"Mine, mine!" When Lin Feng came back from picking an original stone, he heard Deng Jiajia's voice. He was holding a part of Lin Feng's original stone and looked up at Qin Yanran. His eyes were stubborn.

Qin Yanran stood there with a sad face. Seeing Deng Jiajia's appearance, she couldn't say anything.

"Boy, what are you robbing!" Lin Feng walked over, clapped one hand on Deng Jiajia's shoulder, threw the original stone on the chopping board, pulled it up and down, and took it out of Deng Jiajia's hand.

When Deng Jiajia reacted, things had reached Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng took them in his hand and played.

"What is this?" Seeing Lin Feng's happy face, Qin Yan stood there with a frown and asked softly.

"A piece of material is used to upgrade Fengtong sword. I was just looking at it. I didn't expect it to be true. With this material, the upgrade of Fengtong sword will be faster. Maybe Fengtong sword will bring me a different surprise."

Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, playing with the painted black material in his hand, going to play with some rare treasure, careful and very serious.

"I want it too." Deng Jiajia looked at Lin Feng and said pitifully.

"You are good at playing tricks. Did you learn from your master?"

Hearing Deng Jiajia's words, Lin Feng smiled and directly collected the materials, then looked at the original stone on the chopping board and said, "look, look, I guess it should be what you want."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yan nodded and looked at the chopping board together.

The cutting master raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. He was suspicious in his eyes, but it was only a moment. He soon converged his mind and cut with his head down. He was skilled and very fast.

"Yes!" A aura flashed by, and Qin Yanran's mouth was hooked up. Her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she looked very excited.

"It's Earrings!" Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng, hugged Lin Feng and said, "husband, you are so kind, I love you so much!" Then he kissed Lin Feng on the face and took a pair of earrings in the hands of the cutting master.

"Madam, this is a spirit guiding eardrop, which is made of a kind of spirit guiding stone that has disappeared now. The effect of spirit guiding eardrop is to attract aura to yourself and provide convenience during cultivation. Of course, some advanced spirit guiding eardrops can also store aura. Although this thing has some chicken ribs, it is very beautiful in the cultivation world, It is very popular with girls. A pair of soul inducing Earrings often cost about 100000 top-grade spirit stones! "

With a smile on his face, the cutting master stood beside Qin Yanran and said softly.

"Help me put it on!" Qin Yanran gave the Lingling eardrop to Lin Feng and closed her eyes.

Lin Feng smiled and put earrings on Qin Yanran. Seeing Qin Yanran's look of expectation, he turned a water curtain into Qin Yanran's face in the air and said, "it's very beautiful!"

Qin Yanran turned her head and saw herself in the mirror. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, the corners of her mouth were raised, and stars twinkled in her beautiful eyes.

The soul guiding earrings on Qin Yanran's body exude streamer and colorful aura. They look very beautiful around Qin Yanran.

"Is that ok?" Qin Yan Ran turned a circle, smiled at Lin Feng and asked.

"Good looking!" Lin Feng grabbed Qin Yanran and looked around coldly. The coveted eyes around him immediately converged and lowered their heads one by one.

The girl in front of her is very beautiful. She looks forward to life with a frown and a smile. However, there is a flower guard around her, and she is also a flower guard with a heavy vinegar jar.

People looked at Lin Feng with a little envy. They were really lucky to marry such a beautiful woman home.

"After shopping, let's leave." Lin Feng hugged Qin Yanran and walked outside. Deng Jiajia took a look at Lin Feng, gritted his teeth and followed Lin Feng, and walked outside with Lin Feng.

"You can continue to play in it." Seeing Deng Jiajia following, Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Your baby, will you give me some?" Deng Jiajia licked his face, looked up at Lin Feng and said softly, "you don't want the spirit stone to let me leave with the master. It's all right for me to divide this thing."

"Go, buy this stone and cut it. This is the best for you." Lin Feng casually pointed to an original stone and said, "go, go, have fun. Anyway, your master's spirit stones are put here and collected. It's best to turn them into your wealth."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Deng Jiajia hesitated and went in with the original stone.

"Are you playing with this little guy?" Qin Yanran looked up at Lin Feng, smiled and asked.

"No, I'm serious. The boy's luck is a little too bad. Three raw stones in a row are empty and have nothing. There are only three in the whole field. He picked them at a glance. Take him to the gambling stone workshop next time. As long as he chooses, don't choose, you can certainly get rich!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, with a bit of banter in his eyes.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yan burst out laughing. At this time, a figure rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

Old man Huang rushed to Lin Feng like a gust of wind. His eyes stared at Lin Feng. His eyes were vicious and said, "boy, did you bring my land in?"

Old man Huang's voice was a little excited. He looked down at Lin Feng and stared round his eyes. He looked very angry.

"But I took him a little spirit stone. Don't worry so much." Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, Lin Feng smiled, shook his head, tut tut sighed, and said, "clever, you're busy here. I'll go first."

Then Lin Feng waved his hand and walked outside. Old man Huang was stunned there. After a while, he followed up, stared at Lin Feng and said, "you son of a bitch, it's clear that you don't want to make things clear to me. I tell you, boy, if you don't make things clear to me, you won't go today!"

Old man Huang stopped in front of Lin Feng, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. He looked completely fearless and was an old liar.

"Do you want me or a spirit stone? I tell you, if you don't go in quickly, maybe your spiritual stone will be defeated by your apprentice. I've never seen such a unlucky guy. He chose all three empty pieces in the whole hall. "

With that, Lin Feng turned and walked towards the outside. Old man Huang heard Lin Feng's words and completely ignored Lin Feng. His whole body rushed into it like a gust of wind. As soon as he heard Lin Feng's words, his heart was confused in an instant.

He knows his apprentice's skills. They are all living spirit stones!

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