The long chain fell in the middle.

An attack appeared from nowhere and disappeared where the long chain appeared. The long chain was cut into two sections.

"Get up!" Lin Feng gave a low drink and pulled Qin Yanran and Qian Qian's hands back quickly. The fire waves rose from the ground, forming a long chain and brushing towards Hu Zhichong.

Those Yin spirits with low cultivation couldn't bear these fire waves at all. They kept howling in the fire waves and dissipated in the heaven and earth.

"Boy, die!" Hu Zhi gave a low roar, his whole body made a rustling sound, and directly greeted Lin Feng.

"Change!" Lin Feng's fingers gently, Hu Zhi's body immediately changed direction and hit nothingness. He didn't attack Lin Feng at all.

"Ouch, ouch!" Old man Huang ran out of the yellow sand with Deng Jiajia, looked up at Lin Feng, looked sad and said, "my Lord, can't you say it when the array starts? My spiritual power is almost used. Come on, give me a bottle of cola spiritual water. I'm dying! "

Old man Huang stood beside Lin Feng, looking at Lin Feng and said.

"You and your apprentice both carry fire in the earth and draw some spiritual power. It's all right. Look at me. Most of the spiritual power has been drawn out." Lin Feng smiled, looked at old man Huang and said, "that little spiritual power is nothing at all."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang turned his eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said, "boy, do you know how important the spiritual power of this bone burial place is? Naturally, you don't lack spiritual power, but it doesn't mean that others don't lack it! "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang turned his eyes and looked disgusted. He hummed and said, "I think you're the one who can't give up. I said, you boy, don't be so stingy. Anyway, you don't lack a spirit stone, don't you?"

Old man Huang licked his face and stood in front of Lin Feng. At the last moment, he was angry. At the next moment, he smiled. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were excited and said, "give me a bottle!"

"You think brother Lin packed a lot of things when he went out. Brother Lin didn't bring Cola spirit water out. All Cola spirit water was put at the Baiyu door." Qianqian shook his head funny, looked at old man Huang and said.

"Really?" Old man Huang blinked and looked at Lin Feng with disbelief on his face.

"Naturally, I don't have the idea of carrying too many things with me." Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "what Qian Qian said is true. I don't have Cola spirit water. Of course, I didn't bring anything except Cola spirit water to restore spirit."


Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng with a speechless face.

"Let's go. This fire array should burn for a few days. It's good." With that, Lin Feng turned and was about to leave.

"Do you really think a small fire array can hold a strong man at the peak of the robbery period?" Old man Huang looked at the array on the ground, with layers of flames wrapped around Hu Zhi, constantly burning and making a stabbing sound. Even there were small flames on some white bones, flashing a dark light, bonded to it, and burning faster and faster.

Seeing this, old man Huang's body trembled.

"Oh, boy, you'd better not be caught by me. Otherwise, I'll cramp you and drink blood so that you can't survive or die!" Hu Zhi looked at Lin Feng's direction and roared loudly.

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled.

At this time, somewhere in the bone burial place, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, with a little more joy in their eyes.

"Is that him?"

"My Shi family is standing straight. Do you think our Shi family can't deal with you?" Lin Feng's voice was not high or low. He looked down at the people below, smiled and said.

"Oh, so it is. It seems that the little guy this time is very interesting!" The woman bowed her head and her whole body was slowly brought into the yellow sand. Somewhere in the sky, the red sedan chair stopped in an instant, looked in that direction, trembled and said:

"Did she wake up?"

"Ghost empress, No." A maid came up to the ghost queen and said softly, "it's just a fluctuation of true Qi."

"Yes!" Zhao wanwan breathed a sigh of relief and sat in the sedan chair. After a while, she came out of the sedan chair, looked at the direction of Hu Zhi's tomb and said, "that man's breath is really familiar!"

"Maybe it's just a little related to that person." Zhao wanwan shook her head, turned back to the sedan chair and said, "let's go back first. We've been out for so long. If we don't go back, Wang will be angry."

"Yes, empress ghost." The maid nodded and waved her hand gently. The eight ghosts would continue to run towards the front with the sedan chair.

"Lin Feng, do you feel that there seems to be the same breath in the place where you buried your bones just now?" Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng and said softly, "did our fire array have an impact on the place where the bones were buried?"

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "it shouldn't be. We don't need to worry. Let's go out first." Lin Feng shook his head and said softly, "now we'd better go back to the place we returned in the fastest time. Whether Hu Zhi can survive depends on his ability."

Lin Feng looked back at the sky wrapped by the whole fire array, sighed and said.

"Well, good." Qin Yan nodded and walked forward with Lin Feng.

"Kill!" A huge kill word suddenly appeared in the yellow sand. The countless white bone Yin spirits who had been sleeping underground jumped out almost at the same time and rushed towards Lin Feng and his party.

"It's over. How can we go back now with so many ghosts and bones?" Old man Huang's whole body trembled and trembled constantly. Looking at Lin Feng, he said with a pitiful look on his face, "this is not something we can deal with. Boy, what shall we do? Why don't you get a big array like that one day here and throw all these Yin spirits in."

Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng and said with an irresponsible attitude on his face.

"No, we have to work together to deal with these. Besides, these spiritual cultivation are not high. Let's do it together."

Lin Feng said with a smile. He looked at old man Huang and Deng Jiajia and took out Feng Tong's sword instead.

"Yes, let's take it as exercise. This bone burial place is rare in our life. Let's have a good time here first!" Qianqian also licked the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

"A bunch of madmen!" Old man Huang trembled and shook for a while, but he still reluctantly took out his weapons, looked at Lin Feng and said, "otherwise, we'll just break out of the siege and leave the bone burial place. As long as we leave the bone burial place, we don't need to worry about these guys, do we?"

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