"What's up?" Rouen was dreaming. He was suddenly broken by the sound. His face was gloomy. He looked at the servant and sneered, "if you can't tell why, you'll get out of here and never enter the Jinshi square again!"

"Master, it means too elder." The waiter trembled when he heard Rouen's words. He turned to Rouen's ear and said, "the elder said, let the master send Mr. Lin and his friends away."

Hearing what the waiter said, Rouen's eyes flashed a touch of doubt. He looked at Lin Feng, frowned and said, "what's going on?"

"The elder didn't say it clearly. He just asked me to inform you and send Mr. Lin away. He said that Mr. Lin is a god of plague. It's easier to ask God than send God. It's best to send him away before entering the door."

The waiter frowned and turned to look at Lin Feng. Seeing the smile around Lin Feng's mouth, the waiter turned his head. Although he didn't hear what the supreme elder muttered, he knew that the young man in front of him was not so easy to deal with.

The elder said, although this young man doesn't look very old, he is an expert!

Thinking of this, the waiter hesitated, stood in front of Rouen and looked up at Rouen.

Rouen's look changed a little. Looking at Lin Feng, he turned his hand and said, "I'm Rouen. I don't know who you are?"

"Me, Lin Feng." Lin Feng said with a smile, "shuangmulin, the beacon of war."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Rouen's look suddenly stopped there, swallowed his saliva and looked at Lin Feng. This person is Lin Feng who played with the nine families of the four sects?

So young?

Rouen looked at Lin Feng in front of him with some uncertainty. After seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Rouen looked a little paused.

Rouen is worthy of being a businessman. At the last moment, he was melancholy and had a lot of thoughts. At the next moment, he immediately calmed down. Everything was put aside. He looked more sincere and bowed to Lin Feng, saying:

"It turned out that I was the leader of Baiyu sect. I had an eye for ignorance of Mount Tai. I ignored the leader of Baiyu sect and invited the leader of Lin sect to make atonement. If not, I will entertain the leader and his confidant in Muyun building and apologize to the leader of Lin sect. How about that?"

Rouen looked at Lin Feng with a gentle smile on his face and said with a smile.

Hearing Rouen's words, Lin Feng just shook his head and said, "thank you, Mr. Lu. The treat is free. I have something else to do, so I won't bother."

With that, Lin Feng turned and left directly. Rouen stood there and saw that Lin Feng left without asking for his own trouble. Rouen wiped the sweat off his forehead, looked at the waiter on one side and said:

"Please tell us to send half of the newly obtained spiritual fruits to Baiyu gate as our apology. In addition, prepare 100 million top-grade spiritual stones, that is, Jinshi square to congratulate Baiyu gate on its getting better and better!"

"Yes!" The waiter hurried down and ordered. Rouen breathed a sigh of relief. He just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Feng disappear at the door of the store. The whole back was wet. Why did the Bodhisattva come to his store to gamble?

Thinking of the two original stones lost in the store, Rouen suddenly didn't feel much. Just now he opened his mouth, it was 100 million top-grade spirit stones and tens of millions of spirit fruits. This year, he did it for nothing!

"There's another one!" Suddenly, Rouen sounded. A young man brought in by Lin Feng seemed to be selecting raw stones inside. Rouen's body was excited and quickly walked over there. He informed the maid there and gave the girl a half price discount.

Out of Jinshi square, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng and saw the smile around Lin Feng's mouth. Please close your mouth and said, "your reputation in yanxuan continent can be regarded as a complete going out. Anyone who sees you in the future will have to retreat."

Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng and said with some ridicule in her words.

"As long as my baby wife doesn't give up on me, as for others, they are not in my consideration!" Lin Feng smiled, looked at Qin Yanran and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran turned her eyes and looked up at Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's gentle smile, she paused, turned to restrain her mind, gently pushed Lin Feng and said:

"Well, we're all old husbands and wives. Don't do this. Let's find a place to settle down and wait for old man Huang to come!"

Qin Yanran lowered her head slightly, with two faint red clouds floating on her face, and said softly.

"Yes, listen to my wife. Let's go to Muyun building. The food in Muyun building is still good. Although it's not as good as mine, it's also good." Lin Feng hugged each other, followed by Yao Ziyi, and walked towards Muyun building.

"It's really a blessing for everyone!" Yao Ziyi followed, slightly biting her lips and looking at Lin Feng's embrace, muttered in her heart, and flashed in her eyes, which meant something unknown, but it was just a moment.

Soon, Yao Ziyi adjusted her mind and walked forward with her.

Qin Yanran turns to look at Yao Ziyi. Yao Ziyi raises her head to look at Qin Yanran. Qin Yanran smiles at Yao Ziyi with some unknown meaning in her smile.

Yao Ziyi was stunned when she felt Qin Yanran's smile. For a moment, she couldn't understand Qin Yanran's meaning. When she looked again, Qin Yanran had turned her head, held Lin Feng's hand in her hand, and snuggled up in Lin Feng's arms, completely like a little bird.

All the eyes around him were on this group of people, mainly Lin Feng's side embracing the big beauty, and behind him pressing a big beauty like a servant girl, which suddenly raised the jealousy of these male friars.

"It's really some women who don't know how to behave, so they married a spirit stone and a family!"

"Hey, hey, these women, even if I want them on my knees, I certainly don't want them, just a bunch of bitches!"

"Yes, if such a woman marries home, she will dirty my lintel!"

Some male friars looked at Lin Feng and his three daughters. Many of them said sour, and even some spat at the ground with contempt in their eyes.

"That's too much!" Qianqian pursed her mouth and smiled. A colorful mist began to spread around her. Those male friars were still a little complacent. The next moment they covered their necks and rolled on the ground.

Qianqian looked back at these people, gradually restrained his breath, and turned to Muyun building.

The male friars outside reacted for a while. They stood up one by one and looked at the front. They were confused. They hadn't reacted to what had just happened. It seemed that everything had happened.

However, they still don't know what happened in front of them.

Soon, these friars thought of the colorful mist on the previous woman. This time, they suddenly realized that the originally ignorant male friars ran away one by one as if they had seen a ghost!

They even provoked such an expert unconsciously!

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