"This look is a lengtouqing!"

"Never seen the world!"

Several people whispered a few words of disdain, and then walked away quietly.

"I'd better go." Deng Jiajia stood there, blushing so red that she could bleed. She bit her lips and turned around to leave.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's buy the stone first!" Lin Feng waved his hand and studied the stone carefully. His eyes scanned the past on the stone. All the information in the whole stone was conveyed to Lin Feng. For the sake of safety, Lin Feng looked more carefully, just like the people around him.

After a while, Lin Feng waved to the maid on one side. The maid immediately came forward with a smile and said:

"Sir, the original stone, 100000 yuan, will be paid first. Our people will move the original stone to the cutting table for sir."

"Yes!" Lin Feng threw a storage bag into the maid's plate and turned to other places.

"This, this!" Seeing that Lin Feng picked the original stone, Deng Jiajia's look became happy. Instead, he walked towards the front together, pointed to an original stone not far away and said, "I think this is good!"

"Change a piece. There's nothing. It's expensive!" Lin Feng shook his head. Tut Tut, the boy's luck is really not very good. He picked two pieces in a row and they all have nothing. No wonder old man Huang didn't allow him to come to the gambling stone square. It's really lucky.

Didn't you say novice hot? It seems that this boy is not even a novice.

Lin Feng turned to take a look at Deng Jiajia. Deng Jiajia was seriously selecting the original stone. His serious appearance was no worse than anyone here.

Lin Feng shook his head and continued to walk towards the front.

"This one!" Deng Jiajia walked up to an original stone, looked up at Lin Feng and said again.

Seeing the firmness in Deng Jiajia's eyes, Lin Feng sighed, shook his head and said, "did you go to the bathroom without washing your hands?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Deng Jiajia was stunned, blinked, looked at Lin Feng and said, "do you want to wash your hands when you go to the toilet?"

"Nonsense, you must wash your hands when you go to the bathroom, otherwise your hands will stink!" Lin Feng shook his head and walked, "let's go. Let's go and see how the original stone I bought is. I tell you, I'm sure we can make a baby enough to frighten everyone later!"

Lin Feng smiled and looked forward to the original stone moved there.

"Take this piece for me and I'll pay for it myself!" When Lin Feng was proud, Deng Jiajia turned to the maid and threw a storage bag into the maid's hand. Lin Feng turned and blinked to hold Deng Jiajia, but it was too late.

The goods are even marked.

"Another piece of disability." Lin Feng sighed and saw that Deng Jiajia was still happy and ready to go on shopping. Lin Feng directly took Deng Jiajia out and asked the boy to choose here. It's not fatal!

Lin Feng directly took Deng Jiajia to the cutting area. His original stone was not far away. Lin Feng touched it and confirmed that it was his own piece. He turned and looked at Deng Jiajia. Deng Jiajia had moved his original stone and put it in front of Lin Feng. He raised his head and said with a smile on his face:

"Cut mine first!"

Hearing Deng Jiajia's words, Lin Feng just smiled and gave up his position.

"Is it fun?" Seeing Deng Jiajia's excited face, Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Fun!" Deng Jiajia nodded and turned to look at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng could see that all Deng Jiajia's looks were placed on the raw stones outside. This guy seemed to be overly obsessed with these raw stones.

Thinking of Deng Jiajia's appearance that I didn't want to go in before, Lin Feng shook his head.

I can't see. This boy is still a playmaker.

"Empty stone!" At this time, Deng Jiajia's stone was cut. The cutting master raised his head, looked at Deng Jiajia strangely and said.

"Ha ha!" Everyone's laughter came from above. Deng Jiajia stood there, frowned at the cutting master and said, "master, did you cut this guy first? I can see it's very good."

"Sorry, it's yours, empty stone." The cutting master glanced at Deng Jiajia indifferently, turned to Lin Feng's original stone, paused, saw that the two men were partners and probably just came out to play, so he casually moved the original stone onto the table with a careless face.

"Be careful." Seeing the appearance of the cutting master, Lin Feng whispered a reminder.

"Don't worry, boy, there are many raw stones from our hands, and there are many of them!" Then the cutting master directly used the knife.

"Oh, I finally know!" Suddenly, Deng Jiajia jumped up, looked down at Lin Feng and said loudly.

Lin Feng was startled by Deng Jiajia's sudden action. He turned to look at Deng Jiajia and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"I know why you said I had to wash my hands just now. You said I was too unlucky, didn't you? I'll wash my hands and pick another one later. " With that, Deng Jiajia turned and walked outside. Seeing Deng Jiajia's appearance, Lin Feng was speechless.

"Hold this boy!" Seeing Qin Yanran coming, Lin Feng said hello. Qin Yanran directly grabbed Deng Jiajia and brought Deng Jiajia back inside. Lin Feng slapped Deng Jiajia on the head and said:

"Wash your hands and wool. People with poor luck must be poor."

"Lie to me!" Deng Jiajia muttered and looked at Lin Feng's original stone. Lin Feng stood there and looked at the original stone with some curiosity. He saw something irregular inside, but Lin Feng can be sure that it must be a baby.

"Really... Old man Huang appeared." Seeing Lin Feng's serious look at the gambling stone, Qin Yan shook her head and whispered, "it's coming this way, but this guy seems to have no money and can't come in."

"He's in a hurry. His money is estimated to have been given to the boy. Although the boy likes gambling, his level is very poor. Therefore, old man Huang must be very anxious now." Lin Feng said with a smile, holding Qin Yanran's hand and gently beating it in the palm of his hand, "since we're here, don't waste tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones, don't we?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran didn't say anything, but gently turned her eyes. She is the most familiar with Lin Feng, so she knows that Lin Feng must just play casually.

"I want a pair of ancient earrings. Can you help me get them out?" Suddenly, Qin Yanran turned her eyes, looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile.

"OK, let me have a look. You help me guard here. Where's the valuable baby!" With that, Lin Feng walked towards the outside. Qin Yanran stood there, looking at Lin Feng's back, with a soft smile on his mouth. No matter when, this guy is so good!

Thinking of this, Qin Yanran looked a little more gentle.

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