"Hey, how can such an auction be without me?" Sima Haoran's face was smiling, and his whole body was trembling slightly. He said.

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng smiled. Indeed, Sima Haoran has no other great skills, but his ability to rub the excitement is unmatched by others. Moreover, this guy likes to get together wherever there is excitement.

This guy is born to be a talisman, otherwise he can't guarantee that he will live safely. If this boy doesn't become a talisman, he will be sorry for his restless heart.

"I finally know why your move sign is made well." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a helpless face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Sima Haoran didn't mean to refute. He just smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Daoyou, I have an invitation for distinguished guests. Why don't you come with me?"

Sima Haoran had a smile on his face. He smiled and took out a VIP invitation. He looked at Lin Feng and said proudly.

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng smiled and said, "what a coincidence, I also have one."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Sima Haoran's eyes immediately lit up, turned to Hei hei, smiled and said, "that's just right. Let's go together. In this way, we can get our two boxes together, which is also convenient for us."

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded. As Sima Haoran walked towards the front and entered the gate, a small table was placed not far away. Behind the small table stood two girls in tight skirts. The girl was very beautiful, with a gentle smile on her mouth, and her voice was like the cry of a yellow Valley warbler, which was very comfortable.

"Hello, please show me your invitation." The girl stopped Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Sima Haoran directly took out his invitation and said, "this, this, our two boxes are merged!"

"Haoran!" A powerful voice sounded not far away. Sima Haoran, who was still very happy, immediately changed his face when he heard the voice, waved to Lin Feng and said:

"Lin Daoyou, I'll see you another day!" Then Sima Haoran took his invitation and went straight away. Seeing Sima Haoran's anxious appearance, Lin Feng was surprised. But looking over there, he didn't see anyone. The two girls were also surprised. They turned to look at Lin Feng and said:

"Will you wait for him, sir?"

"No, we two have a box. This is our invitation." Lin Feng handed over the invitation. Seeing the invitation in Lin Feng's hand, the girl looked more and more respectful. Instead, the smile on her face became more and more beautiful, saying:

"Dear distinguished guests, we have a limited number of boxes. Therefore, anyone who obtains our VIP invitation needs to pay 10 million top-grade Lingshi as the basic fee. After our auction, this money will be returned directly to you. Of course, you can also use it as the base salary for auction items."

Such a rule, to put it bluntly, is to prove whether the person holding the VIP invitation has enough strength. If a guy without money holds the VIP ticket, he will waste their auction resources.

The means of the nine families are also interesting. They are deleted and selected layer by layer. What they want is that the rich and powerful owners will come to this auction.

However, the items at this auction are indeed precious enough. Lin Feng can understand the nine families doing so.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled and nodded. A storage bag was directly placed in front of the two girls. The two girls smiled and counted, and then took out a small storage bag, saying:

"Hello, sir, this is your box room number, and this is the Lingcha lingguo we provide, as well as a box usage guideline. I hope you will have a pleasant auction."

"Don't worry, sir. The storage bags are random. I hope you have a happy day."

The two girls have a proper smile on their faces. They are neither artificial nor particularly enthusiastic. They are just like the receptionists at the front desk on earth, which makes you feel very comfortable.

Hearing the girl's words, Lin Feng nodded and looked relieved. He took the storage bag and walked towards it. The nine families are worthy of being experts in collecting money. When he took the storage bag, he completely isolated the information that others know about your box. That is to say, no one in each box can guarantee who it is.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with this. He took the storage bag and took Yao Ziyi towards the inside. When they crossed the channel, their sight suddenly opened.

The hall is concave, with steps on all sides. The steps are about half a meter high. The chairs are directly placed on the steps. Next to each chair, there is a small table with a white stone, a pot of spirit tea and a plate of small spirit fruit.

In the middle is a huge stage. On the stage is a table with a small hammer. On the top of the stage are countless small houses flying on it.

"Those rooms are magic weapons that can be enlarged." Yao Ziyi pointed to the rooms and said, "although the rooms are so small, a room can accommodate several people. Just because there are regulations this time, a box is only allowed to accommodate two people."

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng nodded. This is just a superficial space application theory. The nine families have huge power, and it's normal to get them out.

Lin Feng took out the token in the storage bag. As soon as the token came out, a white light flashed. Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi were shrouded in the white light. Lin Feng rushed up directly with Yao Ziyi's hand and entered the box.

The outside of the box is very small, but the inside is very spacious.

There are pictures hanging on the wall. Below is a square table with four chairs. In front of the table is a white light. Under the Milky light, you can see the stage outside.

"Not bad!"

Lin Feng gave a cry and sat down in a chair. Yao Ziyi sat beside Lin Feng and took out the Lingcha lingguo in the storage bag. The Lingcha is still hot, and the crystal clear lingguo has a little light.

"It's Yuanling fruit, a total of ten." Yao Ziyi's eyes flashed a touch of surprise and put ten yuan lingguo on the table.

The so-called Yuanling fruit is the fruit of a tall tree called Yuanling tree. These Yuanling fruits bear fruit every 100 years. In the cultivation world, they are only rare spiritual fruits, which is not uncommon.

It's just that these nine families are too generous. One box has ten yuan lingguo! You know, even the four families won't show so many spiritual fruits.

In a word, a Yuanling tree will bear hundreds of fruit.

"Eat, eat, now that you've brought it up, have a good taste." Lin Feng said to Yao Ziyi with a smile on his face.

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