"Eh? You boy, since you collected the information, why don't you give it to me? This is totally unreasonable! " Seeing this scene, old man Huang's eyes flashed a touch of surprise and turned to extend his hand to Huang San.

"Sir, this information is to sell for money. Not all of it is mine. You see, the people behind come to ask for debts." Huang San smiled awkwardly and pointed to the people standing there looking forward to it.

"How much is it?" Lin Feng glanced outside, looked at Huang San and asked.

"The information here varies according to the importance. I don't know who Mr. needs. Mr. can tell me first. In this way, I can sort out all the information and give Mr. the information he needs."

Huang paused for a while. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't mean to trouble him, he sighed with relief and said softly.

"Yes, I'm looking for news from a man named Yao Ziyi. You can go outside and tell them. As long as there is useful and qualified news, I'm willing to give money. They open Lingshi. I guarantee their satisfaction."

Lin Feng nodded, put a storage bag on the table, looked at Huang San and said, "you can do this."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang San's body trembled. He trembled. He looked up at Lin Feng and saw the complete trust in him in Lin Feng's eyes. Huang San's body trembled slightly. He took the storage bag on the table in his hand. Huang San was still a little unbelievable.

After doing this for so many years, Huang San knows that this is the first time that someone trusts himself so much.

"Just a moment, sir. I'll go and get the information ready. Don't worry, sir. It won't take too long." With that, Huang San turned and walked outside. Seeing Huang San's happy back, Lin Feng's mouth slightly lifted up and sat there playing with the wine cup in his hand.

"This boy is quite sincere and fast enough." Old man Huang sat beside Lin Feng, tut tut sighed and said.

"Yes, a good boy. Would you like to take him back to your Houtu sect and accept him as your disciple? Although Huang San's cultivation is not high, he is smart. If you give him the Houtu sect, he will make your shapeless little sect rise within ten years."

Lin Feng looked at old man Huang with a smile and said, "and, you see, you are still a family!"

"No, no, boy, I won't argue with you. If you have an idea, you can take it yourself. You're such a big white feather gate. You must need different talents. Take this Huang San back."

Old man Huang waved his hand and said with a disdain on his face, "many of these blood slaves are strange. Some people are crazy about blood donation, and some are forced to make a living, but these people are abandoned by the buried city, because they are very dirty."

Old man Huang sat there and said softly.

"What you said is wrong. Although they look a little poor and may not be as comfortable as us, they have no way to choose this road, so you can't say that about them!"

Hearing Huang San's words, Qin Yanran frowned, looked at old man Huang and said.

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, old man Huang paused, and Qian Qian looked at old man Huang with some indignation.

Feeling the second daughter's eyes, old man Huang's look collapsed and said, "Oh, my aunts and grandmothers, do you think I'm the kind of person who can say everything?" Old man Huang looked at the second daughter bitterly and said, "the people who drink blood in the buried city will eventually become the food of the Yin spirit, but these blood slaves are the most terrible. After death, every blood slave will become a Yin spirit, retain their cultivation before death, turn into Yin spirit and continue to cultivate, and then eat those who have drunk their blood. You say these people, Is it scary? "

Old man Huang sighed and said, "the poor man must have something hateful. The white bones in this place are not piled up by the living people of the buried city, but by these ghosts."

"It does sound a little unacceptable." Lin Feng nodded and said faintly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang turned his eyes and didn't speak any more. He just sat there with his head down and studied Lin Feng's appearance. Playing with the cup in his hand for a long time, he sighed and said:

"I don't blame these people. If I lived in this place, maybe I was one of them."

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng turned to look at old man Huang. Old man Huang's neck shrank and didn't speak again. Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, Lin Feng smiled and didn't mean to speak.

Although old man Huang always looked quiet along the way, Lin Feng still heard something different from old man Huang's words. Old man Huang is more Aboriginal than the aborigines here.

"Sir, I've got all the information you want about Yao Ziyi back for you. It's 21 pages in total. It's all about Yao Ziyi. I paid 21 top-grade spirit stones to go out. These are the rest. Please have a look."

Huang San trotted in, sent the information to Lin Feng, returned the storage bag to Lin Feng, looked down at Lin Feng, and his face was trembling.

Lin Feng picked up the information and looked at it. The front part was the same as those who had said before, but the back part. These people even got it in their hands.

"You people are quite capable." Lin Feng said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang San smiled embarrassed and straightened up. Just about to speak, Lin Feng gave Huang San the storage bag in his hand and said, "take it. These spirit stones are your reward."

"This..." Huang Sany couldn't react for a while. He stood there and stared at Lin Feng. He didn't know how to answer this question. If he said it, he would give it?

There are more than 70 top-grade spirit stones here!

This is almost his income for a year. With these spirit stones, he can break through the yuan infant period!

Huang San looked at Lin Feng with some uncertainty, muttered a few times and said, "Sir, these... These are really for me?"

"Here you are. Don't twist Nini's." Lin Feng nodded, looked through the information in his hand, frowned slightly and said faintly.

"Yes, thank you, sir. Thank you, sir." Hearing Lin Feng's affirmative words, Huang sanlike took the storage bag, carefully put it in his arms and said, "thank you, thank you, thank you."

Huang San still nodded and bowed constantly. Looking at Lin Feng, he said with a look of ecstasy.

"Well, you go and do your work first. I don't need anyone here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang San nodded and looked at the spirit stone in his arms. Instead, he took out a small green jade slip and put it in front of Lin Feng. He said, "Sir, if you still have something to find me, crush this jade slip and I will appear."

Lin Feng nodded and put away the jade slips. Huang Sanfang turned and left with a smile.

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