"Boy, take it easy. This ghost general is one of the twelve ghost generals in the bone burial place, which represents the most powerful strength of the ghost generals in the bone burial place. Moreover, this ghost general is directly controlled by the ghost queen in the bone burial place. The ghost queen is difficult to deal with. Even if it is at the top of the general Mahayana period. Those who are strong in the peak dare not attack the ghost queen."

Old man Huang stood beside Lin Feng and said in a very low voice.

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes, turned to smile, nodded and said, "well, I know. Don't worry, I'll pay attention."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang nodded and looked at Jin Yin in front of him, with some dissatisfaction on his face.

Although I don't know why Lin Feng needs blue blood stone, it's not a good time to look at the past.

"I only care what you said. Will I give the blue blood stone to me as long as I help you out?" Lin Feng looked at Jin Yin, stood there with his back and said faintly.

"Yes." Seeing Lin Feng's unmoved appearance, Jin Yin looked at Lin Feng and said, "but we are not willing to pay for the blue blood stone until we are safe."

Jin Yan looked at the group again and thought about the probability of killing the ghost general Mo Gan and the probability of death. The ghost general Mo Gan should be at the top of the robbery period. The cultivation of the strong peak, his bones and corpses were very hard, and ordinary things could not kill the ghost general Mo Gan at all.

Thinking of this, Jin Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the blue blood stone is a very refined and expensive material for refining utensils. He also worked hard to get a piece. Jin Yin was very reluctant to send it out in such a simple way, but it would be a fate if he could change his life in this bone burial place today.

However, the premise is that those people have the chance to swallow it.

Thinking of this, Jin Yin said with a smile on his face, "several heroes, if they want, they can do it directly. As long as I can defeat this guy, I'm willing to offer the blue blood stone with both hands, and there will be no second words."

"Uncle!" Jin Susu stood aside, holding Jin Yin's arm and looking at Lin Feng with discontent in her eyes, "let's... Shall we find someone else?"

"Miss Jin, do you think there's anyone else here?" Lin Feng sneered, looked at Jin Susu and said with a smile, "or is Jinling firm absolutely unable to complete the task, so we are not willing to hand over the task to us? If you don't want to give us the task, just say it directly. We will never bother you. Turn around and leave now. "

Lin Feng arched his hands, looked at a group of people in front of him, looked serious and said.

"No, no, no, it's not like that, hero, please." Jin Yin quickly shook his head and gave Jin Su a warning look.

Jin Susu was warned by Jin Yin's eyes, the whole withered, shrunk her neck and stopped talking.

Seeing the appearance of Jin Susu, Jin Yinfang nodded with satisfaction, looked at Lin Feng and said, "I don't know what to call this hero?"

"My name is Lin Dasheng. These are my two wives, the first lady and the second lady. These are my housekeeper and the housekeeper's children." Lin Feng introduced the people around him with a smile, looked at Jin Yin and said, "we're going to deal with this guy now. Please wait a minute. I promise you and your party can definitely leave."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jin Yin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile, but the severity in his eyes did not decrease at all. Obviously, he had thought that Lin Feng was still a group. Now it seems that Lin Feng is just a childe's brother with a group of people to play. How can such a person deal with ghost generals?

"I'll go. You collect the money here first." Qin Yanran took a look at the ghost general Mo Gan, stood up, held the emperor's pen in her hand, and suddenly her whole body slowly rose to the sky. Qin Yanran held the emperor's pen and spread freely in the sky. The word "tie" turned into countless smart exercises and directly greeted the ghost general.

"What is this?" Seeing Qin Yanran's hand, Jin Yin frowned, glanced at Lin Feng, and his face was more thoughtful.

"Disease!" Qianqian's body also flew up, and the colorful spiritual training directly wrapped around Mo Gan. Around the past, the colorful spiritual training controlled Mo Gan's skeleton with strong corrosiveness. The spiritual training continued to shrink, and Mo Gan's whole body made a clear sound.


Mo Gan's body shook, his head turned to Qin Yanran and Qianqian, and the attack in his hand directly attacked Qin Yanran.

"Go!" With a wave of Qin Yanran's hand, countless Lingli pilian directly greeted the past. Qianqian colorful pilian wrapped around Mo Gan's skeleton and began to take a little countermeasures to corrode Mo Gan's body.

"Stupid human!" On Mo Gan's head, a little red light suddenly appeared in his empty eyes. With a wave of Mo Gan's big hand, he directly scattered the two women's spiritual power.

"Die!" The second daughter snorted coldly, and they shot at Mo Gan almost at the same time.

"All right." Lin Feng saw that the second daughter parried more than enough. He turned to look at Jin Yin with a smile on his face and said, "there is no danger now. According to our agreement, the blue blood stone should be given to me."

Lin Feng stretched out his hand, looked at Jin Yin and said directly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jin yinton looked at Lin Feng, with a fake smile on his face and said, "Lin Dasheng, haven't you killed Mo Gan yet. Now ask me if it's too early?"

Hearing Jin Yin's words, Lin Feng smiled and looked at Jin Yin, whose scalp was numb.

But Jin Yin doesn't need people, business people.

Businessmen had long been used to seeing all kinds of scenes. Although Lin Feng was like this now, it was nothing to Jin Yin. Soon, Jin Yin adjusted his look and said:

"We shuttle between the bone burial place and the outside all year round. Therefore, if we don't kill Mogan, we can't guarantee that we can enter safely in the future. I'm sorry, Lin Dasheng. Of course, if you can't kill Mogan, our Jinling firm won't insist. You can go now."

Jin Yin looked at Lin Feng and said with an old fox smile in his eyes.

Hearing Jin Yin's words, Lin Feng sneered. Looking at Jin Yin, the old fox is very smart. Now the hatred of Mo GaN has come to them. Lin Feng knows that even if they want to go, they can't go.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn't lose his temper. He just smiled, nodded and said, "OK, wait a minute, old man, keep our business, five million top-grade spirit stones!"

Lin Feng took a deep look at Jin Yin and directly joined the battle.

Jin Yin was flustered by Lin Feng's last look, but he coughed, raised his head and looked at the front with his back and hands.

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