The next morning, they walked out of the buried city and went all the way to the northeast.

"What we have to pass through is the territory of Jiangxiong, one of the four ghost kings, but Jiangxiong rarely appears, so we are still very likely to go out during the day." Old man Huang paused, holding a piece of shabby parchment in his hand, looked back at Lin Feng, paused, and looked like he wanted to talk and stop.

"If you have anything to say, I'm not such an unkind person." Lin Feng paused for a moment, turned to look at old man Huang and said.

Old man Huang paused, coughed and said, "although Jiang Xiong is relatively low-key, he always hates human killing in his territory."

Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng. He always had the illusion that Lin Feng would not do it.

"I'm not a bad man. He lives his life and I live mine. As long as Jiang Xiong doesn't provoke me first, I will never do it." Lin Feng stood there, gave old man Huang a reassuring smile and said.

Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng in some doubt. He felt that Lin Feng was not the kind of person who could do it.

Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, Lin Feng didn't speak, but just kept his nose silent. NIMA, do you love making trouble so much? Good is also a five good youth!

Seeing Lin Feng's sad appearance, Qin Yanran and Qian Qian both chuckled. The two women held Lin Feng's arms from left to right and gave Yao Ziyi a space.

"Tut Tut, what a blessing!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, old man Huang was envious. He shook his head and led the way in front.

Originally, the party was not particularly attractive, but because there were three girls in the team and they were still role women, it attracted the eyes of countless people. Some people stared at the three women and didn't mean to let go.

"Hum!" Lin Feng snorted coldly, and his accomplishments in the middle of the robbery were revealed. All the people restrained their minds, obediently lowered their heads, and dared not move one by one.

These women are beautiful, but the men in front of them are experts in the middle of the robbery. It means that they can't achieve the cultivation level! Therefore, even if they had thousands of ideas at this time, they all converged and quieted down one by one.

Nonsense, the city of burying bones is so big. How many experts are there in the middle of the robbery?

The master of this realm has every reason to prepare several women around him!

Nevertheless, some people still licked their lips reluctantly, with fanaticism in their eyes.

"These people don't know what to do in the future!" Seeing the appearance of these people, Qianqian shook his head, sighed and said.

"In the city of burying bones, blood and women are all they have. The cultivation skills of people here are to extract power from blood, so they are destined to go that way. There are reasons and results, and they deserve it."

Hearing old man Huang's words, Qian Qian paused without saying anything. He just looked forward to it.

Once upon a time, countless serpent women were sent here. Although the serpent is a demon family, the serpent has the blood of ordinary human beings. At that time, the serpent women were absolutely welcome in the place where the bones were buried.

"Don't think about the past. The key is that we should live well now." Seeing Qianqian's appearance, Lin Feng bowed his head and said with a face like this.

"By the way, old Huang, do you know that there is a big altar under the ground of the Huang family, which needs the blood of countless girls to start, do you know?" Lin Feng suddenly thought of the altar he saw under Huang's house that day. Looking at old Huang, he asked.

"Altar?" Old man Huang paused, turned his head and said, "I don't know. How did you know?"

"Inadvertently went in and took a look." Lin Feng smiled and said, "but as you said, I don't know what it is."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, old man Huang frowned and shook his head. He didn't study this problem deeply, but continued to walk towards the front. As soon as he stepped into the periphery of the buried bone, the surrounding environment began to change slowly.

"Who are these people?" As soon as the three women stepped into the place, they immediately saw that there were people at noon. These people were lying on the ground feebly. Some were dead and some were still breathing. Countless skeleton flying Eagles were flying in the sky, making a clear cry.

Instead, these skeleton flying Eagles landed on the dead body. The skeleton bit a piece of meat and quickly flew into the sky.

"This is the corpse eating eagle in the bone burial place. These guys feed on human corpses. Because most of the bone burial places basically choose the north when they are allowed to, so there are many corpse eating Eagles here."

Old man Huang walked quietly from these corpses, looking a little indifferent, and said.

"Let's go." Seeing that the three women's face was uncomfortable, Lin Feng paused and pulled the three women away. On these bodies, there were not only skeletons, but also the marks left by countless corpse eating eagles. The most important thing was that countless maggots were climbing on these bodies, and even some had climbed on those dying human bodies.

"When people die, it's the most decent way for them to die in the place where they bury their bones." Seeing the impatience on the three women's face, old man Huang paused and said, and then accelerated his pace.

Hearing old man Huang's words, the three women paused for a moment. They seemed a little unhappy. Lin Feng took the three women's hand and said, "let's go quickly. In this way, we can get to the next point before dark."

"OK." The three women nodded and accelerated their steps. At this time, a powerful force in the West rushed directly towards this side. Then, a force rose here, and the two were right together.

"Hu Zhi, how many times have I said, not only invade my territory, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!" A muddy voice sounded in the sky. Old man Huang's body trembled and accelerated his steps.

"Come on, come on, it's Hu Zhi, the three ghost king. He must be coming for you!" Old man Huang turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a sad face.

"Don't worry, don't worry, have a look." Lin Feng stopped and looked over there. In the sky, the two figures gathered together and looked at each other from a distance, with some vigilance in each other's eyes.

"Jiang Xiong, I'll come to your territory to find some humans. Let me go." Hu Zhi's voice is not strong, but he is obviously afraid of being a hero.

"No!" Jiang Xiong shook his head directly and said with a positive face, "my territory has my rules. As long as you act according to my rules, you can go there."

Jiang Xiong's voice was full of affirmation. He blocked Hu Zhi out of his territory and looked positive.

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