"You came for her!" Hu Zhi looked at Lin Feng and his whole body's breath was adjusted. The ghost quickly drilled out of the yellow sand and surrounded Lin Feng and his party.

"Say, where is she? She's gone. Hand it over. I can give you a more agile way to die! " Hu Zhi sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"I said you couldn't. did you only smell her breath and didn't you smell the smell of killing many ghosts on me?" Lin Feng sneered, Feng Tong's sword whispered in his hand, and a purple black thunder flickered on Feng Tong's sword.

"Die!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hu Zhi grabbed Lin Feng's hand directly. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were a little more indifferent and cold.

Seeing Hu Zhi's appearance, Lin Feng sneered and leaned to one side. Feng Tong sword wiped Hu Zhi's arm with thunder light. A piece of his arm was stabbed by thunder light in an instant. Hu Zhi's body quickly retreated towards the back.

"Kill!" As soon as Hu Zhi pushed, all the ghosts rushed towards Lin Feng. One by one, they seemed to have no feelings at all. They just looked at Lin Feng and exuded a strong sense of killing.

"Disease!" Qin Yanran gave a low cry. The emperor's pen drew several golden figures in the air and stabbed the ghosts in the past.

"Die!" Qianqian snorted coldly, his whole body flew up, and the colorful spiritual power training rushed over there.

"Boy, how long do we have to deal with it?" Old man Huang stood behind, with a bit of love on his face, struggling with a ghost, and asked.

"Don't worry, just say hello for a while. The array doesn't start so fast!" Lin Feng shook his head. His whole body quickly retreated towards the back. Countless yellow sand was stirred by Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body retreated back in the yellow sand. The purple and black thunder and the fire in the center of the earth were constantly entangled around Lin Feng. It whirled around and attacked Hu Zhi.

Although Hu Zhi's cultivation is above Lin Feng, at this time, Hu Zhi doesn't have much chance to turn over in front of Lin Feng. There are thunder lights around Lin Feng's whole body, and the whole body follows one side to avoid Hu Zhi's attack.

"Chih!" Hu Zhi gave a low cry, and the cold from the depths of his soul greeted Lin Feng directly. Hu Zhi's body followed Lin Feng closely, and long black chains burst out in his hands. These long black chains emitted cold light and beat on Lin Feng. A blood mark immediately appeared on Lin Feng's body, and the bones made a clear sound.

"Damn it!" Lin Feng spat and vomited the blood out of his mouth. At this time, Qin Yanran's attack had come to Hu Zhi. Hu Zhi quickly avoided Qin Yanran's attack. Qin Yanran snorted coldly and pushed down eight ghost generals. Hu Zhi's attack hit the ghost generals.

"I'll kill you!" Feeling Qin Yanran's banter, Hu Zhi's whole look suddenly became crazy. Countless black chains came out of his body and attacked Qin Yanran and Lin Feng.

"Be careful!" Bai Yujian blocked a chain for Qin Yanran. Lin Feng appeared beside Qin Yanran. The two people leaned against their backs. Lin Feng took the initiative to attack. Qin Yanran was responsible for cleaning up enough safe space for the two people.

The mountain and river map twinkled with light and wrapped Qin Yanran and Lin Feng in it. The light bloomed under the two people. The thunder light and the fire in the center of the earth combined and attacked the eight ghost generals and Hu Zhi.

"Boy, die!" Hu Zhi's body rushed towards the two people, his eyes were red, his eyes were shining cold, and the long chain was tied towards the two people under his blessing.

"Retreat!" Lin Feng whispered. Their bodies quickly appeared in the air and threw one of the ghosts in. It was too late for Hu Zhi to shrink. The ghost would be wrapped by a black chain. The next moment it would break directly into powder and fall on the yellow sand.

"Go!" Lin Feng gave a low cry. The field of sword opened at his feet. Bai Yu sword and Feng Tong sword crossed together and passed towards Hu zhithorn.



Fengtong sword, Baiyu sword and black long chain were paired together, making a clear sound. Lin Feng held the fire in the center of the earth in his hand and threw it directly at Hu Zhi.

"Ouch!" The fire in the center of the earth and robbing thunder are combined together, and they are constantly burning on Hu Zhi. The burning speed is very fast. They soon wrapped Hu Zhi's whole body and wrapped Hu Zhi's whole person in it.

"Hiss!" Qin Yanran took a breath and pushed back with Lin Feng. Hu Zhi's iron chain danced in the air, hooked all the remaining ghosts, opened her mouth and caught them.

"Come on, this guy is crazy!" Old man Huang retreated towards the back, trembled and said, "let's retreat quickly now, otherwise it will be enough for us to drink a pot!"

Old man Huang said with a bit of fear on his face.

"Is this a fit?" Lin Feng looked at Hu Zhi with some surprise in his eyes and said.

"I said you boy, you're crazy. The ghost King's strength is not very good, but if they fit together, it's too dangerous. Don't be like this, you boy. Come here quickly and let's leave earlier!"

Old Huang looked at Lin Feng and shouted.

"Hehe, since I'm here, there's no reason to shrink back!" Lin Feng smiled, holding the white feather sword, and took the initiative to meet Hu Zhi.

"Click, click..." Hu Zhi's body made a crisp click on the ground and grabbed Lin Feng.

"Tut Tut, I really think I'm great when I change?" Seeing Hu Zhi's appearance, Lin Feng snorted coldly. The potential energy position spread out at his feet, holding the white feather sword, flew up to Hu Zhi's body and grabbed it towards Hu Zhi.

Hu Zhi's body was pressed down by the potential energy position. Lin Feng's long sword greeted Hu Zhi and burst out a fire. Lin Feng's body retreated towards the back, and several sword Qi fell on Hu Zhi's bones, leaving several shallow marks.

"This boy is clearly a madman!" Old man Huang stood not far away. When he saw Lin Feng's appearance, he trembled and retreated towards the back. His eyes were incredible. This boy is a little crazy!

"Chih!" Qin Yanran gave a cold drink, and her body appeared behind Lin Feng. In the space where Lin Feng attacked and rested, Qin Yanran's attack greeted the past, and Qian Qian's spiritual power was entangled. Around Qin Yanran's attack, the two attacks were combined into one and rushed over there.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Lin Feng gave a low cry, hugged the second daughter's body and quickly retreated towards the back.

In the previous position of the second daughter, a long chain drilled out of the yellow sand and ran up to the sky.

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