to be straitened for money? Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng was stunned. He was really not short of money and Lingshi. However, after all, there was such a big sect behind him that he had to eat and drink with him. How could it be that a little was enough? Of course, the more Lingshi, the better.

Lin Feng certainly won't miss such an opportunity to earn Lingshi.

The disciples of these four sects and nine families can't escape. These guys give themselves a steady stream of money. Lin Feng is very happy now.

"Cough, I raised such a big sect. Now the sect's income can't support the sect at all, so I'm still a little short of money." Lin Feng touched his nose and whispered.

"Well, indeed, a sect costs a lot." Yao Ziyi nodded and looked at ouyangbai. Ouyangbai had a smile on his face and started to do things like lending money in an orderly way. At first glance, he often did such things. In particular, everyone who borrowed money seemed to have a contract with ouyangbai.

If these people knew that the money lender was a sea demon, they would have killed him long ago.

"Did ouyangbai lend money before?" Yao Ziyi frowned, pointed to Ouyang Bai below and asked.

Ouyangbai looks so much like Lin Feng. It feels like a nest of snakes and mice.

Yao Ziyi looks at Lin Feng and doesn't know if it's inappropriate to describe Lin Feng with a nest of snakes and mice, but this guy doesn't deceive people!

"Where, ouyangbai is a little sea demon. By chance, we met and worked with me later." Lin Feng quickly waved his hand and said that Yao Ziyi was skeptical when she heard Lin Feng's words, but her eyes had shifted away. In front of Lin Feng, a blue flying shuttle appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Instead, the flying shuttle turned into a faint blue shadow of a dragon. Poche looked at Lin Feng and said:

"Master, I've basically understood that the four sects, nine families and some scattered cultivation forces have all got boxes. Boxes 1 to 9 belong to the nine families, Wanfa Guizong, Xingyun holy land and the moon gate. The three sects occupy boxes 94, 78 and 71, and then the girl Wei Yunshu known by the master is box 69, With mother-in-law Ying, but there is a separate box in Liuli Valley, on No. 199. "

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng nodded. A dynamic picture appeared in the air, recording the situation of each box.

Seeing this scene, Yao Ziyi widened her eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said:

"You... What did you do in each box?"

"Don't worry, this array has been integrated into the box, so no one knows what I've done in it. Just look at it. By the way, how many people do you know here?"

Lin Feng had a smile on his face and looked confident. He turned to look at Yao Ziyi and asked with a smile.

"Eighty percent of them know each other. Some of them are strangers. They probably came from far away. I don't know them." Yao Ziyi looked at the boxes one by one and said instead.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's basic understanding, Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said, "that's good."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Yao Ziyi flashed a touch of doubt in her eyes, but she still didn't say anything. She turned her head and pointed down with a touch of surprise in her eyes and said, "it's a thundercloud beast!"

Hearing Yao Ziyi's surprised voice, Lin Feng also looked down. There was a freezer standing on the stage. In the freezer, a purple giant beast was frozen inside. If you feel it carefully, you can even feel the purple giant beast's gently shaking heart.

"Lin Feng, haven't you been absorbing lightning for your use? The thunder cloud beast's natural talent is lightning. Although it's not as powerful as robbing thunder, it's easier for the human body to absorb it than robbing thunder. It's very useful for you to absorb these robbing thunder. "

Yao Ziyi turned her head and looked at Lin Feng. There was a bright light in her eyes and said.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng nodded. This thundercloud beast can really get a hand to study.

Lin Feng's expression also focused and looked at the thunder beast below.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe everyone knows this giant beast. It is an adult thundercloud beast." Ya'er's face wore a smile, his eyes swept around the box and said with a smile, "this is an adult thundercloud captured by our nine families. The cultivation should be about perfect in the integration period of human beings."

Ya'er paused, walked slowly around the square in high heels, put her hand on the ice, and said with some infatuation in her eyes:

"This thundercloud beast has a unique talent. It has one more skill than other thundercloud beasts, that is..."

Ya'er went behind the thundercloud beast, pointed to its wings and said:

"This thundercloud beast's wings, unlike other thundercloud beasts, have evolved, but can fly! In other words, this thundercloud beast can not only refine the power of thunder and lightning for Lei generation disciples to practice, but also the most important thing is that his wings can be refined into a pair of wings. The wings have their own wind and thunder power, which is about five times faster than the sword. In addition, when attacking, it can also trigger the power of wind and thunder and the enemy's attack. You can wrap around yourself to protect yourself. This thundercloud wing, Only a pair of wings can meet your attack, defense and retreat. I believe this is everyone's only choice! "

Ya'er smiled and looked at the people who had begun to get excited. Ya'er gently put her hand on the table and said:

"Lei Yun beast, the price of 100000 top-grade spirit stones starts from 5000 each time. If you like Taoist friends, you can ask for a price. This is a rare baby. Such a baby doesn't mean there is one!"

Ya'er's red lips slightly tooted, smiled and said.

Hearing ya'er's words, everyone's eyes lit up immediately and stared round one by one. As soon as ya'er's voice fell, the people below had begun to quote.

"Ten thousand!"


"I said Huang laoguai, is that all you have? Why, I don't want my baby. I want to buy this thundercloud beast for your son? " Just after the voice of an old man with white beard fell, a voice with a bit of banter sounded opposite him.

When they heard this, they all looked over there with curiosity in their eyes.

"Zhao lame, you can go if you have the ability? Why, your son is not a Lei Department, so he can't use it? " The yellow old monster sneered, looked at the people above and said.

"Tut Tut, I'm just about to go. How about it? One hundred thirty thousand! " Zhao lame said with a proud face.

"140000!" As soon as Zhao lame's voice fell, another voice sounded. Huang laoguai smiled. That smile was so dazzling to Zhao lame.

You think you are great, but as a result, you are just a passer-by.

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