Li Jingjing's words are unbelievable. His father wants him to admit his mistake with the bastard in front of him?

Is Dad wrong? Or are you out of your mind?

"Dad, it's clear that this guy bullied me. Dad, even if you don't decide for me, you also said such words. Dad, you make me sad. Anyway, I don't care. I don't care. I want this bastard to go away!" Li Jingjing looked at Li Hu with tears in her eyes. Her voice became more and more sharp and said.

Never, as long as she put on this expression, no matter what happens, Li Hu settles for her. The big thing is just minutes.

"Come on, apologize to Mr. Lin!" Seeing Li Jingjing's appearance, Li Hu's face became more and more fierce, even with a bit of seriousness. Seeing Li Hu's appearance, Li Jingjing instantly lowered her head.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry. I'm a little girl. Please don't remember me!"

Li Hu's face was gloomy, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing Li Hu's words, Lin Feng just smiled faintly and said, "the trouble is not me, but Ziyi. As long as Ziyi forgives, it's good."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Hu looked at Yao Ziyi. Yao Ziyi was sitting there eating kebabs with her head down. She looked very happy. Beside Yao Ziyi, there were a pile of bamboo sticks.

Yao Ziyi is the saint of the holy land of the nebula, and her reputation is also very loud in the yanxuan continent. In particular, Yao Ziyi is the body of ice and frost, and her cultivation is also very terrible. In addition, she is as beautiful as an immortal. Yao Ziyi has always been the most popular talented disciple in the yanxuan continent.

Although Yao Ziyi unilaterally says that she has withdrawn from the nebula holy land, among the disciples of the nebula holy land, Yao Ziyi's prestige is unmatched by others.

However, just at this time, the Holy Son Li Mu was seriously injured and is still in seclusion. The holy daughter Yao Ziyi openly left the nebula holy land, which was a very heavy blow to the nebula holy land. Therefore, looking at Yao Ziyi in front of him at the moment, Li Hu doesn't know what expression he should look at.

"Saint." Li Hu looked at Yao Ziyi with some helplessness in his words, "please raise your hand."

With that, Li Hu lowered his head. Although the power of the saint of Xingyun holy land is not as good as that of the patriarch, some are even above the patriarch, and are directly protected by the Presbyterian group. Therefore, Li Hu dared not make a move in the face of Yao Ziyi.

Especially, now Yao Ziyi is still followed by Lin Feng. Li Jingjing offended the two people in front of her.

I have exhausted my mind through all kinds of hardships, but I only got a daughter of Li Jingjing. In addition, the girl is proud of the whole family. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Li Hu to give up Li Jingjing.

Poor parents all over the world, although they are the patriarch of the nebula holy land, they bend down their golden waist for their daughter.

"Dad!" Seeing Li Hu's appearance, Li Jingjing's face was a little more wronged. She stared at Li Hu, turned to Yao Ziyi and said, "Dad, we don't ask for this woman!"

"Jingjing, stop!" Li Hu took Li Jingjing's hand and whispered, "saint, it's a little girl's ignorance. Please forgive me."

Seeing her father's appearance, Li Jingjing's eyes immediately turned red and said, "Dad, Dad, let's go back, let's go back, Yao Ziyi, are you satisfied? Are you satisfied? "

Yao Ziyi raised her head and looked at Li Jingjing. Li Jingjing, who was ready to spill, immediately shut up and stood there, looking at Yao Ziyi's eyes with some fear. Now Yao Ziyi's eyes are really terrible.

"Send it to the green wood source. It's your ability to come out alive. Don't blame me if you can't come out alive."

Yao Ziyi said in a faint voice.

Li Hu stared at Yao Ziyi with round eyes. Yao Ziyi bowed her head and did her own things. I didn't pay attention.

Qingmuyuan, that's the nightmare place of the nebula holy land. It's good if one of ten people can come out alive!

"Thank you, saint!" After a while, Li Hu just bowed his head and said. Instead, he took Li Jingjing outside. When he left, Li Jingjing's venomous eyes fell directly on Yao Ziyi.

Yao Ziyi raised her head and Li Jingjing's body trembled. It seemed that an invisible thing rushed into Li Jingjing's mind.

"Ah!" Li Jingjing shouted and rolled on the ground with her head in her arms. Blood came out of her eyes.

"Ignorance!" Yao Ziyi snorted coldly, and her face became colder and colder. Li Jingjing even shot Yao Ziyi with the secret method of nebula holy land when she left.

This secret method is used to deal with the disciples who judge the nebula holy land. Li Jingjing was clever but was mistaken. She thought this move was ok, but she didn't expect that Yao Ziyi, as the saint of the nebula holy land, was naturally very familiar with it.

"Girl!" Seeing Li Jingjing's appearance, Li Hu's look immediately changed. He directly picked up Li Jingjing and left. At this time, the hotel was quiet. Everyone was still talking and laughing, eating kebabs, but they were far away from Lin Feng's table.

The leader of Baiyu sect?

Maybe they didn't know this guy before, but some time ago, this guy taught the four sects a good lesson with lightning speed, and forced the four sects to make a vow not to attack Baiyu sect for 300 years.

The domineering leader of Baiyu sect is Lin Feng.

The man in front of him claimed to be Lin Feng of Baiyu gate.

White feather gate, except for the sect leader Lin Feng, there can never be a second Lin Feng!

It is because of this thought that all people are far away from Lin Feng and offend the guy in front of them. Forget it. You know, Lin Feng is a top array mage. At the beginning, he directly solved the four major sects by relying on one array!

"I'm finished!" After a while, Yao Ziyi stood up, touched her stomach, looked satisfied and said.

"Boss, pay the bill!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded. The boss immediately trotted over and said:

"Master Lin, there's a middle-class spirit stone."

Lin Feng took two pieces and put them on the table. He also put a token on the table and said, "if the boss wants to, he can open a shop in Baiyu city under my Baiyu gate. As long as you take the token, some will be arranged for you."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the boss was stunned. Holding the token, he didn't know what to say for a moment. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. With a gentle smile on his mouth, Lin Feng said:

"I just like the boss. He is dedicated to doing everything well. Therefore, if the boss wants to, Bai Yumen welcomes you."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the boss's look changed slightly. He once had the dream of cultivating immortals and wanted to enter a big family of the gate sect. However, because of his poor qualification, he could only stay in a small sect for a few years. Up to now, he has only built the foundation period.


Seeing the boss's appearance, Lin Feng patted his shoulder and said, "if you want, go. Believe me, Baiyu gate has your world."

"Thank you, sect leader Lin, but I'm in my twilight years. I......" the boss shook his head. He wanted to struggle, but now that thought has dissipated with age.

"The flowing water in front of the door can still go west. Don't sing yellow chicken with white hair." Lin Feng waved his hand and left directly with Yao Ziyi, leaving only a stunned shop owner standing there, chanting Lin Feng's poem.

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