This bastard is clearly not a good man!

Thinking of this, ya'er's look changed a lot, and the smile on her face converged a little. She looked at Lin Feng's box and properly put out a sad ecology. Ya'er's angle was very tricky. Only Lin Feng could see it. When she saw ya'er's bitter eyes, Lin Feng just shrugged.

"60000 top grade spirit stones, once!"

"60000 top grade spirit stones, twice!"

"60000 top-grade spirit stones, three times!"

Ya'er shouted every 15 seconds or so, but the people below looked impatient. Thinking of this, ya'er could only slightly bite her lips and gently tap the hammer, saying:

"Congratulations on the purchase of Xianhu grass in box 131 at the price of 60000 top-grade Lingshi."

Ya'er waved to the maid. The maid went down directly with the plate. Ya'er paused, turned to smile again and said:

"There have been two auctions. I don't know if you are looking forward to the next auctions. Here, we temporarily insert a group of auctions, which are only on the list we previously sent to the distinguished guests."

Ya'er's eyes looked at the people. Hearing ya'er's words, all the people's eyes lit up at that time. They stared round at ya'er one by one. The people in the hall began to mutter in a low voice. Why don't they know that there is a VIP roster, nine families, which is intentional?

There was a bit of sadness in the eyes of these people. They had prepared so much money. Now I heard that there was such a good thing. One by one, they just wanted to have a good time. Instead, they were all silent. They couldn't say anything for a while.

This time, they all imagined that the spirit stone they prepared might not be enough, not only not enough, but also needed to be added. Some familiar people began to walk around.

Seeing the appearance of these people, ya'er flashed a faint irony in her eyes. Instead, ya'er covered her mouth and smiled and said:

"Take it easy, everyone. We're preparing behind us!"

Hearing ya'er's words, everyone's discussion became more and more intense.

Hearing ya'er's words, Lin Feng was stunned and turned to look at Yao Ziyi. Yao Ziyi took out a booklet from the storage bag and said:

"There are two copies of the booklet. One is what we can see outside, and the other is what we gave when we came in. There are twelve kinds of auction items on it. This auction should be the first, a high-level magic instrument with a sword soul."

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng nodded. He took a booklet and looked at it. The booklet recorded a total of 12 kinds of items, which are very valuable, but these things are still a little poor for Lin Feng.

It's mainly because he robbed the treasure houses of the three sects, and he doesn't lack this treasure.

The details of the three sects for thousands of years are all in his Dinghai God beads. Therefore, he is not an ordinary baby. Lin Feng can't see it at all.

Lin Feng put the booklet aside, moved and released the dark clouds and Ouyang Bai. As soon as they came out, they looked around. Seeing the appearance of the two people, Lin Feng pointed to the chair and said:

"Sit down,"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two nodded. Muyun Shen's body was still turning. Ouyang Bai grabbed Muyun Shen's body and combined the two chairs together. The two squeezed aside. Muyun Shen had no superfluous expression, but sat there and looked down.

Ouyangbai didn't seem to have much ideas about beauty. After a glance, he was attracted by the front brochure.

"Master, can you auction this for me?" Ouyangbai suddenly pointed to a conch shaped thing on the VIP book and said.

"OK." Lin Feng didn't look at it. He nodded directly, looked at ouyangbai and said, "just wait for yourself."

"There are only three materials I need." Dusk Yunshen seemed to scan the form, turned his head to Lin Feng, paused, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Well, there are only three kinds, so are you satisfied?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "you know, these materials are very difficult to find."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, twilight cloud's deep stiff look turned and showed a smile that made Lin Feng feel very ugly. Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "what's there, you'd better speak out."

"I like it, thank you." The mechanical voice of the deep Twilight cloud snapped, put out a head, pushed ouyangbai's head aside, and looked ahead.

The auction was going on in an orderly way. With the emergence of auction items one by one, the enthusiasm of the auction house became more and more high. Many people began to bid with the atmosphere. Some monks had bought what they needed, and then began to borrow their spiritual stones everywhere.

"Tut Tut, this business is good, Qianlong. I see three empty positions in the corner. You take ouyangbai to go down and rent the spirit stone. You can only rent it to the disciples of four sects and nine families. Moreover, for each disciple who rents the spirit stone, the disciple who rents the spirit stone will give one top-grade spirit stone a year and rent it from one year."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong's body trembled. He turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "master, I like this!"

With that, Qianlong directly covered ouyangbai and went down with ouyangbai. Seeing that ouyangbai suddenly disappeared, Yao Ziyi and muyunshen were stunned. Lin Feng smiled and said:

"Ouyangbai has gone to do something for me and will be back soon."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi and mu Yunshen nodded and looked out again. Lin Feng put his hand on the table and gently knocked it. He looked at Xiaman. Ouyangbai had already sat there. Lin Feng was talking to several monks around with a smile.

The monks' faces were full of satisfaction. It was obvious that they had bought their favorite baby. At this time, they didn't seem to want to do much. They just looked at ouyangbai with a few monks who didn't care after hearing ouyangbai's nagging there.

Seeing ouyangbai's means, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a satisfied smile. Although this guy's cultivation was a little lower, he was born with good material to do such things. It happened that these people told the boy, and Lin Feng felt very satisfied.

Yao Ziyi looked over with Lin Feng's eyes. When she saw the storage bag taken out by ouyangbai, she was stunned. She turned to look at Lin Feng and said:

"You're short of money?"

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