Hearing old man Huang's complaint, Lin Feng just smiled and said, "save your worry, you, let's go."

Seeing Lin Feng's urging, old man Huang can only sigh and continue to walk towards the front. Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, Lin Feng shook his head. The old man is not only greedy for money, but also cherishes his life more than everything.

"Boy, I'll say first. If a ghost will come to the door later, you can't abandon me. You have to take me. Swear, otherwise, I don't believe it." Old man Huang didn't go. He stood up straight and looked at Lin Feng. He blew his beard and stared round and said.

"If I can save you, I will save you. With you, it's convenient for me to enter the place where I bury my bones and find Ziyi, so you can relax. As long as your life is hard enough, everything is not a problem."

Lin Feng smiled at old man Huang and said.

"Hum, why should I trust you?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang snorted coldly, looked at Lin Feng, turned his head, snorted and said.

"Don't believe me, do you think you can break through?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at old man Huang and said with a smile, "save your heart. You know you don't have this ability."

Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng and pointed to Lin Feng. His whole arm was spent by tea farmers. For a while, old man Huang put down his hand, snorted coldly and walked towards the front.

"Click!" Suddenly, a white bone on the ground suddenly stretched out. Lin Feng directly offered Fengtong sword. The white bone was cut into several pieces by Fengtong sword and fell on the ground.

Old man Huang was startled by Lin Feng's move. The dagger in his hand directly stretched out to Lin Feng and said, "here, you use this. This dagger has been processed and is specially used to deal with these things. It can save real Qi. The place where bones are buried is a dead place, where white bones and Yin spirits gather. There is no spiritual power at all, so save a little."

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng nodded, took the dagger and put it in his hand. After playing, he turned to take the dagger in his hand. Old man Huang sighed with relief when he saw Lin Feng's appearance, and seemed to walk faster in front.

A group of people shuttle inside. Old man Huang is obviously very familiar with the place where the bones are buried. He avoided these bone corpses as much as possible along the way. Only a small part of the contact is also some simple bone corpses. The cultivation of these bone corpses is not high, so it is very simple to deal with them.

Just as the group was walking, suddenly, a distant fight attracted the attention of the group

"Several friars, we are from Jinling firm. As long as several friars are willing to lend a helping hand, I Jinling firm is willing to give a million top-grade spirit stones to thank you."

A familiar voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear. Lin Feng turned his head in surprise and looked at it. He found that the people of Jinling firm and the ghost general were right together. There were five fit friars around Jinling firm, but the five friars were obviously not the opponent of the ghost general.

"Eh, are they?" Seeing the group of people from Jinling business, Qin Yanran was surprised. They had been avoiding and on their way. Unexpectedly, Jinling business came in front of them.

It seems that these so-called commercial firms have a very simple way, which is true.

"Shall we go?" Qianqian turned to look at Lin Feng and asked, "if we don't go to save them, this group of people will be buried here."

"Let them go. We're not a charity hall. We can't help them." With that, Lin Feng waved his hand and walked directly to the front, not to mention how Jinling firm was. At this time, in the face of unknown danger, Lin Feng didn't mean to make a move at all.

"We are from Jinling firm. As long as you are willing to help us, we will not treat you badly!" Jin Susu came out of the carriage, looked at Lin Feng and his party in the yellow sand, and said loudly, with some pride in his words.

"Su Su, you go first. It's too dangerous." Jin Yin frowned, turned to Jin Su Su and said.

"No, uncle, it's too stuffy inside." Kim Su Su tooted her mouth and looked at the ghost general who was fighting with the friars not far away. She snorted coldly and said, "these friars are so rubbish that they can't even deal with such a guy."

"You guys, I have a top-grade blue blood stone here. If you like, as long as you are willing to help, I am willing to contribute my blue blood stone and five million top-grade spirit stones." Jin Yin frowned, took Jin Susu's hand, motioned Jin Susu not to speak, looked ahead and said again.

Blue blood stone?

Hearing the blue blood stone, Lin Feng's heart moved. It's not that he moved his mind to the blue blood stone, but the blue blood stone, which he needs very much now.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's footsteps stopped.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yanran and Qianqian also stopped, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"One of the main materials for the promotion of Fengtong sword is blue blood stone." Lin Feng frowned and whispered, "the cultivation of this ghost general should not be high. Let's do it together and solve it as soon as possible. Let's go after it is solved. What do you think?"

Lin Feng turned to look at Qin Yanran and Qianqian and said softly.

"OK." Qin Yan nodded and stood beside Lin Feng without hesitation. Qian Qian also nodded. Although Jin Susu and her two daughters didn't like it, the blue blood stone was the key. As for Jin Susu, they had long forgotten it.

Thinking of this, the two men looked a little paused and walked towards Jinling firm with Lin Feng.

"Why are you?" Seeing Lin Feng passing by with Qin Yanran and Qian Qian, Jin Susu's voice immediately increased and her steps retreated towards the back. When she looked at Lin Feng, her words were still a little sharp.

"It's me." Lin Feng said with a smile, looked at Jin Yin and said, "kill the ghost general and give me the blue blood stone, right?"

Lin Feng pointed to the ghost general not far away and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jin Yindun took a look at Qin Yanran and Qian Qian around Lin Feng, as well as old man Huang and Deng Jiajia in the back. Old man Huang and Deng Jiajia are both in the fit period. The three people in front of him can't see through the fix, but he only has the fix at the beginning of the fit period. Since these three people are together with old man Huang and Deng Jiajia, it is estimated that they are also in the fit period.

Thinking of this, Jin Yin looked up at Lin Feng and said, "do you know who this ghost will be?"

"I don't know." Lin Feng shook his head sincerely and said, "if your conditions are the same as just now, I'm willing to accept it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jin yinton looked up and down at Lin Feng. After a while, he said, "this ghost general is one of the twelve ghost generals buried in the bone. It's only one step away from the ghost king."

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