"No, go back to the city of bones first." Lin Feng's body kept retreating, and all the ghosts rushed up and forced Lin Feng to the place where he buried his bones.

"I said what are you doing?" The ruler in old man Huang's hand pulled over, and more than a dozen ghosts kept retreating. A thunderbolt fire bomb exploded in the ghosts. Old man Huang's body quickly retreated to a safe range and looked at Lin Feng with a look of disgust.

"You're a good firebomb. Put more!"

Lin Feng didn't answer old man Huang's question, but pointed to the front and said.

"No, you answer my question first!" Old man Huang turned his head, looked disgusted and said.

"Coming!" The Fengtong sword in Lin Feng's hand reversed, and several sword flowers entangled the sword Qi with a few wires of earth fire and washed away towards the Yin spirit.

These ghosts have felt the power of Lin Feng. Seeing the kilometer of Lin Feng, these ghosts immediately began to flee. One by one, they saw the position of old man Huang and rushed towards old man Huang.

"Fuck!" Old man Huang quickly retreated towards the back and stared round at the front. His eyes were unbelievable.

"Did you go too far?" Old man Huang's body quickly retreated, stared at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng smiled and said, "come on, there are a lot of thunderbolts in your hand anyway. It's convenient to use that."

"I found that your boy was the disaster of my last life!" Old man Huang snorted coldly, threw two thunderbolt bullets directly out and said, "I'm running out of spiritual power. Your boy has to protect me out. I don't know how your boy changes so slowly. His spiritual power looks like it can't be used up."

Old man Huang muttered and pulled Deng Jiajia's body back quickly. Behind Deng Jiajia, a long bone knife directly cut down, arousing yellow sand layer by layer.

The field of sword bloomed in the yellow sand. Fengtong sword rushed directly over there and made a fire in Baigu's body.

"Go!" Qin Yanran held the emperor's pen in her hand, and a golden light rushed towards the white bone. The white bone was scattered in an instant. Lin Feng's body fell beside Qin Yanran, raised his head and looked ahead. The whole body glittered with golden light, and his serious forehead was gloomy and more severe.

"Go back, go back, we have no way forward!" Old man Huang's body kept retreating, with a sad look on his face.

Obviously, in old man Huang's opinion, it's best to withdraw from the bone burial place.

"From here, we can all go back to Huangtu Chau directly. As a result, you have to go back to the buried bone city. Who said the time was urgent?" Old man Huang turned his head and looked at Lin Feng. The sadness in his eyes was about to materialize.

"Qianqian, did you bring a lot of cola spirit water with you?" Lin Feng suddenly turned his head, looked at Qianqian and asked“ Give Deng Jiajia a bottle. He looks a little bad now! "

"Good!" Qianqian smiled and nodded. As soon as his hand turned over, a bottle of cola spirit water fell into Deng Jiajia's hand. Deng Jiajia grabbed it and drank it immediately to restore his spirit power. In a battle just now, although the cultivation of these ghosts was not high, so many ghosts swarmed up, which still consumed Deng Jiajia's spirit power.

"Thank you!" Deng Jiajia whispered, holding the long sword, and rushed into the spirit again.

"Miss Qianqian, I!" Old man Huang killed Qian Qian all the way. Looking at Qian Qian, he said seriously, "and me!"

"Here you are!" Qianqian smiled and handed old man Huang a bottle. A colorful spirit training passed through old man Huang, clasped a white bone protruding from the ground, threw his hand, and the whole white bone hit the ground in an instant, making a crisp bang.

"Awesome!" Seeing this scene, old man Huang gave Qianqian a thumbs up, stared round his eyes and said

"Watch your back!" Qianqian whispered hello to old man Huang, stood beside Lin Feng, gathered together with Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, and rushed directly to the front.

"Together!" Old man Huang took Deng Jiajia and stood together. The five people formed a circle and fought with the ghosts at the back.

These evil spirits rushed over one by one, without fear at all.

"You can't go on like this, boy. Let's rush back with your baby!" Old man Huang said, gnashing his teeth against the spirit in front of him.

"There's too little aura here. It's on strike." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "so, go out. Let's fight out a siege. In this way, we can go back soon." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang turned his eyes and shook his whole body. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were full of sadness. After a while, he just opened his mouth and said, "boy, did you mean it?"

"I didn't mean it, but it's hard to come here. Let's exercise ourselves. You see, these ghost attacks are very interesting. You can also learn these ghost attacks!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Can you fight with ghosts?" Old man Huang rolled his eyes and said.

"No, but don't you find that after these ghosts are hanged, they will become pure soul power?" With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, Feng Tong's sword wrapped around his forehead and made a clear sound.

"Eh?" There was a flash of surprise in old man Huang's eyes. After hearing Lin Feng's instructions, the whole person calmed down and looked ahead.

When Lin Feng didn't say it before, he didn't have many ideas. Now Lin Feng says so, it's really like this! Old man Huang's eyes lit up immediately and said, "you have the ability!"

"That's natural. If I didn't have any skills, you would have been eaten by Hu Zhi now." Lin Feng said with a little cheerfulness on his face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang paused and turned to concentrate on dealing with the people in front.

After a while, old man Huang's look changed in an instant. He turned and looked at Lin Feng. His look changed again.

"What's the matter? Master? " Deng Jiajia blinked and asked when he saw old man Huang.

Old man Huang pushed back quickly with Deng Jiajia's body, stood with Qin Yanran and Qian Qian, and said, "can you two absorb the soul power here?"

The second daughter didn't speak, but focused on the spirit in front of her.

Seeing the appearance of the second daughter, old man Huang was silent and didn't speak again.

Why does he have the idea that they are all making wedding clothes for that boy?

"Back, back!" Lin Feng's body pushed back quickly. A ray of blue light came out of Lin Feng's sleeve and took it back. Lin Feng relaxed his breath, looked at the Yin spirit who no longer came forward, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After this battle, the leaders who were still rushing forward calmed down and looked at Lin Feng and his party and stopped moving.

"You can frighten the spirits in the bone burial place, boy. I have to admit that you are the first person." Old man Huang turned his head to look at Lin Feng and gave Lin Feng a thumbs up. He admired Lin Feng more sincerely in his eyes.

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