Lin Feng's words were very simple. He didn't look at the woman in front of him. He smiled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. She restrained her look, pursed her lips and smiled. The white shirt under her feet shook gently. She also shook in front of Lin Feng with her star bright eyes, saying:

"I don't know. Mr. Lin is still such a loving and righteous man. In that case, shall we skip this topic?"

Shi Ningxue sat back in her position and looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile. The whole temperament seemed to change in an instant.

This goblin

Seeing Shi Ningxue's appearance, Lin Feng sighed silently in his heart. Although Shi Ningxue's present appearance didn't look like anything, Lin Feng could see that the woman in front of him was a real expert. Looking back and smiling, he resolved the embarrassment in a few words and took the topic away.

No wonder her restaurant is so popular, looks so beautiful and has wrists. I'm afraid such a woman agrees even if she wants someone to cut a piece of meat.

Unfortunately, this woman, now it seems, is her own enemy.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed, sat there and said, "now that the matter is over, I'll go first. I still have something to do. We'll meet again."

Then Lin Feng stood up directly. Although she was a beauty, the woman in front of her was obviously not an ordinary beauty. It's best not to offend her. Otherwise, I really don't know how she was sold by this woman at the next moment.

Thinking so, Lin Feng waved his hand directly, turned and left.

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to leave, Shi Ningxue stood up, looked at Lin Feng, his eyes turned, and said, "don't you, childe, if you leave like this, won't we have a lot less fun?"

Shi Ningxue smiled, stood in front of Lin Feng, gently put her fingers on Lin Feng's chest, gently drew a circle and said, "why don't you accompany me again?"

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng flashed a fierce look in his eyes. His hand behind him trembled slightly and said, "sorry, Miss Shi."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue chuckled and said, "I knew you were like this. Really, I also have some doubts!" Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile. "My Haiyun building has made a no air array. The front and back of Haiyun building are blessed by the array. I'm curious about how you left, Mr. Lin."

Shi Ningxue stood there, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile and asked.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and stood there without opening his mouth. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue was not worried. Standing in front of Lin Feng, he blocked Lin Feng's way out.

Obviously, Shi Ningxue's plan is that if you don't want to tell me, I won't let you leave.

Seeing Shi Ningxue's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and didn't say much.

"Mr. Lin has enough skills!" Shi Ningxue covered her mouth and smiled. She probably knew that her skill had no power to lure Lin Feng. At this time, she restrained her charm, covered the corners of her mouth and turned her eyes on Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, in fact, I just want to know how to do it. Compared with what Mr. Lin also knows, not everyone can do such a thing. So far, I'm afraid no one has done it!"

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng stood there with a little smile on his face. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue wanted to say something, but at last he didn't say anything. He paused, looking a little helpless.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He turned back and sat there with a gentle smile on his mouth.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue's mouth with a gentle smile followed Lin Feng. The slender jade feet looked particularly eye-catching and shook constantly in front of Lin Feng. The white shirt on his body seemed to retreat slowly, and the jade like skin became more and more obvious.

Shi Ningxue sat opposite Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng and said, "Mr. Lin, my heart has always been curious about how you do this!" Shi Ningxue sat there, looked at Lin Feng, slightly picked his eyebrows and eyes, and asked with a smile.

"Sir, do I have no right to answer?" Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng slightly recalled, but there was a little more ridicule in his words.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue was stunned and looked down at Lin Feng. After seeing the ridicule on Lin Feng's face, Shi Ningxue was stunned. She never thought that one day, someone would put such a look on her.

Schneider paused.

She has always been a high-ranking young lady. No matter who treats her, she will keep clean. Those people are serious and serious when they see her. No one will express too many other expressions. However, facing Lin Feng, Shi Ningxue finds that he seems to know nothing about the man in front of him.

Is Shi Ningxue beautiful?

There is no doubt that it is beautiful, but Lin Feng loves the pure beauty, beautiful and upright girl, who is more popular with Lin Feng. The woman in front of him is obviously not enough.

"Miss Shi Ningxue, since Miss Shi Ningxue is all right, I'll go first." With that, Lin Feng stood up, paused, took a look at Shi Ningxue, smiled quietly and said, "I still have some things to do."

With that, Lin Feng walked directly out.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue bit her lips slightly and was unwilling in her eyes. A gust of fragrance passed by Lin Feng. The next moment, Shi Ningxue directly ran into Lin Feng's arms without a wisp. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's look immediately changed.

The body retreated towards the back, and Shi Ningxue followed it closely. As soon as the two people retreated and entered, Shi Ningxue's body was almost close to Lin Feng's meat. When walking, Shi Ningxue's skin was as white as jade, like a layer of light white smoke. They couldn't help but want to have a good play.

"Pour snow!"

Lin Feng gave a low roar. Shi Ningxue suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Feng standing one meter away. Lin Feng's face was gloomy and his eyes had no feelings.

No matter what men are willing to accept the embrace of beautiful women, but for Lin Feng, not all beauty tricks will be accepted. Lin Feng knows that he can't want or afford such a purposeful beauty.

"Sorry, Miss Shi, I'm not interested in you." Lin Feng looked up and down at Shi Ningxue and said instead.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue suddenly looked up at Lin Feng. After seeing the cold in Lin Feng's eyes, Shi Ningxue bit her lips slightly, looked up at Lin Feng and said, "this... Is this true?"

She is the eldest lady of the great Shi family, but what is Lin Feng? Dare you refuse her?

Shi Ningxue's eyes stared round. They were unbelievable. Lin Feng really left like this.

Shi Ningxue looked a little complicated and looked at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng didn't mean to stay and went downstairs directly.

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