Two days passed quickly. During these two days, Lin Feng didn't leave the restaurant. He had been studying the array copy sent by Ouyang Bai in the Inn room.

Yao Ziyi went out to buy things every day with the list prepared by Lin Feng. There were not many things, but they were very popular. It took Yao Ziyi a lot of thought to find them all. When Yao Ziyi entered Lin Feng's room again, she saw that Lin Feng's room was full of large and small materials.

Lin Feng was busy in the middle, and Ouyang Bai stood aside with an ignorant face.

"Everything has been found!" Yao Ziyi looked pale, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng was stunned, turned to nod, and selectively sent some materials into the stove in front of him.

Yao Ziyi didn't come forward. She just stood there watching. Seeing Lin Feng's little preparation materials, she was stunned and said, "what are you doing?"

"Make an array of synthetic materials, and then let Ouyang Bai throw it at the bottom of the water." Lin Feng's voice was faint. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi gave a sound, nodded, sat beside Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng, saw Lin Feng's appearance, and Yao Ziyi's eyes suddenly drifted away.

This guy is really handsome in front of him!

Yao Ziyi didn't know what words she should use to describe the guy in front of her. A few drops of sweat flowed down Lin Feng's forehead. Yao Ziyi took out her handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat off Lin Feng's forehead.

Both of their actions were there at that moment.

"I... I'm afraid the sweat will hit your eyes." Yao Ziyi turned her head, slightly bit her lips, climbed up a few blushes on her face, and the afterglow from the corner of her eyes was placed on Lin Feng's face.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and nodded. Seeing that Lin Feng was all right, Yao Ziyi silently breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but Yao Ziyi's face became more and more red at the thought of her actions just now.

Lin Feng inadvertently looked up and saw that Yao Ziyi's face was redder and more lovely than ripe tomatoes, especially the white earlobe in the powder, which made Lin Feng swallow his saliva. It was so beautiful!

Yao Ziyi's beauty is a bit weak in her frost, especially the outline of the ear with a touch of pink white, which makes people's mind can't calm down at all.

Lin Feng silently recited a heart clearing mantra with his eyes closed. He didn't continue to prepare until he really settled down.

Ouyang Bai's look was obviously not on these two people. He turned to see Yao Ziyi blush, stared and said, "sister Yao, are you hot? Master, the earth fire is really overbearing. Why don't you stand beside me, sister Yao! "

Ouyangbai's words are straightforward and simple. He glanced at Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi and said.

However, how can sister Yao be obedient now?

Ouyang Bai looked at Yao Ziyi with his head tilted. He couldn't think clearly.

"It's all right. I'll just be here." Yao Ziyi said softly. Seeing Ouyang Bai's curious face, she coughed and bowed her head, but her face became more and more red.

This guy's expression is really

Yao Ziyi muttered in her heart, restrained her mind, raised her head and looked at Lin Feng.

It was not until dusk that Lin Feng stopped, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "well, well, this time, all of us are ready."

With that, Lin Feng took the array diagram described by Ouyang Bai in his hand, and then began to describe it on the array diagram. Ouyang Bai came together curiously and saw the red dots pointed out by Lin Feng with some curiosity.

"Master, what are you doing here?

"Control the array!" Lin Feng raised his head, looked at Ouyang Bai in front of him with an expression you don't understand, and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ouyang Bai directly lowered his head and didn't speak again. It was originally used to control the array. Thinking so, Ouyang Bai once again put his head together. Seeing Ouyang Bai's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and said:

"Interested in array?"

"No, no, I'm just a little sea demon. I don't dare to dream." Ouyangbai waved his hand and said.

Seeing ouyangbai's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and said, "if you dare, just say it directly. There are many good array accomplishments among the sea demons. As far as I know, there is a demon king who has good array accomplishments. He also arranged a large array pit of twelve yin-yang rotation, which has harmed many monsters!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ouyang Bai's eyes lit up immediately. Lin Feng gave several volumes of array brochures and said, "these are the most superficial. Take them first and ask me if you don't understand."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ouyang Bai nodded. He took these array diagrams in his hand like a baby, looked at them for a few eyes, then put them close to him, nodded and bowed to Lin Feng and said, "thank you, master, thank you!"

Seeing ouyangbai's appearance, Lin Feng nodded. Yao Ziyi looked interesting and said, "it's actually good to take such an apprentice!"

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng smiled, nodded and continued to circle points. Although it was a simple thing, it was already daytime when Lin Feng was busy. There were more and more monks on the street, and these monks began to move towards the center of the city.

Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. After giving ouyangbai the array copy, he turned to look at Yao Ziyi and said, "let's go too!"

Yao Ziyi rarely smiled and nodded. The two simply cleaned up, left the Inn and went straight over there.

People come and go in the street in one direction. These monks are at least fit, and even some monks in Mahayana are among them. They are now rushing to the largest auction in Kyushu City, Kyushu auction, according to the rules set by the nine families.

"Finally." Lin Feng raised his head, looked at the sky, slightly clenched his fist and whispered.

"Lively!" Yao Ziyi returned two words and looked at Lin Feng's side face. After seeing the firmness in Lin Feng's eyes, she was stunned. Instead, she bowed her head and didn't say God. She knew that Lin Feng lacked everything, but the only thing she didn't lack was the spirit stone.

"Finally started!" Yao Ziyi raised her head, saw a few words of the huge Kyushu auction not far away, nodded and said.

Both of them had smiles on their faces and looked very happy.

"Lin Daoyou!" At this time, a gentle voice sounded behind. Sima Haoran looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile and made a bow.

Lin Feng turned his head and saw Sima Haoran's appearance. Instead, he put a smile on his face and said, "you're here too?"

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