Old man Huang didn't expect that Lin Feng's action was so cruel. The most important thing is that old man Huang didn't know how Lin Feng absorbed the soul power here.

"Boy, should you tell me now, how do you absorb these soul forces?" Old man Huang turned to look at Lin Feng, blinked and asked.

"Ha ha." Lin Feng smiled, put away Feng Tong's sword and said, "it's about to dawn. Let's go now and bury the bone city first."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the ghosts, felt Lin Feng's eyes, all the ghosts retreated towards the back, and left directly one by one.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng smiled and turned and walked directly outside the bone burial place.

Old man Huang followed Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng and sighed. He restrained all his curiosity. His eyes swept around Lin Feng, Qin Yanran and Qian Qian, and became a little more helpless in his heart.

Obviously, old man Huang can see that these guys seem to be much better than his bad old man.

"Silly apprentice, don't always follow me foolishly, you know?" Old man Huang turned his head and looked at Deng Jiajia's dull face. He suddenly felt angry and slapped Deng Jiajia on the head.

Hearing what old man Huang said, Deng Jiajia looked up at old man Huang and said, "master, who are you looking for?"


Old man Huang quietly put away his hands and followed Lin Feng.

The ghosts behind didn't catch up.

"I'm afraid the loss of these ghosts tonight is great." Qin Yan Ran gently covered the corners of her mouth and said.

"It's OK. Anyway, the ghosts are increasing every day. Besides, I don't know how big the bone burial place is. So many ghosts are floating. I'm afraid the food is very limited now. I just help them reduce their members. In this way, it will be more conducive to their development in the future."

Lin Feng touched his nose, smiled and said.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was that these ghosts were all composed of evil Qi and the purest soul power. After removing the evil Qi, only the purest soul power remained. These soul forces floated in the air. Lin Feng wanted to absorb and try, but he didn't expect that they could be absorbed.

After feeling this benefit, Lin Feng told Qin Yanran and Qian Qian for the first time that both women could not absorb it, but because Lin Feng could absorb it, both women worked harder to strangle these ghosts.

The two girls know that Lin Feng's strength is their strength. If Lin Feng's cultivation can be increased here, they are naturally very willing to do something for Lin Feng.

"Hee hee, that's the same reason. The place where bones are buried has been overwhelmed these years. Outside the place where bones are buried, many people are engaged in illegal business, just to meet the needs of the place where bones are buried, including the city of bones."

Qianqian nodded and whispered, "it's just a pity. At the beginning, many of our sisters were sent to the place where they were buried, and there was no news anymore."

Qianqian bowed his head and thought of the naked men of the serpent race. Countless sisters were sent to all kinds of places. Many of them were sent to the place where they were buried for some special reasons.

The blood of the snake people has a tonic effect. Therefore, for some time, the snake blood of the snake people was very popular in the buried bone city. However, with the reconstruction of the snake people, the disciples of the snake people returned to the snake people. This phenomenon has just disappeared.

And all this is given to him by the man in front of him.

Qianqian's mouth stirred up a gentle smile, gently took Lin Feng's hand, paused and said, "but now, we all have a warm home."

"Yes!" Qin Yanran's mouth with a gentle smile echoed with her.

The sun rose from the horizon, and the gate of the buried bone city opened slowly. Some caravans in the buried bone city began to walk wildly. The practitioners followed the caravan, and groups of people were ready to turn and leave.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

One night of fighting, everyone's spirit is highly tense. As soon as they relax after death, they look much more comfortable in an instant.

"Sir." Huang San came out of the city and saw Lin Feng and his party. His eyes lit up immediately. He held some food in his hand and said, "Sir, these are spiritual food. Please eat some, sir."

No one did it. Huang San smiled embarrassed and said, "these are spiritual food outside the bone burial place. They were bought by me and some practitioners who went in and out with the caravan. They are all feeling and not bloody."

Hearing Huang San's words, Qin Yanran and Qian Qian both breathed a sigh of relief, took the lead in answering, smiled and nodded, saying:

"Thank you."

Hearing the second daughter's thanks, Huang San raised his head and looked at the second daughter. Instead, he lowered his head and said, "Sir, are you ready to leave?"

"No, we still have some things. We're just idle now. Just take us around the bone burial place." Lin Feng smiled and said, "is it OK?"

"Yes, yes, sir, please!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang San's eyes lit up immediately, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "please follow me, sir. I'll take my husband around the bone burial place. Although the bone burial place is basically a bloody place, there are still some clean and pure places."

Then Huang San made a gesture of invitation, walked half a step behind Lin Feng and told Lin Feng some scenery in the buried city.

From bloody to quiet, every place in the bone burial place has a heavy smell. Countless people are running around in the bone burial place to make money. There are energetic Hunter groups, great forces living here, and people like Huang Sany who make themselves skinny for life.

"Sir, this is the place of burying bones. It's a rare quiet place." Huang San suddenly pointed to a small corner not far away and said, "the small shop there is opened by an old man. It only sells magic and spirit tools and is never stained with blood. The old man's cultivation is very high. No one will make a visit there."

"Well, let's go and have a look." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, got up and walked over there.

"What don't do evil? Don't do evil. This guy did too much evil in his last life. He didn't dare to do evil in this life!" Old man Huang snorted coldly and said.

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, turned to look at old man Huang and said, "are you familiar with this guy?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words of inquiry, old man Huang snorted coldly and turned his mouth.

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