Zhao followed him out of the box and walked directly out of the through a secret passage.

Lin Feng followed, about half a meter away from Zhao Sui, and hid himself from Zhao Sui.

Zhao Sui was very cautious and almost reached the state of one step and three turns back.

Zhao Sui frowned. He always felt that someone was following behind him, but when he turned his head, there was nothing. When he got out of the channel and looked at the alley outside, Zhao Sui relaxed, looked around and walked towards the outside of the alley.

Lin Feng still followed Zhao Sui.

Zhao Sui suddenly stopped and looked back. Lin Feng's body was close to the wall. This guy's vigilance was really not generally strong.

Are you too careful?

Zhao Sui frowned, once again determined that there was no one, accelerated his speed and entered the crowd. As soon as he entered the crowd, Zhao Sui relaxed, looked around and walked quickly towards the transmission array in the middle of the city.

Lin Feng still followed Zhao Sui. Zhao Sui's speed was very fast. He went directly to the transmission array, handed in the Lingshi and entered the transmission array. Lin Feng went up with Zhao Sui and took a look at the transmission array. This should be the transmission array directly to the Zhao family.

The transmission array lit up a light. The next moment, the two people appeared in a strange room. Zhao followed around, sighed with relief, walked out of the door and saw two servants of the Zhao family dozing at the door, striding forward.

Outside was a bustling street. Suddenly, Zhao Sui stopped.

"Your Excellency has been with me for so long. Should you come out?"

Then Zhao Sui turned his head, but there was nothing outside. Seeing this scene, Zhao Sui frowned. Was it his fault?

Zhao Sui walked on the street and repeated it several times before he felt relieved. Lin Feng followed him and he almost came out. This boy's cultivation is not very good, but this hidden means is really clever.

After repeatedly determining that no one was following, Zhao Sui turned and walked inside again to the door of the transmission array. Zhao Sui hesitated and killed the two servants guarding the transmission array outside.

He is the Zhao family. He is very familiar with the shift of the Zhao family. Moreover, he also knows that at this time, the Zhao family has not yet reached the time of shift change.

"Don't blame me for being ruthless. That old guy wants to take the inheritance of the Dragon tomb as his own. Where is there such a good thing in this world?" Zhao Sui piled the bones of the two disciples together, his eyes were gloomy, and said, "it's strange. What a coincidence. It let me know where the Dragon tomb is. You can live up to yourself if you can sacrifice for my great cause."

With a smile, Zhao Sui turned and walked towards the transmission array. He went to the mouth of the transmission array. Zhao Sui put the spirit stone on the transmission array, and then changed the position of the transmission array.

"Hey, hey, when I come back, the Zhao family will wait to accept me as the most powerful person among them!"

Zhao Sui stood on the transmission array, opened his eyes and found that he was still standing far away. Seeing this, Zhao Sui was stunned. Instead, he raised his head and saw Lin Feng standing there with a smile on Lin Feng's face. Zhao Sui was stunned for a moment, and stepped back towards the back, saying:

"Who are you?"

"Tut Tut, I've been chasing you all the way. Who do you think I am?" Lin Feng looked at Zhao Sui and asked with a bit of banter in his words.

Hearing Lin Feng's voice, Zhao suimeng raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were gloomy, especially Lin Feng's voice, which seemed very familiar to Zhao suimeng.

"You are..." Zhao Sui frowned. Suddenly, Zhao Sui's eyes widened, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "you... You are the guy in box 131!"

"Yes, no extra points!" Lin Feng smiled, looked at the person in front of him and said, "but I'm sorry. Who let you have what I need?"

Lin Feng walked up to Zhao Sui, sighed with some regret and said, "so, you'd better take out your skills and do it as soon as possible. Maybe you can stick to it for a while!"

Lin Feng had a smile on his face and arrogance in his words. Holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, he looked at Zhao Sui and said.

"Hum!" Hearing this, Zhao Suileng snorted, and his real Qi suddenly lifted up. Holding a long sword in his hand, he stabbed Lin Feng and said, "boy, it's just the beginning of the robbery. He's arrogant in front of me!"

Hearing Zhao Sui's words, Lin Feng just smiled faintly. Zhao Sui's accomplishments were similar to him, but he was very vain. Obviously, he didn't practice by his own means, but Zhao Sui had many treasures. His clothes were magic weapons. No wonder no one shot at this second ancestor, just like playing a game, a non RMB player, Who wants to find abuse in front of RMB players!

"I admit you've done a good job of protection, but that's all." Lin Feng smiled and said with a bit of banter in his words. As he said, Feng Tong's sword was directly opposite Zhao Sui's long sword.

The spiritual power was tangled around the two people, but there was no leakage of spiritual power.

Zhao Sui raised his head and looked outside. Their fight was very fierce, but he didn't have any spiritual power to practice leakage!

What's going on?

Zhao Sui's body trembled. He looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were unbelievable. He retreated towards the back and said, "boy, what did you do? Why is there no reaction outside? "

"Ha ha, kill it!" Lin Feng holds Feng Tong's sword and kills Zhao Sui again. Zhao Sui's body quickly retreats towards the back.

Lin Feng's attack is very fierce. Zhao readily holds a long sword to resist Lin Feng's attack. With the continuous strengthening of Lin Feng's attack, his strength is getting lower and lower, and he can't resist Lin Feng's attack at all.

Where the hell did this guy come from? Why is it so powerful?

Zhao Sui looked down at Lin Feng. The look in his eyes changed and retreated step by step. Suddenly, Zhao Sui's body seemed to be hit back by something and directly hit Lin Feng in front of him. Lin Feng's Fengtong sword attacked Zhao Sui. Zhao Xin was surprised and retreated quickly towards the back.

Feng Tong's sword stabbed Zhao Sui's arm and cut off one of Zhao Sui's arms.

Zhao Sui raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were gloomy and said, "boy, who are you?"

"Me, Lin Dasheng!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "remember, my name is Lin Dasheng. Lin Dasheng killed you!"

Then Lin Feng's Fengtong sword directly pierced into Zhao Sui's body. Lin Feng sighed and said, "I thought it was so powerful. The son of the aristocratic family is the son of the aristocratic family. Although his accomplishments have been improved, they are all accumulated with drugs. It's far from those who are really the pride of heaven. Tut Tut, and he also delusionally wants to marry Shu qiner as his wife, It would be nice if people were willing to give you a hair. "

Lin Feng kicked Zhao Sui, and Lingzhi directly impacted Zhao Sui's brain.

"Ouch! Ouch, ouch... "

Zhao Sui's body suddenly began to spasm, and a heartrending cry came out in his mind. Lin Feng shook his head, directly put down Zhao Sui and shook his head. It was too weak.

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