Lin Feng turned Zhao Sui's body over and took out all his things.

The son of a aristocratic family is the son of a aristocratic family. He has a lot of good things. Lin Feng has collected all of them into Dinghai God. Even Zhao's clothes have been pulled down. Zhao's clothes are a middle-grade defense magic weapon. Go back and refine them well and put them in the sect's treasure house, which can be used by his disciples.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then picked up Zhao Sui's storage ring. The storage ring recognized the owner with blood. As soon as the owner died, the storage ring became an ownerless thing. Lin Feng easily destroyed the prohibition set by Zhao Sui. His mind looked inside, and Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Tut Tut, good guy!

It seems that Zhao Sui is really unwilling to be lonely at all.

For their own future, it is also quite hard.

Lin Feng took out the box inside and opened it. When he saw the two maps of the Dragon tomb inside, his eyes lit up immediately. Without hesitation, he wiped his arm around the corner of his mouth, quickly put away the two maps of the Dragon tomb, and gently clicked the storage ring. Lin Feng directly put away the storage ring. Looking at Zhao Sui wearing only one lining on the ground, Lin Feng smiled and said:

"My greatest advantage is that I have a good life. I can't bear to kill you, but what you can look like in the future is your own ability."

Lin Feng shook his head, put away his things, looked around, and then looked at the transmission array. The transmission array couldn't move. It was his hands and feet. Now looking at the transmission array in front of him, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a smile.

Zhao Sui lies here. If he leaves, as long as the transmission array is damaged, it must be impossible for others to find it. Lin Feng breathes a sigh of relief at the thought of this.

Lin Feng wiped away the blood on Feng Tong's sword, took off his coat and changed into clean clothes. Who washed his body to one side to make sure that he had no smell of Zhao Sui? Just then he opened the transmission array again and put the spirit stone on it.

The transmission array lit up a light and directly sent Lin Feng back to Kyushu city. As soon as Lin Feng left, the whole transmission array turned around and broke down the next moment.

Half an hour later, the disciples of the Zhao family came to change shifts and saw two bodies lying at the door!

"Bad, enemy attack!" A disciple took the lead in responding, took out a straight tube from his arms, lit it directly, shouted and said.

Then the two disciples went straight inside and saw Zhao Sui lying next to the transmission array. They were stunned.

"Eldest childe!" The two quickly walked to Zhao Sui's side, put their hands on the tip of Zhao Sui's nose and felt Zhao Sui's weak breathing. They looked at each other and finally had a little more smile on their faces. It's good that the eldest childe didn't die.

I wish I wasn't dead.

The two men breathed a sigh of relief, turned and looked outside. They saw a white haired old man with a group of people rushing over quickly, took a look at the damaged transmission array, and then walked directly around Zhao Sui. They grabbed Zhao Sui's arm, and their eyes immediately widened, saying:

"Who did it?"

The two men bowed their heads and didn't speak, just stood there.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, the elders of the Zhao family can't say anything. The two boys have low cultivation and can't be Zhao Sui's opponents at all. Therefore, he doesn't have much fire for the two people who come to take over.

"Can you know the recent access records after the transmission array is repaired?"

The elder of the Zhao family looked at the two men and asked.

"It can only be repaired in a cup of tea, but I think this time should be more than that. Therefore, the transmission array can't record every person who appears unless we can know where that person was transmitted."

A servant hesitated, glanced at Zhao Sui and whispered.

"Search it for me and check it from every angle. I don't believe that the people who assassinated my Zhao family haven't left any trace!" Hearing the words of the two servants, the elder of the Zhao family waved to the people and said loudly.

Hearing the elder's words, all the servants immediately moved and turned the world clean. They didn't find anything. Suddenly, a servant came in and said:

"Three elders, we found traces of the array outside. There should be a short-term small array here just now, but the time of the small array is not long, so now only traces are left."

"Go and have a look!" Elder Zhao San's spirit was immediately raised. He looked out together and looked at the array. Elder Zhao San's face became more and more gloomy. What array is this? It is clearly the array plate that has been carved, and this is just the simplest primary array that is sold everywhere and is less than a medium-quality spirit stone.

"Damn it, find me again!" Elder Zhao San's face became more and more gloomy. Looking at Zhao Sui lying there, which bastard was watching their play?

Thinking of this, elder Zhao San's face became more and more gloomy.

Seeing Zhao Sui's appearance, elder Zhao San's body trembled. It was provoking his Zhao family's authority. Yes, it was challenging their Zhao family's authority! In turn, elder Zhao San complained that Zhao Sui was really a piece of rubbish. He schemed to search sections one by one. As a result, even a simple array could not be broken!

"Don't let me know who is running wild in my Zhao family, or I'll make you and your family die!"

With that, elder Zhao San directly rushed to the Zhao family with Zhao Sui in his arms. Zhao Sui is the only grandson of the supreme elder. If something goes wrong with him, they will be overwhelmed by it. The old man's temper is not so good!

On the other side, Lin Feng, the initiator of the figurines, walked around Kyushu city in a casual way. After walking around, Lin Feng returned to the Kyushu auction according to the previous way, returned to the box along the way Zhao suixian came out, sat in his position, slowly revealed his body and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, master!" Seeing Lin Feng coming back, ouyangbai took the lead in responding. He looked at Lin Feng and stared round. Lin Feng had a little bloody gas on his body, but the bloody gas was no longer strong.

"Congratulations to the Qian family for photographing this fake demon smelting pot at the price of 300 million top-grade spirit stones. Although it is fake, the demon smelting pot also has strong destructive power and has reached the level of congenital Lingbao. Congratulations to elder Qian!"

Ya'er's voice is full of excitement. Her task has been basically completed. As for the last auction item, the last auction item is no longer important.

Ya'er smiled and walked slowly around. The supreme elder of the Qian family took the lead in collecting the demon refining pot and returned to the box again. Lin Feng sat there and shook his head.

"How's it going?"

Yao Ziyi turns to look at Lin Feng. The auction just now is very lively. Yao Ziyi's face is still red. She looks at Lin Feng with a smile. She really wants to know what Lin Ye will think about it.

[PS: please support brother Huo! Vote more! And the new book "there is a red envelope here" has 100000 words! You can kill it! A very funny book!]

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