"Hee hee, these guys seem to be afraid of you!" Seeing this scene, Qin Yan smiled and said, "I don't know how these guys are so timid!"

"Of course I'm timid, because I'm surrounded by you?" Lin Feng smiled and whispered, "my woman, no one can covet!"

Hearing Lin Feng's serious words, the three women raised their heads and looked at him. The eyes of Qianqian and Qin Yanran were shining with happiness, while Yao Ziyi's eyes were somewhat complex.

Sometimes, a lost heart actually wants to pick it up no matter when. Yao Ziyi also wants to. However, there are enough people around Lin Feng. The most important thing is that there are her best friends.

They were born together, and then they got entangled because of all kinds of entanglement.

Yao Ziyi turned her head. How can she covet a good friend's man?

Yao Ziyi lowered her head safely and restrained her helplessness. When she raised her head again, a gentle smile came up at the corners of her mouth.

"I said Ziyi girl, in fact, I'm not an old man who relies on the old to sell the old. In my opinion, do you want to consider Deng Jiajia in our family? Although this boy is a little stupid, he is still very honest. Moreover, once you are identified, there will be no others around him!"

Old man Huang raised his head, looked at Yao Ziyi seriously and said.

"Thank you, old Huang." Yao Ziyi said with a gentle smile, "but I don't mean to talk about marriage for the time being."

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, old man Huang sighed and looked helpless. He paused on Lin Feng. This boy is obviously not as good-looking as his apprentice. How can so many people like him?

When can your silly apprentice be loved by many women?

"Boy, if you have nothing to do, teach me more. The boy is open." Old man Huang stood beside Lin Feng and said sadly, "the worst thing is that maybe he can go out and marry a daughter-in-law and come back for me to hug my grandson!"

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng just shook his head. At this time, the whole buried city trembled.

Lin Feng's look immediately changed. The whole flew directly and looked at the place where the bones were buried.

Countless purple and black robbery clouds gathered over the place where the bones were buried. Among the thunder, a bucket of thick purple and black thunder directly hit the other side. Seeing this, Lin Feng's look changed a little.

At this time, a pink figure flew directly.

"It's Shi Ningxue!" Qianqian's eyebrows frowned, the corners of her mouth opened slightly, and her face was incredible, "she chose to be promoted at this time!"

"Yin Ling is most afraid of lightning. It is undoubtedly good for her to be promoted at this time. It is reasonable for her to choose to be promoted at this time." Hearing Qianqian's words, Qin Yanran paused and said softly, "but after the thunder robbery, she didn't dare to say that people are very weak. It depends on how she gets through this level."

"The woman's means are emerging one after another. It seems that this time, the woman will run away again." Lin Feng sighed with some regret and said.

"Hey, hey, boy, anyway, you're promoted now. Why don't we just kill it now?" Old man Huang squeezed his eyebrows and looked at Lin Feng with a bad smile on his face and said, "in this case, we might get a lot of things!"

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng shook his head.

Hu Zhi suffered a great loss in his hands. If he saw him at this time, Hu Zhi would certainly not give up. Therefore, Lin Feng did not intend to put his mind on that guy at all. If it could be solved, it would be better, but if it could not be solved, he would not insist.

After this lesson, Lin Feng believes that Shi Ningxue is smart and won't mess around.

"Why not just kill this woman? I've never seen such a bad woman! " Deng Jiajia didn't know when to stand behind Lin Feng and said softly.

"Blatantly kill, certainly not." Qian Qian paused for a moment and said softly, "Shi Ningxue's identity is also very high. The Shi family has always been thin, so the people of the Shi family are the most important."

Qianqian's voice was very soft. Looking at a scene in the sky, the corners of his mouth aroused a touch of indifference. "Now it's time for the development of Baiyu gate. If Shi Ningxue is killed at this time, the Shi family is bound to retaliate. This is not a good thing for Baiyu gate."

Hearing Qianqian's words, the party looked thoughtful.

"Shi Ningxue is a big trouble. Although the Shi family is hidden in the world, even the four sects will not put too much pressure on the Shi family when facing the Shi family. This family is all a group of madmen."

Yao Ziyi paused and said softly, "Shi Ningxue is just one of them."

"Hehe, whoever dares to bully me, regardless of whether he is crazy or stupid, even if he goes up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, I will never bypass anyone!" Lin Feng turned around and no longer looked at the place where the bones were buried. He went directly to his room.

Lin Feng's voice is not high or low, but it is sonorous and powerful.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's look straightened up and returned to the room with Lin Feng.

Yes, you have always been like this on the road of truth cultivation. As long as you are willing to work hard, there is nothing in the world and you can't do it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and took a simple rest for rectification. The party took a look at the sky. At this time, when the night was completely covered, he was not suitable to go in and out of the buried bone place. Especially now Lin Feng can be said to be the number one enemy of the buried bone place.

Sitting in the room, Lin Feng played with the map in his hand, and a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Lin Feng." Qin Yanran sat opposite Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng, with a gentle smile on her mouth, and said, "Lin Feng, if you can, after this trip, I'll go back first. Go find sister Yutong."

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Qin Yanran. Qin Yanran had a gentle smile on her mouth and said, "sister Yutong is outside now. She must need someone to comfort. It would be best if we could find sister Yutong back. So, you go first. If sister Yutong meets the same thing as me..."

Qin Yanran bowed her head. She didn't say anything behind her, but her eyes were red.

Lin Feng took Qin Yanran's hand and said, "don't worry, Yanran, I'll find sister Tongtong, and now we have the news of sister Tongtong. Since Yutong can defeat the old man, it shows that sister Tongtong's accomplishments and situation are pretty good."

Lin Feng took Qin Yanran's hand and his voice was very soft, hiding all his worries.

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