When they first looked at the past, they didn't feel that the old man was a serious thief. At this time, this feeling was more clear.

The old man in front of me is far from being serious.

At this time, a cloud in the sky quickly flew towards this side.

"Bang!" Before people arrived, the voice came first. A man in blue stood in front of the thick earth gate, looked at old man Huang, with a fierce face and said, "old man Huang, when are you going to pay back the spirit stone you owe us?"

The man's appearance in the middle of the fit, with a cold light all over and a fierce face, looked at old man Huang and asked loudly.

"Oh, oh, isn't this the literati master of the literati building? In the blink of an eye, it seems that I haven't seen it in three years. The literati master is becoming more and more dignified. Have you made a lot of money these years? " Seeing the visitor, old man Huang paused first, then quickly put on a smile on his face, walked up to the literati and said with a smile.

Deng Jiajia seemed used to it and greeted Lin Feng and his party into the door.

It looks like a small thatched cottage outside, but it's also good inside. It's very spacious. The furniture made of red sandalwood has a sense of massiness, but some small ornaments placed on the table instantly make the whole room aura.

"Brother Lin, sit down first. Master may need some time to deal with the matter." Deng Jiajia had a gentle smile on her face, probably because she returned to her home. Deng Jiajia's whole look was much better than being outside.

"Deng Jiajia, how do you live with this old man?" Qin Yanran looked at the old man Huang with a glib tongue outside, looked at Deng Jiajia, frowned and asked.

"Just get used to it." Deng Jiajia shrugged and looked at the old man Huang outside, looking as usual.

"Literati master, you can't say that old man Huang doesn't pay back the money. Although old man Huang loves credit in Huangtu Island, everyone knows that old man Huang has the best reputation. He borrows and pays back, but he's just a little in arrears."

Old man Huang stood in front of the literati, smiled and said, "and the literati master can rest assured that my thick earth gate is here. My voice has contributed here. Therefore, I won't escape. The literati master shouldn't worry too much."

"Hum! Don't be coquettish, old man Huang. Don't think I don't know your little dirty mind. You'd better think it over. If you can't return the spirit stone you owe me, don't blame me for being merciless! "

The scholar's face was gloomy. Looking at old man Huang, the old man's reputation in Huangtu island was really smelly. If he hadn't opened a new store, he didn't know that there was such a wonderful No. 1 figure. He would never give the old man credit for Lingshi.

Moreover, this credit has been for so many years.

"Oh." Old man Huang looked bitterly at the man in front of him and said, "I said, master literati, why can't you figure it out? Look at me and an old man with a young apprentice. Do you think I will owe the spirit stone forever?"

Old man Huang stared round, looked at the person in front of him, said with righteous words on his face, "if the literati master is not at ease, I swear here, if I can't return the spirit stone to you, let me sleep and enter the bone burial place!"

Old man Huang looked serious and looked at the man in front of him. He said something like a model. If he hadn't been with old man Huang for some time, Lin Feng would still believe the old man in front of him.


Lin Feng shook his head. Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, he shook his head. Now he finally understands why old man Huang doesn't come back. His feelings are too much debt collection.

Seeing old man Huang's appearance, the scholar's body trembled. He shook, looked at the corners of his mouth, and looked at the people in front of him. At this time, he couldn't say a word, not that he couldn't say it, but that he didn't know what to say to the people in front of him.

This guy is clearly a

"OK, I'll give you a chance. If I know next time..." the literati didn't say anything later, but brushed his sleeves and turned and walked away directly.

"The literati master walks slowly. Welcome to come and sit often. Although the humble house is simple, it has tea and water, and the price is cheap!" Old man Huang shouted behind, and the joy in his words could not be concealed.

Turning around, old man Huang returned to the house, sighed with relief and said, "it's really hard for my old man. This old man even asked to come to the door, but dozens of top-grade spirit stones are so stingy."

Old man Huang muttered and asked Deng Jiajia to beat his shoulder. His words were full of complaints and his face was a little disgusted.

"Then don't owe others money!" Hearing what old man Huang said, Qin Yanran rolled her eyes and said.

Old man Huang paused, shook his head for a while, then sighed and said, "Miss Qin, you are a full man, I don't know the hungry man is hungry. Look at our small sect, we don't even have a decent plaque. You say, where can I have money to go out naturally? But I can't control myself... "

Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, everyone was silent. The prepared words couldn't be said at this time. This guy is really

The next day to night, old man Huang went out to deal with the debt collectors several times. The debt collectors came one by one and could only go away in a hurry. Old man Huang's three inch good tongue surprised everyone.

"The old man didn't see his other skills. He has practiced his three inch tongue very well." Qin Yanran stood by the window and watched old man Huang make another wave of people. She shook her head and said with a smile.

"Yes, very capable." Lin Feng's eyes paused on the Loess outside. Originally, there was a circle of green. At this time, it seemed that there was no green at all. "I saw this kind of person who turned his door into a desert for the first time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yan burst out laughing, lit Lin Feng's chest and said, "you're so bad!"

Qin Yanran's slender jade finger touched Lin Feng's chest with a touch of pink. Lin Feng grabbed Qin Yanran's finger and put it in his mouth. Qian Qian sucked it and said:

"How do I feel? You're a little worse than me, huh?" Lin Feng's mouth stirred up a faint smile, looked at Qin Yanran and said oh.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran rolled her eyes and broke free, but she couldn't get out of Lin Feng's embrace at all.

"Wife, haven't you been with me for a long time?" Lin Feng looked down at Qin Yanran, the fire in her eyes. Hot silk did not hide it.

"Nonsense, not a few days ago..." before Qin Yanran finished her words, she was kissed back by Lin Feng with a tongue. Her head entered Qin Yanran's mouth and stirred Qin Yanran's feelings.

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, all the surrounding scenery changed in an instant.

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