"Just let old man Huang go?" Qianqian and Yao Ziyi came together and saw old man Huang running towards the inside, frowning and asking.

"Don't worry. If you can't run away, the old man will certainly retaliate against me. What this guy cares about most is his baby Lingshi!" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

From Wen Ping's words, Lin Feng had a preliminary understanding of old man Huang's preferences. He didn't have many other hobbies, but he was fond of Lingshi alone. He couldn't bear to waste one. Even the sect was so poor that only thatched huts were left, and he was unwilling to use Lingshi to repair it.

Therefore, Lin Feng just took Deng Jiajia to the gambling workshop.

Originally, Lin Feng just planned to take Deng Jiajia around. Deng Jiajia took him away with a little Lingshi, and then said to old man Huang.

What Lin Feng didn't expect is that Deng Jiajia's luck is a little too bad, and he seems to be a little obsessed with gambling stones.

Because of this, Lin Feng temporarily changed his mind and prepared to let Deng Jiajia defeat his spirit stone in it until old man Huang took the initiative to come to the door.

"That's right. This old man Huang is just like Grandet. He is a miser. When he sees that the spirit stone is gone, he will jump off the wall in a hurry!"

Qin Yanran said with a smile. Qianqian and Yao Ziyi turned their heads to Lin Feng and their eyes lit up. The three women snuggled up beside Lin Feng and walked outside with Lin Feng.

Four people went to the door. Just as they were about to go out, a voice sounded behind Lin Feng.

"Sir, please stay!" The voice was very thick. Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a purple Tang suit. His face was serious. His eyes stared at Lin Feng. His eyes were cold and suspicious. He said, "Sir, I don't know it's inconvenient to go inside with me?"

Hearing the man's words, Lin Feng frowned and said, "sorry, it's inconvenient for me." Then Lin Feng turned and walked away.

"Hold him!" Seeing that Lin Feng was about to leave, Rouen snorted coldly and shouted at him. Two black shadows appeared beside Lin Feng and buckled towards Lin Feng's body.

"Die!" Seeing the two men in black, Lin Feng snorted coldly. His whole body deviated from the attack range of the two people from a tricky angle. Feng Tong sword directly sacrificed and stabbed a man in black.

"What does that mean, sir? You and I have no grudges for a long time and no grudges recently. However, is it too much for your excellency to deal with me now? "

Lin Feng's eyes were gloomy. Looking at Rouen, he said with a strong murderous spirit.

"Just now, the master of cutting knife came to report to me. You selected two raw stones, which are what you need. We suspect that you brought some illegal things into Jinshi square to obtain benefits. Therefore, we hope you can cooperate with us to investigate!"

Rouen looked up at Lin Feng, with dignity in his voice, and said.

"I don't need this means to get benefits!" Hearing Rouen's words, Lin Feng snorted coldly and said.

"I don't know if you do, but if you don't cooperate with the investigation, I can only explain that you have a ghost in your heart and don't want to be honest!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Rouen frowned and said, "there are two ways, one is that you take the initiative to hand over your things, and the other is that the people of Jinshi square take the initiative to check you. You can choose by yourself!"

Rouen looked at Lin Feng with a proud face. Lin Feng was completely defined in that column, and there was no room left in his words.

Hearing Rouen's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, hid his anger in an instant, looked at the person in front of him and said, "according to your words, are you going to leave me today?"

"As long as you can prove that what you just said is your own means, we can let you go." Rouen sneered and said directly.

Hearing Rouen's words, Lin Feng just shook his head and said, "if I can prove that I didn't use any means?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Rouen paused, turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "if you don't use any means, I Rouen will make amends for you personally, and then send you away."

"Good! I hope you can remember your words! " Hearing Rouen's words, Lin Feng smiled and said, "also, I'm greedy for money. If I'm innocent, how about paying me 100 million top-grade spirit stones? Anyway, Jinshi square is not short of money, is it? If I did it, I would give 100 million top-grade spirit stones. How about it? "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Rouen paused first, made a gesture of invitation, and took Lin Feng towards the inside.

"If there should be records in your gambling stone hall, just take out the records. As long as you check the video, everything will be clear." Lin Feng looked at Rouen with a smile as he walked and said.

Rouen turned to look at Lin Feng and was stunned when he saw Lin Feng's smile.

The hall is indeed equipped with a video array. This array is the latest one launched by the white feather gate. Now it has just moved in the market. Many people don't know the existence of this array. What he didn't expect is that Lin Feng knows!

"Boy, you have some eyesight. Let me go. The array has recorded everything. I just need to take a look at your whereabouts since you entered my Jinshi square." Rouen sneered and said.

He has used means to Lin Feng, and can be said to have 100% trust.

Now that the boy has used means, he believes that the boy will show his feet later.

"Boy, I advise you, you'd better confess yourself early. Don't wait for the next time to embarrass yourself!"

Hearing Rouen's words, Lin Feng just smiled and didn't speak. He looked around and recorded the array of the whole Jinshi square into his mind.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Rouen sneered and pretended. I want to see how you want to pretend after seeing the video!

Thinking of this, Rouen was a little more proud. He looked up and down at Lin Feng. The boy was well dressed and followed by several beautiful women. Although each one seemed to be unable to see the cultivation, he could see at a glance that some special magic weapons were camouflaged.

It's just a bunch of little guys.

Thinking of this, Rouen smiled and thought that he could make a good profit next, and his spirit became more and more beautiful.

Who let these boys fall into their own hands today?

Rouen looked back at Yao Ziyi, Qin Yanran and Qian Qian, who were following Lin Feng. The three women were beautiful. No matter they were cute, gentle and virtuous, the three women had their own style. Their feelings had their own advantages, and their beauty was suffocating and salivating. Therefore, after hearing the report of the knife cutter, Rouen couldn't wait to come out.

"Master!" Just then, a little boy came from the outside.

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