Wei Yunshu was waiting below. When she saw Lin Feng coming out, her eyes lit up immediately. She took a step forward, hummed coldly to Qinghe, turned to look at Lin Feng and said:

"You're out? I thought you wouldn't come out! "

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng smiled, waved his hand and looked at Qinghe. When he first saw Qinghe, Qinghe's cultivation was far above him at that time. Now, the two people are even.

Lin Feng turned and looked at Wei Yunshu. Seeing the unhappiness in Wei Yunshu's big eyes, he touched Wei Yunshu's head, smiled and said, "yes, I'm out. Let's go now."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu nodded, walked to Qinghe, hummed and said, "don't you want me to go up? Now he's down. Go up by yourself. You don't want to come here all your life! "

With that, Wei Yunshu made a face at Qinghe, followed Lin Feng and went out of the magic cloud building. Wei Yunshu's nose moved, smelled left and right, and then took Lin Feng's clothes and smelled.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Wei Yunshu's appearance, Lin Feng's face turned black and asked.

"You have a woman's fragrance on your body. Hey, are you fooling around behind my back!" Wei Yunshu raised her head, tooted her mouth, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"What's wrong? You think too much!" Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng was speechless and covered with black lines. He looked at Wei Yunshu, waved his hand and said, "it's you. What are you doing with me?"

"I......" Wei Yunshu slightly tilted her head, turned her eyes, smiled and said, "I don't have anything big to do with you, but I have such a good relationship with Yanran Qianqian. I must help them look at you, so as not to mess with some immoral women outside!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu hummed and said with a natural look on her face.

Lin Feng pursed her lips and didn't speak. The girl always had thousands of reasons, but these reasons, in Lin Feng's opinion, were just perfunctory.

"You don't have to follow me."

Wei Yunshu smiled and said, "no! You are so bad, so I must follow you. I can't live up to sister Yanran and sister Qianqian's kindness to me! "

Wei Yunshu followed Lin Feng with righteous words on her face. Probably the girl believed that she followed Lin Feng in order to help Qin Yanran and Qianqian look after Lin Feng.

"Am I such a person?" Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng asked helplessly.

"Yes!" Wei Yunshu answered without hesitation, looked at Lin Feng and said, "you can't prove where your fragrance comes from. I think you just have an idea in your heart! Is the girl in the magic cloud building so beautiful that you linger and forget to return? "

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng's face darkened again. He ignored Wei Yunshu and walked directly to the front.

The whole city of Mexico City is square, the size and spacing of each house are the same, and streets shuttle from each house in a neat way.

Lin Feng walked directly in the direction taught by mother-in-law Wei until he came to the end of Mexico City. Only then did he see a sign of Baiyu Inn hanging on a house.

That's it.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the inn in front of him, moved his heart, and put away the token given to him by grandma Wei. Since he came, he should have a good look at his Baiyu gate industry.

The inn was a little deserted. Two little boys were sitting at the door dozing. When Lin Feng walked over, they didn't realize it. The shopkeeper fiddled with the abacus in front, chanted words in his mouth, and turned into a sad look, saying:

"Zhang Da, Zhang Er, you two slackers dare to be lazy again. Believe it or not, I'll get you out!"

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, the two boys at the door immediately jumped up, looked around, bent over and said, "Hello, sir."

When he looked up, there was no one at the door. The two looked at each other and looked inside. They saw Lin Feng and Wei Yunshu living in front of the table with a gentle smile on their lips.

"Guest... Sir, what do you need?" Zhang Da walked up to Lin Feng and asked carefully.

"A superior guest room, a pot of spirit wine and some signature dishes." Lin Feng looked up at Zhang Da and said.

These inns are provided with food. After all, in such a city, there are not only friars with high accomplishments, but also many friars with low accomplishments. These friars still need spiritual food because they have not met the conditions of opening the valley.

Seeing that Lin Feng ordered food, Zhang Da accidentally glanced at Lin Feng, fixed his eyes on Wei Yunshu, and turned to walk inside.

"This is your first visit to Mexico." With a gentle smile on his face, the shopkeeper walked up to Lin Feng and said with a smile, "welcome to Baiyu inn. If you need anything, you can pull the long line of the Inn room, and you can hear it below. This is the house number of room No. 1 in the east of Tianzi Dynasty. The room charge is a Chinese spirit stone one night, with a level 3. Spirit gathering array in it."

The shopkeeper's face wore a respectful smile and his eyes glittered. He looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded, looked up and down, and said, "thank you, shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper nodded, glanced at Lin Feng and Wei Yunshu and said, "it's the first time for you to come out to experience. Although Mexico City is a big city, not everyone is a good man. You're still very good in disguise."

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded. Wei Yunshu slightly tooted her mouth, looked at the only door number in Lin Feng's hand and said, "where's mine?"

"What do you care about me?" Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "can you follow me and need me to pay for you?"

"Are you too stingy?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu's eyes immediately widened, looked at Lin Feng and said, "if it weren't for you, would I come here?"

"I didn't ask you to come, so it's still early now. If you choose to leave, it's still OK. Why don't you go first?" Lin Feng picked his eyebrows, looked at Wei Yunshu and said with a smile, "so as not to delay your business?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu paused, looked at Lin Feng, looked uncertain, clenched her teeth, stared at Lin Feng with a pair of eyes, and saw that Lin Feng seemed unmoved. Wei Yunshu snorted coldly, took out a Chinese spirit stone and said:

"Shopkeeper, open a room for me. The farther away from this bastard, the better."

When Wei Yunshu spoke, she gnashed her teeth and looked at Lin Feng. She looked like she wanted to eat Lin Feng.

Seeing Wei Yunshu's appearance, Lin Feng didn't speak. He just shook his head, sat down and drank slowly, waiting for the food to come up.

"Why do you have to pay for accommodation, girl?" At this time, a somewhat feminine voice sounded. Li Yun directly came in under the escort of two bodyguards. Holding a general white fan in his hand, he slowly shook it. With a gentle smile on his mouth, he directly put a top-grade spirit stone on the table.

"Shopkeeper, arrange the best room, the best service and everything for this girl. I'm Li Yun. Is that enough?"

Li Yun's eyes swept around Wei Yunshu, looking a little surprised. Yan, flashed a little warm in his eyes, and said.

"Childe!" The two strong men who followed in the later stage looked at Lin Feng and Wei Yunshu, and their faces immediately changed. They pulled Li Yun and shouted in a low voice.

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