Yao Ziyi turned her head and looked down. Another kind of baby had been replaced on the stage below. Ya'er stood in front of the baby with a brighter smile on her face. Obviously, it was a good opening.

Yao Ziyi pursed her mouth and turned to look at Lin Feng. Her eyes turned around Lin Feng, as if she were thinking about something.

"Look down first." Feeling Yao Ziyi's eyes, Lin Feng coughed, pointed to ya'er, who was introducing the baby, and said.

Seeing Lin Feng's shriveled appearance, Yao Ziyi's expression was finally more cheerful. Looking down, ya'er was introducing a herb.

"This is a herb that the master of our Sun family accidentally got when he was traveling. The herb is called Xianhu. This herb is needed to refine level 9 pill. I think everyone knows very well that Xianhu herb is used to refine Du Lingdan. As long as the Du Lingdan is refined, when the robbery period is full, it can be caught in the Mahayana period, The starting price of Xianhu grass is 20000 top-grade spirit stones, with an increase of 5000 each time. "

Ya'er's eyes took a look at the people, with a gentle smile on the corners of her mouth. Where a pair of Danfeng eyes went, it was as if they were a bit drunk and hazy, which made people can't help imagining.

"Everyone should think about it. This fairy gourd is not everywhere. Although you have not reached that level, you may need fairy gourd one day. Fairy gourd is very rare. It must be very difficult to find it next time."

Hearing ya'er's words, everyone seemed to be moved.

Xianhu herb is one of the most important herbs for refining the nine pill Du Lingdan. Therefore, everyone knows the name of Xianhu herb.

Ya'er was not in a hurry. She just walked there with a smile and waited for someone to speak. A brave man came out under the treasure. As long as someone spoke, the value of Xianhu grass would rise. Xianhu grass is very few in the market. In addition, it is a high-grade medicinal material. The general price is 50000 to 60000 top-grade spirit stones, but it is rarely bought because of its scarce quantity.

"Two... Twenty-five thousand!" A voice in the corner sounded uncertain.

"Thirty thousand!"

"Thirty five thousand!"

As soon as the voice opened, everyone began to shout, and one by one looked forward to the herbs on the plate in the maid's hand. This... This is Xianhu grass! If you collect all the other herbs, you can make a pair of medicine elixir!

What is Du Lingdan?

That's a famous elixir on the yanxuan continent. Crossing the elixir can make people reach the top of the period of crossing the robbery. When the peak enters the period of Mahayana, it can improve the probability of promotion. In other words, having a crossing elixir in hand can give yourself a chance to promote the period of Mahayana! Such opportunities can not be met everywhere!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime baby!

You know, the price of a gourd herb is so low, but there is a price without a market. You can't buy it if you want to buy it!

Some calm people did not speak. Although Xianhu grass is important, they all know that refining pills is not just a kind of grass. They also need other auxiliary materials. Those auxiliary materials are the most important.

Of course, with auxiliary materials, you may not be able to refine pills, but also a nine grade alchemist!

Jiupin alchemist, that's no joke. There are few alchemists in the whole yanxuan continent who can reach that level!

It was precisely because of this that some calm people didn't speak, but looked at those people with a bit of uncertainty.

"Fifty thousand!" Until 50000, no one spoke again, and everyone chose silence.

"Guest No. 9, Row 6, Zone A is asking for 50000. Is there anyone else asking?" Hearing the figure of 50000, ya'er smiled, looked around and asked again.

Everyone looked silent. Obviously, they didn't mean to open their mouth. Seeing the appearance of these people, ya'er smiled and said, "everyone, there are only 50000 top-grade spirit stones. My guest is going to buy this fairy gourd grass. Is there no more bid?"

Ya'er tooted her mouth, looked around, smiled and asked again.

"It's really powerful!" Seeing ya'er's appearance, Yao Ziyi couldn't help nodding and said. In front of the woman, every frown and smile is the wind. Love, even if a woman sees the woman in front of her, she seems to be a little more ashamed.

Yao Ziyi looked down at herself silently, and then looked at Lin Feng. If she could dress up as beautiful as ya'er, would Lin Feng's eyes be on her heart?

Yao Ziyi stood there with a bit of thinking in her heart, slightly biting her lips. Soon, Yao Ziyi recovered, shook her head, muttered in her heart and said, "what are you thinking!"

"Huh? Do you like this fairy gourd? " Lin Feng turned to look at Yao Ziyi, saw that Yao Ziyi's look was changing, and asked. Lin Feng's words are all concerned, but these concerns of Lin Feng make Yao Ziyi look a little unnatural.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi bit her lips slightly, and her face turned red in an instant. What are you doing with this fairy gourd?

However, it seems that she can't explain her abnormality. Seeing Lin Feng's concern, Yao Ziyi bit her lips slightly, hesitated, nodded and said:

"Yes, I need it."

"Well, then buy it." Then Lin Feng put his hand on the important stone on the table, smiled and said, "60000!"

"The VIP in box 131 gave 60000 top-grade spirit stones. Is there anyone else?" Ya'er's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Her eyes swept around the people and asked.

Everyone was silent and didn't speak.

The VIP in the box?

Who doesn't know that every minute in these boxes are local tyrants. There aren't many other things on them, but there are plenty of spirit stones. Isn't it a waste of your spirit stones to compete with these guys at this time?

You know, when these guys entered the door, they had already paid 10 million top-grade spirit stones! Ten million top-grade spirit stones, their wealth adds up to nothing!

And this time, everyone came more or less for their own requirements.

Although the people who offered the price were ready to be moved by Xianhu grass, there were more important things in their hearts that they needed. Therefore, after Lin Feng spoke, no one spoke.

Ya'er's hand gently held the hammer head. She knew that the people below would never ask for a price.

If Lin Feng doesn't ask for the price, she is still sure to fry about 100000 top-grade Lingshi. However, as soon as Lin Feng asks for the price, everyone will shut up. After all, there are a lot of items at this auction. Ya'er believes that everyone here comes for their own things. Before their own things come up, they will never buy something they don't need.

Thinking of this, ya'er's heart was a little more bitter, and her eyes on box 131 changed.

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