Zhao lame's face smelled a little. He looked at the bidder with a gloomy face. The bidder was right beside him. At first glance, Zhao lame's cold sweat rubbed down.

This... This guy can't see through his cultivation!

Feeling the eyes of the man in gray, Zhao lame quickly turned around and stole it. Nonsense. At this time, where did he have the courage to stare at the man all the time!

"I'll give you 150000, everybody, accept!" At this time, another voice sounded again.

"Tut Tut, it turned out that it was a casual repair of some water. No wonder I felt relaxed when I offered a price of 150000!" The people around immediately began to praise in a low voice and said.

"Brother Dianshui, I came here for the thunder cloud beast. I'm sorry! Two hundred thousand! " Another middle-aged man stood up and shouted.

"Three hundred thousand! I'm going to the casual alliance! "

"Four hundred thousand!" All the people below were bidding. Ya'er stood there and looked at the people bidding with a smile. She knew that the current bidding was just an appetizer. The people who could afford the price were still the 200 boxes. Therefore, there was no hurry.

"Half a million!"


The bidding below is becoming more and more intense, and more and more people are bidding. These people are elated one by one. The prices they shout are higher and higher. Lin Feng sits there and sees the appearance of these people. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

These guys, one by one, closely guarded their money bags and came all the way. They didn't sell more than a dozen auction items. At this time, they have begun to bid wildly. It seems that they are all rich owners!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Instead, he spread a rumor to Qianlong and said, "Qianlong, tell ouyangbai that boy, from now on, if you borrow Lingshi, you can start with 100000 top-grade Lingshi and stop with 10 million."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong's voice was a little sad and said:

"Master, this is too much. Every time you ask me to do something, you don't give so much to others!" Qianlong's voice is full of sadness, thinking of his white, flower and flower big spirit stone. His heart is that hate, this is a spirit stone! This is a shining baby!

"Just do what I say!"

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng just said faintly. Qianlong was reluctant, but he gave a sound, and then conveyed it to ouyangbai. When ouyangbai heard this, he immediately knew what he was going to do. He nodded to Qianlong and said:

"Don't worry, master. I'll do it properly."

Hearing ouyangbai's words, Qianlong turned his eyes and said, "I tell you, boy, take it easy. So many spirit stones are not for fun!"

Hearing Qianlong's words, Ouyang Bai scratched the back of his head, leaned his head and thought for a while, and said, "I listen to the master. I'll go up after the master has handled it for me."

Above, Lin Feng naturally heard ouyangbai's words, nodded with satisfaction and continued to look at Leiyun beast. Now, the price of Leiyun beast has soared to one million.

"Two million!" At this time, a voice came from the last box. Lin Feng flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes and looked at the 200 box. Li Yun held a girl in his arms. The girl's beauty was good. He thought that in Li Yun's arms, there was some calculation in his eyes.

Now Li Yun is elated, holding the beauty up and down, and looking at the thunder beast below with a flashing light.

Thunder cloud beast!

If you get this thing yourself, maybe you can get rid of those two stupid bodyguards!

"I'm Li Yun of the Li family. Do you dare to argue?" Li Yun stood in front of the screen and glanced down. Everyone who had some expectations immediately lowered their heads. It was not that they didn't want to fight, but that they didn't want to fight with the second ancestor!

Who is this second ancestor?

That's the demon king of the Li family, especially in the Li family's territory. He just does whatever he wants. There's no reason at all. Moreover, as the son of the Li family owner, although he is a waste, basically no one dares to offend the demon king in front of him.

It is well known that the Li family protects their weaknesses.

Even if it is a waste like Li Yun, it will never allow people outside to bully. Once, sanxiu didn't believe in evil and beat Li Yun up. As a result, the leader of the Li family who arrived before he left has wasted his cultivation. It is said that he is still serving the second ancestor of the Li family!

Therefore, after hearing Li Yun's words, most people were quiet.

"Hum, what is the Li family!" At this time, a cold voice sounded in another box, "two and a half million, I want the Zhao family."

Another voice sounded with a bit of arrogance. Lin Feng looked at it and raised his eyebrows. Good guy, he looked like a dandy. It seems that he is familiar with Li Yun, and he is still the enemy.

"Three million! Zhao Qi, why do you want to compete with me, you cheap thing? "

Li Yun sneered. His words were cold and said, "I really think of myself as a member of the Zhao family. Has the Zhao family admitted you? Wild seed! "

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Feng just shook his head. Obviously, these two guys are peripheral disciples of the family. Zhao Qi is even worse, perhaps for his own face, so he just showed his height here.

To put it bluntly, it's just two children.

"Five million!" Lin Feng shook his head and directly gave his own price. The two boxes immediately quieted down and turned to Lin Feng's No. 131 box. Although he couldn't see Lin Feng's box clearly, both of them knew that the guy in the box offered the price!

This guy, when he opens his mouth, it's five million!

Say you don't know the nine families Zhao and Li? At this time, hearing Lin Feng's offer, both of them followed up.

"Five and a half million!"

"Six million!"

"Six and a half million!" Li Yun's face was gloomy. He opened his mouth again and said that his hand trembled when he said 6.5 million. The price was the biggest price Li Yun could take out.

To put it bluntly, although he is the son of the owner, his accomplishments are basically fixed here and can't be moved. Therefore, all his resources are very limited. This is a very limited resource. He took some of them for whoring and gambling, and the rest was posted to him by Lin Feng himself, hoping that he would find more women and have more children.

Of course, Li Yun also lived up to expectations and gave birth to many offspring for the Li family, but even Li Yun himself doesn't know how many children he has. As long as his children are born, they don't need him to take care of them.

Those with potential will stay in the family, and those without qualification will be sent away directly.

The situation of Zhao Qi is not much different from that of Li Yun.

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