusting. Looking at these snake witch women, the similar facial features won't make people feel any disgust.

A frown and a smile are natural. This is the real alien beauty.


Lin Feng coughed lightly, nodded and agreed, but he was a little ashamed. If only talking about his age, Lin Feng was like a baby in the cultivation world. Brother Lin didn't seem to agree!

However, Qianqian obviously didn't realize this. After a little thinking, he looked serious and said: "brother Lin does have dragon blood in his body, and there is a trace of this blood in my body, so my induction will never be wrong, and the dragon blood in brother Lin is very rich..."

After a pause, Qianqian continued: "since it's not inherited the day after tomorrow, is brother Lin the same demon family as me?"

"I am truly human."

Lin Feng said in tears and laughter.

"In this case, Qianqian is not very clear. In short, the feeling on brother Lin makes me very kind. This is the connection between blood and blood."

Qianqian smiled. At the next moment, a scaly mark gradually appeared on her skin. With the appearance of the mark, Lin Feng suddenly felt that Qianqian in front of her became particularly kind and the blood flow in her body accelerated uncontrollably. This feeling is very wonderful.

"Brother Lin, look, this is the dragon blood in your body... My God, brother Lin, are you lying to me? The most original place in your body is the dragon blood. How can you not be the dragon?"

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